Nicholas Conrad, Ph.D. Titles and Appointments Professor Endowed Title Southwestern Medical Foundation Scholar in Biomedical Research School Medical School Department Microbiology Graduate Programs Biological Chemistry, Molecular Microbiology Education Graduate School Johns Hopkins University (2002), Biochemistry Research Interest Intron Retention KSHV gene expression RNA decay RNA methylation Publications Featured Publications Functional analysis of 3' UTR hairpins supports a two-tiered model for posttranscriptional regulation of MAT2A by METTL16. Hunter OV, Ruiz JC, Flaherty JN, Conrad NK, RNA 2023 Aug The PNUTS-PP1 complex acts as an intrinsic barrier to herpesvirus KSHV gene expression and replication. Devlin AM, Shukla A, Ruiz JC, Barnes SD, Govindan A, Hunter OV, Scarborough AM, D'Orso I, Conrad NK, Nat Commun 2022 Dec 13 1 7447 Genome-Wide CRISPR Screening to Identify Mammalian Factors that Regulate Intron Retention. Scarborough AM, Govindan A, Conrad NK, Methods Mol Biol 2022 2537 263-284 SAM homeostasis is regulated by CFIm-mediated splicing of MAT2A. Scarborough AM, Flaherty JN, Hunter OV, Liu K, Kumar A, Xing C, Tu BP, Conrad NK, Elife 2021 May 10 Kaposi's Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus Fine-Tunes the Temporal Expression of Late Genes by Manipulating a Host RNA Quality Control Pathway. Ruiz JC, Devlin AM, Kim J, Conrad NK, J Virol 2020 07 94 14 Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus ORF57 protein protects viral transcripts from specific nuclear RNA decay pathways by preventing hMTR4 recruitment. Ruiz JC, Hunter OV, Conrad NK, PLoS Pathog. 2019 02 15 2 e1007596 Balance between MAT2A intron detention and splicing is determined co-transcriptionally. Pendleton KE, Park SK, Hunter OV, Bresson SM, Conrad NK RNA 2018 Mar A Conserved Splicing Silencer Dynamically Regulates O-GlcNAc Transferase Intron Retention and O-GlcNAc Homeostasis. Park SK, Zhou X, Pendleton KE, Hunter OV, Kohler JJ, O'Donnell KA, Conrad NK Cell Rep 2017 Aug 20 5 1088-1099 The U6 snRNA m(6)A Methyltransferase METTL16 Regulates SAM Synthetase Intron Retention. Pendleton KE, Chen B, Liu K, Hunter OV, Xie Y, Tu BP, Conrad NK Cell 2017 May 169 5 824-835.e14 Canonical Poly(A) Polymerase Activity Promotes the Decay of a Wide Variety of Mammalian Nuclear RNAs. Bresson SM, Hunter OV, Hunter AC, Conrad NK PLoS Genet. 2015 Oct 11 10 e1005610 Results 1-10 of 31 1 2 3 4 Next Last Professional Associations/Affiliations Affiliated Member, Green Center for Reproductive Biology Sciences (2021-2024)