Luc “Luc P Brion” Brion, M.D. Titles and Appointments Professor Emeritus School Medical School Department Pediatrics You have reached the Academic Profile. For more information on the doctor and patient care, please visit the clinical profile. Biography Download Curriculum Vitae Dr. Luc P Brion has published >130 manuscripts, 15 chapters, 20 clinical guidelines and presented >130 abstracts. During his training in pediatrics and in neonatology, he participated and conducted studies on growth, nutrition and assessment of renal function in neonates and children. As Faculty at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York (AECOM), he was funded for years by the NIH, American Heart Association, Genentech Foundation, and Pharmacia for basic sciences research in developmental nephrology, specifically renal acid secretion, carbonic anhydrase, pathophysiological effects of acidosis and growth. Dr. Brion has served on the IRB at AECOM. Dr. Brion was Director of the Fellowship Training Program in Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine at AECOM in 1997-2006. He was Director of the Fellowship Training Program in Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine at UTSW in 2007-2019. He has been research mentor for 40 trainees and >10 Faculty. He is a member of the Neonatal Review Group of the Cochrane Collaboration. He has participated in 5 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in preterm infants and several multi-center research studies. From 2009 until 2023 he was the University of Texas Southwestern (UTSW) Alternate PI for the NICHD Eunice Kennedy Shriver Cooperative Multicenter Neonatal Research Network (NRN). Dr. Brion served on the subcommittee on protection of human subjects of the NRN. Dr. Brion's current research interest includes (1) improving nutrition and growth in very preterm and very low birth weight infants to optimize neurodevelopment and to reduce signs suggestive of metabolic syndrome in high-risk preterm infants and (2) using evidence-based medicine to improve morbidity and morbidity (e.g., necrotizing enterocolitis) in neonates. In preterm infants fed human milk, milk fortification can be adjusted by 1) optimization, based on growth rate and serum analyses, or 2) individualization, based on daily human milk nutrient analysis. Randomized allocation to adjusting macronutrients based on breast milk analysis in preterm neonates did not improve weight gain, linear growth or weight/length disproportion at 36 weeks postmentrual age or discharge. Follow-up at 18-38 months showed that the type of feeding supplementation had no effect on Bayley scores. At 3 years of age, infants in the experimental arm (individualized fortification) had central obesity and higher serum leptin:adiponectin ratio and central obesity compared with controls. Notably, serum leptin:adiponectin ratio was strongly correlated with weight gain and anthropometric measurements suggesting central obesity. Valid serial length measurements in preterm infants were shown to permit characterization of growth patterns. A quality improvement project using adjustable feedings plus accurate serial length measurements was successful in reducing excessive weight gain and weight length disproportion at discharge without affecting linear growth, head growth or neurodevelopment. Among extremely low gestational age neonates (ELGANs) a serum Zinc concentration was obtained in 52 with insufficient linear growth (17%). Zinc supplementation for >2 weeks improved head growth to discharge or 50 weeks postmenstrual age in infants with Zinc deficiency. Additional studies are in process to assess linear growth, ventricular size and neurodevelopment. A