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Arin Aurora, Ph.D.

Arin Aurora, Ph.D.

Titles and Appointments

Associate Professor

Medical School
Radiation Oncology | Biochemistry | Internal Medicine
Graduate Programs
Cancer Biology
  • Biography

    Arin B. Aurora, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology at UT Southwestern Medical Center, earned her bachelor’s degree in biology from Cornell University and went on to obtain her Ph.D. in immunology from the University of California, San Francisco. She conducted postdoctoral work as an American Cancer Society fellow at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, examining the transcriptional programs regulated by angiogenic inhibitors. Dr. Aurora then continued her postdoctoral work with Dr. Eric Olson at UT Southwestern, where she made important discoveries toward understanding the immunological pathways regulating  mammalian heart repair and regeneration in response to injury.

    In 2014, Dr. Aurora joined the faculty of the Children’s Medical Research Institute at UT Southwestern as an Assistant Professor, where she investigated the molecular mechanisms that enable melanoma metastasis. Since 2023, Dr. Aurora has worked as part of a cross-disciplinary team assessing the feasibility of using anticancer small molecules with novel targets for preclinical development. Using a combination of genetic tools, biochemistry, and medicinal chemistry, the team seeks to systematically understand on- and off-target properties of candidate small molecules that impact their efficacy and toxicity. In addition to evaluating small molecules for potential clinical development, these potent and specific tools are used to uncover novel biology.

  • Education
    Cornell University (1998), Biology
    Graduate School
    Uni of California-Sfrancisco (2004), Immunology
    Graduate School
    (2024), Biomedical Sciences
  • Research Interest
    • Cancer biology
    • Genetics
    • Metabolism
    • Small molecule therapeutics
  • Publications
    Mitochondrial complex I promotes kidney cancer metastasis
    Bezwada D, Perelli L, Lesner NP, Cai L, Brooks B, Wu Z, Vu H, Sondhi V, Cassidy DL, Kasitinon SY, Kelekar S, Cai F, Aurora AB, Patrick M, Leach A, Ghandour R, Zhang Y, Do D, McDaniel P, Sudderth JA, Dumesnil D, House S, Rosales TI, Poole AM, Lotan Y, Woldu S, Bagrodia A, Meng X, Cadeddu JA, Mishra P, Garcia Bermudez J, Pedrosa I, Kapur P, Courtney KD, Malloy CR, Genovese G, Margulis V, DeBerardinis RJ Nature 2024 Aug 633 923-931
    Patient-Derived Models of Cancer in the NCI PDMC Consortium: Selection, Pitfalls, and Practical Recommendations
    Habowski AN, Budagavi DP, Scherer SD, Aurora AB, Caligiuri G, Flynn WF, Langer EM, Brody JR, Sears RC, Foggetti G, Arnal Estape A, Nguyen DX, Politi KA, Shen X, Hsu DS, Peehl DM, Kurhanewicz J, Sriram R, Suarez M, Xiao S, Du Y, Li XN, Navone NM, Labanca E, Willey CD Cancers 2024 Feb 16
    Author Correction: PHGDH heterogeneity potentiates cancer cell dissemination and metastasis (Nature, (2022), 605, 7911, (747-753), 10.1038/s41586-022-04758-2)
    Rossi M, Altea-Manzano P, Demicco M, Doglioni G, Bornes L, Fukano M, Vandekeere A, Cuadros AM, Fernández-García J, Riera-Domingo C, Jauset C, Planque M, Alkan HF, Nittner D, Zuo D, Broadfield LA, Parik S, Pane AA, Rizzollo F, Rinaldi G, Zhang T, Teoh ST, Aurora AB, Karras P, Vermeire I, Broekaert D, Elsen JV, Knott MM, Orth MF, Demeyer S, Eelen G, Dobrolecki LE, Bassez A, Brussel TV, Sotlar K, Lewis MT, Bartsch H, Wuhrer M, Veelen Pv, Carmeliet P, Cools J, Morrison SJ, Marine JC, Lambrechts D, Mazzone M, Hannon GJ, Lunt SY, Grünewald TG, Park M, Rheenen Jv, Fendt SM Nature 2022 Sep 609 E8
    PHGDH heterogeneity potentiates cancer cell dissemination and metastasis
    Rossi M, Altea-Manzano P, Demicco M, Doglioni G, Bornes L, Fukano M, Vandekeere A, Cuadros AM, Fernández-García J, Riera-Domingo C, Jauset C, Planque M, Alkan HF, Nittner D, Zuo D, Broadfield LA, Parik S, Pane AA, Rizzollo F, Rinaldi G, Zhang T, Teoh ST, Aurora AB, Karras P, Vermeire I, Broekaert D, Elsen JV, Knott MM, Orth MF, Demeyer S, Eelen G, Dobrolecki LE, Bassez A, Brussel TV, Sotlar K, Lewis MT, Bartsch H, Wuhrer M, Veelen Pv, Carmeliet P, Cools J, Morrison SJ, Marine JC, Lambrechts D, Mazzone M, Hannon GJ, Lunt SY, Grünewald TG, Park M, Rheenen Jv, Fendt SM Nature 2022 May 605 747-753
    A Short Isoform of Spermatogenic Enzyme GAPDHS Functions as a Metabolic Switch and Limits Metastasis in Melanoma
    Gill JG, Leef SN, Ramesh V, Martin-Sandoval MS, Rao AD, West L, Muh S, Gu W, Zhao Z, Hosler GA, Vandergriff TW, Durham AB, Mathews TP, Aurora AB Cancer research 2022 Apr 82 1251-1266
    Loss of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase function increases oxidative stress and glutaminolysis in metastasizing melanoma cells
    Aurora AB, Khivansara V, Leach A, Gill JG, Martin-Sandoval M, Yang C, Kasitinon SY, Bezwada D, Tasdogan A, Gu W, Mathews TP, Zhao Z, DeBerardinis RJ, Morrison SJ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2022 Feb 119
    TRPML1 Promotes Protein Homeostasis in Melanoma Cells by Negatively Regulating MAPK and mTORC1 Signaling
    Kasitinon SY, Eskiocak U, Martin M, Bezwada D, Khivansara V, Tasdogan A, Zhao Z, Mathews T, Aurora AB, Morrison SJ Cell Reports 2019 Aug 28 2293-2305.e9
    Immune modulation of stem cells and regeneration
    Aurora AB, Olson EN Cell Stem Cell 2014 Jul 15 14-25
    Macrophages are required for neonatal heart regeneration
    Aurora AB, Porrello ER, Tan W, Mahmoud AI, Hill JA, Bassel-Duby R, Sadek HA, Olson EN Journal of Clinical Investigation 2014 Mar 124 1382-1392
    MicroRNA-214 antagonism protects against renal fibrosis
    Denby L, Ramdas V, Lu R, Conway BR, Grant JS, Dickinson B, Aurora AB, McClure JD, Kipgen D, Delles C, Van Rooij E, Baker AH Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2014 Jan 25 65-80
  • Honors & Awards
    • American Heart Association Beginning Grant-in-Aid
    • American Cancer Society Postdoctoral Fellowship
    • European School of Haematology Marie Curie Actions Scholarship
    • Robert H. Lurie Cancer Center Katten Muchin Rosenman Scholarship
    • American Association for Cancer Research -Takeda Scholar-in-Training Award
  • Professional Associations/Affiliations
    • American Association for Cancer Research (2016-2022)
    • American Heart Association (2011-2014)