Cheng-Ming Chiang, Ph.D. Titles and Appointments Professor School Medical School Department Harold C. Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center | Biochemistry | Pharmacology Graduate Programs Cancer Biology, Cell and Molecular Biology Biography Cheng-Ming Chiang was born in Taipei, Taiwan. He received his B.S. from the Department of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University in 1984, and his Ph.D. from the Department of Biochemistry, University of Rochester in 1991. His doctoral dissertation was supervised by Professors Louise Chow and Thomas Broker. After finishing his postdoctoral training with Professor Robert Roeder at Rockefeller University, he took a faculty position in the Department of Biochemistry at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign in 1995. In 2000, he moved to Department of Biochemistry at Case Western Reserve University as tenured Associate Professor. Dr. Chiang accepted a Professorship at UT Southwestern and relocated his laboratory to UTSW in July 2007. Dr. Chiang is a 1996 Pew Scholar and has been an editorial board member of the Journal of Biological Chemistry and Faculty of 1000 since 2003. He has been a regular member for American Cancer Society Genetic/DNA Mechanisms in Cancer, National Institutes of Health Virology B, and Human Frontier Science Program study sections. His research interests span transcription, chromatin, gene regulation, post-translational modification, molecular virology (particularly human papillomavirus), cancer biology, and therapeutic compound development. Dr. Chiang is presently a member of the National Advisory Committee for the Pew Scholars in the Biomedical Sciences sponsored by the Pew Charitable Trusts. Education Undergraduate Unlisted - International Colle , Chemistry Graduate School University of Rochester , Biochemistry Research Interest Brd4 in Epigenetic Control and Cancer Therapeutics Chromatin Transcription and Posttranslational Modification Gene Regulation in Human Papillomaviruses (HPVs) Human General Transcription Factors and Cofactors in Eukaryotic Transcription p53 Tumor Suppressor Function and Regulation Therapeutics targeting Phospho-BRD4 Publications Featured Publications BRD4 isoforms have distinct roles in tumour progression and metastasis in rhabdomyosarcoma. Das D, Leung JY, Balamurugan S, Tergaonkar V, Loh AHP, Chiang CM, Taneja R, EMBO Rep 2024 Jan IDR-targeting compounds suppress HPV genome replication via disruption of phospho-BRD4 association with DNA damage response factors. Wu SY, Lai HT, Sanjib Banerjee N, Ma Z, Santana JF, Wei S, Liu X, Zhang M, Zhan J, Chen H, Posner B, Chen Y, Price DH, Chow LT, Zhou J, Chiang CM, Mol Cell 2023 Dec Direct interaction with the BRD4 carboxyl-terminal motif (CTM) and TopBP1 is required for human papillomavirus 16 E2 association with mitotic chromatin and plasmid segregation function. Prabhakar AT, James CD, Fontan CT, Otoa R, Wang X, Bristol ML, Yeager C, Hill RD, Dubey A, Wu SY, Chiang CM, Morgan IM, J Virol 2023 Sep e0078223 Loss of BRD4 induces cell senescence in HSC/HPCs by deregulating histone H3 clipping. Yang H, Sui P, Guo Y, Chen S, Maloof ME, Ge G, Nihozeko F, Delma CR, Zhu G, Zhang P, Ye Z, Medina EA, Ayad NG, Mesa R, Nimer SD, Chiang CM, Xu M, Chen Y, Yang FC, EMBO Rep 2023 Aug e57032 Targeting ESR1 mutation-Induced transcriptional addiction in breast cancer with BET inhibition. Udden SN, Wang Q, Kumar S, Malladi VS, Wu SY, Wei S, Posner BA, Geboers S, Williams NS, Liu YL, Sharma JK, Mani RS, Malladi S, Parra K, Hofstad M, Raj GV, Larios JM, Jagsi R, Wicha MS, Park BH, Gupta GP, Chinnaiyan AM, Chiang CM, Alluri PG, JCI Insight 2022 Jul Conditional Human BRD4 Knock-In Transgenic Mouse Genotyping and Protein Isoform Detection. Lewis MP, Wu SY, Chiang CM, Bio Protoc 2022 Apr 12 7 Discovery, X-ray Crystallography, and Anti-inflammatory Activity of Bromodomain-containing Protein 4 (BRD4) BD1 Inhibitors Targeting a Distinct New Binding Site. Liu Z, Li Y, Chen H, Lai HT, Wang P, Wu SY, Wold EA, Leonard PG, Joseph S, Hu H, Chiang CM, Brasier AR, Tian B, Zhou J, J Med Chem 2022 Jan Functional coordination of BET family proteins underlies altered transcription associated with memory impairment in fragile X syndrome. Kim SK, Liu X, Park J, Um D, Kilaru G, Chiang CM, Kang M, Huber KM, Kang K, Kim TK, Sci Adv 2021 May 7 21 Targeted mRNA demethylation using an engineered dCas13b-ALKBH5 fusion protein. Li J, Chen Z, Chen F, Xie G, Ling Y, Peng Y, Lin Y, Luo N, Chiang CM, Wang H, Nucleic Acids Res. 2020 Jun 48 10 5684-5694 KAP1 Is a Chromatin Reader that Couples Steps of RNA Polymerase II Transcription to Sustain Oncogenic Programs. Bacon CW, Challa A, Hyder U, Shukla A, Borkar AN, Bayo J, Liu J, Wu SY, Chiang CM, Kutateladze TG, D'Orso I, Mol. Cell 2020 May Results 1-10 of 43 1 2 3 4 5 Next Last Books Featured Books Identification of alternatively spliced mRNAs and localization of 5' ends by polymerase chain reaction amplification. In Methods in Molecular Biology (Vol. 16): PCR Protocols: Current Methods and Applications Chiang, C.-M., L.T. Chow, and T.R. Broker (1993). Humana Inc. Expression and purification of epitope-tagged multisubunit protein complexes from mammalian cells. In Current Protocols in Molecular Biology Wu, S.-Y. and C.-M. Chiang (2001). Update to: Establishment of Stable Cell Lines Expressing Potentially toxic Proteins by tetracycline-Regulated and Epitope-Tagging Methods. In Cloning and Expression Vectors for Protein Studies Hou, S.Y., S.-Y. Wu, and C.-M. Chiang (2001). Eaton Book Publishing The general transcription machinery and preinitiation complex formation. In Gene Expression and Regulation Hou, S.Y. and C.-M. Chiang (2006). Higher Education Press (Beijing) & Springer General Cofactors: TFIID, Mediator and USA. In Gene Expression and Regulation Thomas, M.C. and C.-M. Chiang (2006). Higher Education Press (Beijing) & Springer Honors & Awards F1000 Faculty Member of the Year Award in Cell BiologyF1000Prime (2019) F1000 Faculty Member of the Year Award in Cell BiologyF1000Prime (2018) F1000 Faculty Member of the Year Award in Cell BiologyF1000Prime (2017) Mt. Sinai Health Care Foundation ScholarCase Western Reserve University (2000) Pew Scholar in the Biomedical SciencesPew Charitable Trust (1996) Postdoctoral FellowHelen Hay Whitney Foundation (1993) Postdoctoral FellowAaron Diamond Foundation (1993) The Wallace O. Fenn AwardUniversity of Rochester (1991) The Walter Bloor AwardUniversity of Rochester (1991) Professional Associations/Affiliations Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio (2000-2007) Rockefeller University, New York, New York (1992-1995) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois (1995-2000) University of Rochester, Rochester, New York (1987-1991) University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas (2007)