quality improvement project is in progress at Parkland Hospital, aiming at reducing necrotizing enterocolitis stage II or greater (Bell classification) among high-risk neonates, i.e., those born with gestational age < 33 weeks and those with birthweight < 1500 grams. Another project is designed to assess risk for either death or developing necrotizing enterocolitis stage III. In 2013 Dr. Brion took the Clinical Safety and Efficacy Course at UTSW. He supervised a team of research nurses who maintain the Divisional extensive neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) clinical databases at Parkland and Children’s Medical Center and databases for the Vermont Oxford Neonatal Network (VON) and Children’s Hospital Network Database (CHND). He compiled and presented an Annual Report of mortality and morbidity of neonates admitted to Parkland NICU and compared them to those of the NICHD NRN, VON and national data. He has used the databases for quality improvement and for research. Dr. Brion retired on April 10, 2023 and is now professor emeritus. Education Medical School Universite Libre de Bruxelles (1976) Residency Hopital Universitaire Saint-Pierre (1979), Pediatrics Residency Institut Edith Cavell (1981), Pediatrics Fellowship Hospital for Sick Children (1982), Neonatal-perinatal Medicine Fellowship Institut Edith Cavell (1982), Neonatal-perinatal Medicine Fellowship Cliniques Universitaires (1983), Neonatal-perinatal Medicine Fellowship Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Medical Center (1985), Neonatal-perinatal Medicine Residency Montefiore Medical Center/ Albert Einstein College of Medicine (1986), Pediatrics Research Interest Necrotizing enterocolitis Neonatal mortality/morbidity Neonatal nutrition and gorwth Renal disease Publications Featured Publications Whole-Body Hypothermia for Neonatal Encephalopathy in Preterm Infants 33 to 35 Weeks' Gestation: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Faix RG, Laptook AR, Shankaran S, Eggleston B, Chowdhury D, Heyne RJ, Das A, Pedroza C, Tyson JE, Wusthoff C, Bonifacio SL, Sánchez PJ, Yoder BA, Laughon MM, Vasil DM, Van Meurs KP, Crawford MM, Higgins RD, Poindexter BB, Colaizy TT, Hamrick SEG, Chalak LF, Ohls RK, Hartley-McAndrew ME, Dysart K, D'Angio CT, Guillet R, Kicklighter SD, Carlo WA, Sokol GM, DeMauro SB, Hibbs AM, Cotten CM, Merhar SL, Bapat RV, Harmon HM, Sewell E, Winter S, Natarajan G, Mosquera R, Hintz SR, Maitre NL, Benninger KL, Peralta-Carcelen M, Hines AC, Duncan AF, Wilson-Costello DE, Trembath A, Malcolm WF, Walsh MC, JAMA Pediatr 2025 Feb Short Duration of Antenatal Corticosteroid Exposure and Outcomes in Extremely Preterm Infants. Chawla S, Wyckoff MH, Lakshminrusimha S, Rysavy MA, Patel RM, Chowdhury D, Das A, Greenberg RG, Natarajan G, Shankaran S, Bell EF, Ambalavanan N, Younge NE, Laptook AR, Pavlek LR, Backes CH, Van Meurs KP, Werner EF, Carlo WA, JAMA Netw Open 2025 Feb 8 2 e2461312 NICHD Magnetic Resonance Brain Imaging Score in Term Infants With Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy: A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial. Shankaran S, Laptook AR, Guimaraes C, Murnick J, McDonald SA, Das A, Petrie Huitema CM, Pappas A, Higgins RD, Hintz SR, Zaterka-Baxter KM, Van Meurs KP, Sokol GM, Chalak LF, Colaizy TT, Devaskar U, Tyson JE, Reynolds AM, DeMauro SB, Sánchez PJ, Laughon MM, Carlo WA, Watterberg K, Puopolo KM, Hibbs AM, Hamrick SEG, Cotten CM, Barks J, Poindexter BB, Truog WE, D'Angio CT, JAMA Pediatr 2025 Feb The Relationship Between Hispanic Ethnicity and Outcomes for Infants Born Extremely Preterm. Brumbaugh JE, Bann CM, Bell EF, Travers CP, Vohr BR, McGowan EC, Harmon HM, Carlo WA, Hintz SR, Duncan AF, J Pediatr 2025 Jan 279 114474 Neonatal feeding practices and SARS-CoV-2 transmission in neonates with perinatal SARS-CoV-2 exposure: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Babata KL, Sultana R, Hascoet J, Albert R, Chan CS, Mazzarella K, Muhammad T, Yeo KT, Kong JY, Brion LP. JCM 2025 14 Improved linear growth after routine zinc supplementation in preterm very low birth weight infants. Seidu TA, Brion LP, Heyne R, Brown LS, Jacob T, Edwards A, Lair CS, Wyckoff MH, Nelson DB, Angelis D. Pediatric Research 2025 Respiratory Outcomes of Infants Born Extremely Preterm in the Necrotizing Enterocolitis Surgery Trial. DeMauro SB, Jensen EA, McDonald SA, Hintz S, Tyson J, Stevenson DK, Blakely ML, J Pediatr 2024 Nov 114391 A validated NICU database: recounting 50 years of clinical growth, quality improvement and research. Babata K, Rosenfeld CR, Jaleel M, Burchfield PJ, Oren MS, Albert R, Steven Brown L, Chalak L, Brion LP, Pediatr Res 2024 Oct Surgical Necrotizing Enterocolitis and Spontaneous Intestinal Perforation Lead to Severe Growth Failure in Infants. Speer AL, Lally KP, Pedroza C, Zhang Y, Poindexter BB, Chwals WJ, Hintz SR, Besner GE, Stevenson DK, Ohls RK, Truog WE, Stoll BJ, Rysavy MA, Das A, Tyson JE, Blakely ML, Ann Surg 2024 Sep 280 3 432-443 Acetaminophen for Patent Ductus Arteriosus and Risk of Mortality and Pulmonary Morbidity. Jensen EA, DeMauro SB, Rysavy MA, Patel RM, Laughon MM, Eichenwald EC, Do BT, Das A, Wright CJ, Pediatrics 2024 Aug 154 2 Results 1-10 of 228 1 2 3 4 5 Next Last Books Featured Books Renal Disease. In Neonatology: Pathophysiology and Management of the Newborn. JB Lippincott Company, Philadelphia. Fourth Edition, MacDonald MG (1994). Philadelphia, JB Lippincott Company Clinical significance of developmental renal physiology. In RA Polin, WW Fox; Fetal and Neonatal Physiology Brion LP, Satlin LM (1998). Philadelphia, PA, Philadelphia, PA: Saunders. Kidney and Urinary Tract. In Fanaroff AA, Martin RJ, eds. Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine. Brion LP, Bernstein J, Spitzer A. (1997). St. Louis, MO: Mosby. Renal disease. In MacDonald MG, Mullett MD, Seshia MMK. Avery's Neonatology: Pathophysiology and Management of the Newborn.. 6th edition Nafday S, Brion LP, Benchimol C, Satlin LM, Flynn J, Edelmann CM Jr. (2005). Philadelphia, PA: JB Lippincott Company. Renal disease. In MacDonald MG, Mullett MD, Seshia MMK, eds. Avery's Neonatology: Pathophysiology and Management of the Newborn. 7th edition Nafday SM, Woda CB, Saland JM, Flynn JT, Askenzi D, Benchimol C, Brion LP. (2016). Philadelphia, PA: JB Lippincott Company. Neonatal Jaundice. In Campbell DE, ed. Neonatology for Primary Care. Kapadia VS, Brion LP. (2014). Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics. Neonatal jaundice in the term and near term infant. In TK McInerny, HM Adam, DE Campbell, DM Kamat, KJ Kelleher, eds. American Academy of Pediatrics Textbook of Pediatric Care. Brion LP. (2008). Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics. Renal Disease. In MacDonald MG, ed. Neonatology: Pathophysiology and Management of the Newborn.. 5th edition Brion LP, Satlin LM, Edelmann CM Jr. (1999). Philadelphia, PA: JB Lippincott Company. Neonatal jaundice.. In Campbell DE. Neonatology for Primary Care Johnson KA, Maple BB, Brion LP. (2020). Elk Grove Village, IL, American Academy of Pediatrics Renal disease.. In MacDonald MG, Mullett MD, Seshia MMK. Avery's Neonatology: Pathophysiology and Management of the Newborn. Nafday SM, Woda CB, Saland JM, Flynn JT, Askenazi D, Benchimol C, Brion (2021). Philadelphia., JB Lippincott Company, Neonatal jaundice. In McInerny T, Adam HM, Campbell DE, Foy JM, Kamat, DM, and DeWitt TG, eds. AAP Textbook of Pediatric Care Kapadia VS, Brion LP (2015). Elk Grove Village, IL, McInerny T, Adam HM, Campbell DE, Foy JM, Kamat, DM, and DeWitt TG. American Academy of Pediatrics. The use of plasma creatinine concentration for estimating glomerular filtration rate in infants, children and adolescents.. In Pediatric Clinics of North America Schwartz GJ, Brion LP, Spitzer A. (1986). Phildelphia, PA, Elsevier Carbonic anhydrases in the nervous system. In WR Chegwidden, ND Carter, YH Edwards. The carbonic anhydrases: New Horizons. Cammer WB, Brion LP (2000). Basel, Switzerland, Birkhäuser Verlag Honors & Awards Top scholar - lifetimeScholarGPS (2024) Provider of the Month, Childrens Medical Center of Dallas, NICU, May 2019 (2019) Elected to American Pediatric Society (2015) Individualizing and Optimizing Nutrition to Prevent Metabolic Syndrome and To Improve Neurodevelopment in Preterm and Small for Gestational Age InfantsGerber Foundation, National Grant (2015-2019) Optimizing Individual Nutrition in Preterm Very Low Birth Weight InfantsChildrens Medical Center Clinical Advisory Committee (CCRAC) Senior Investigator Research Award New Direction (2015-2017) Site Alternate PI, UTSW, DallasNational Institute of Child Health and Human Development Eunice Kennedy Shriver Cooperative Multicenter Neonatal Research Network: (2011-2021) Recognition by program directors for special contributionCOGME, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY (2006) Listed in Top DoctorsAmerican Registry (2004-2005) Best Doctors in America (2003-2014) America's Registry of Outstanding Professionals (2002-2003) ListedAmericas Registry of Outstanding Professionals (2002-2003) Listed in Guide to Americas PediatriciansConsumers Research Council of America (2002-2003) ListedStrathmores Whos Who (2001-2003) New York Metro Area Top DoctorsCastle Connolly Medical Ltd (2001-2005) Listed in 3rd & 4th Eds, How to Find the Best Doctors: New York Metro AreaCastle Connolly Guide (1998-1999) Listed in The Best Doctors in New York, Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine,New York Magazine (1998-2002) Grant-in-Aid: Regulation of renal membrane-bound carbonic anhydrase in response to acidosisAmerican Heart Association (1997-1999) Hormonal and cellular mechanisms of failure to thrive in acidotic micePharmacia Inc (1997-1999) Hormonal mechanisms of growth failure in chronic acidosisPharmacia (1996-1997) Hormonal mechanisms of growth failure in chronic acidosisGenentech Foundation for Growth and Development (1996-1998) Interdivisional Research Award (IRA), Role of somatotropin in growth retardation associated with chronic metabolic acidosisDepartment of Pediatrics, Montefiore Medical Center (1995-1997) Molecular regulation of carbonic anhydrase IV isozymesDepartment of Pediatrics Internal Grant, Montefiore Medical Center (1995-1997) Biomedical Research Grants & Crisis Support GrantAlbert Einstein College of Medicine (1990-1996) Clinical Investigator Award: 'Regulation and development of renal acid-base transport'NIDDK (1990-1995) Scholarship Award in PediatricsUniversité Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium (1976-1977) Special Bachelor's Degree in PediatricsUniversité Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium (1976-1981) Special Bachelor's Degree in PediatricsUniversité Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium (1976-1981) Prix Fleurice MercierUniversité Libre de Bruxelles (1970-1971) Professional Associations/Affiliations American Academy of Pediatrics (1987) American Medical Association American Pediatric Society (2014) Cochrane Collaboration (1999) Society of Pediatric Research (1992)