Robert Bachoo, M.D., Ph.D. Titles and Appointments Associate Professor Endowed Title Miller Family Professorship in Neuro-Oncology School Medical School Department Neurology | Internal Medicine Graduate Programs Cancer Biology You have reached the Academic Profile. For more information on the doctor and patient care, please visit the clinical profile. Biography Joined UT Southwestern: 2006 Dr. Robert Bachoo is a physician-scientist in the Department of Neurology and holds joint appointments in the Department of Internal Medicine and the Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center. Research: He leads the Neuro-Oncology Translational Laboratory in the Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center, coordinating multidisciplinary basic, translational, and clinical brain tumor-related research. Dr. Bachoo’s research focuses on understanding the fundamental mechanisms that drive malignant brain tumors. A major emphasis of his work is developing accurate models of brain tumors, which include using genetically engineered mouse glioma models (GEMMs) as well as patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models from patients undergoing surgical resection of their tumor at UT Southwestern. His laboratory has generated one of the largest collections of brain tumor PDX models in the country and has pioneered the intra-operative metabolic tracer studies in brain tumor patients undergoing surgery for studying tumor metabolism. These clinically and molecularly annotated mouse models serve as critical discovery platforms to understand fundamental mechanisms that drive brain growth and identify potential therapeutic vulnerabilities. Insights gained from the models have contributed to overturning an 80-year-old dogma about how brain tumors fuel their growth as well as identified novel clinical imaging biomarkers and potential therapeutic targets. In addition to fostering multidisciplinary collaborative research at UTSW, Dr. Bachoo has developed strong inter-institutional collaborations with faculty in the Departments of Biomedical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering (UT Arlington and UT Dallas). Together, his research teams use biophysical approaches to understand how brain tumor cells migrate through the brain tissue, a characteristic which makes these tumors surgically incurable. These projects aim to develop novel strategies to safely and reversibly disrupt the blood-brain-barrier for drug delivery. Dr. Bachoo has authored more than 100 scientific peer-reviewed articles and is reviewer for more than 20 journals. He has served on multiple NIH research study sections, including as a permanent member of the Cellular and Molecular Biology of Glia (CMBG), and on Special Emphasis Panels, including the Cancer Atlas. Background: Dr. Bachoo received his MD from the University of Toronto (Ontario, Canada) and his PhD from McGill University (Quebec, Canada). He completed his Neurology training at Tufts University, Boston, where he served as the Chief Resident in Neurology. Following his clinical training, he joined Dr. Ronald Depinho’s laboratory at Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard University, Boston, as a post-doctoral research fellow, while serving as a Clinical Instructor in Neurology Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard University. Dr. Bachoo joined as faculty of the Neurology Department at UT Southwestern Medical Center in 2006 and was named the Miller Family Professor in Neuro-Oncology. Education Graduate School McGill University Faculty of Medicine (1989), Experimental Medicine Medical School University of Toronto (1996), Medicine Internship Brigham and Women's Hospital/The Faulkner Hospital (1997), Neurology Residency Tufts University (2000), Neurology Research Interest Blood Brain Barrier Disruption Brain Tumor Metabolism Malignant Transformation Stem Cell Biology Tumor Cell Migration Tumor Microenvironment Publications Editorial Expression of Concern: Telomere dysfunction and Atm deficiency compromises organ homeostasis and accelerates ageing(Nature, 10.1038/nature01385) Wong KK, Maser RS, Bachoo RM, Menon J, Carrasco DR, Gu Y, Alt FW, DePinho RA Nature 2025 Spatially Precise and Minimally Invasive Delivery of Peptides to the Spinal Cord for Behavior Modulation Leong TW, Gao Z, David ET, Li X, Cai Q, Mwirigi JM, Zhang T, Giannotta M, Dejana E, Wiggins J, Krishnagiri S, Bachoo RM, Ge X, Price TJ, Qin Z ACS Nano 2024 Dec 18 34720-34729 Erratum: Epidermal growth factor receptor and Ink4a/Arf: Convergent mechanisms governing terminal differentiation and transformation along the neural stem cell to astrocyte axis (Epidermal growth factor receptor and Ink4a/Arf (2002) 1(3) (269–277), (S1535610802000466), (10.1016/S1535-6108(02)00046-6)) Bachoo RM, Maher EA, Ligon KL, Sharpless NE, Chan SS, You MJ, Tang Y, DeFrances J, Stover E, Weissleder R, Rowitch DH, Louis DN, DePinho RA Cancer Cell 2024 Dec 42 2124 Transcription factors ASCL1 and OLIG2 drive glioblastoma initiation and co-regulate tumor cell types and migration Myers BL, Brayer KJ, Paez-Beltran LE, Villicana E, Keith MS, Suzuki H, Newville J, Anderson RH, Lo Y, Mertz CM, Kollipara RK, Borromeo MD, Lu QR, Bachoo RM, Johnson JE, Vue TY Nature communications 2024 Dec 15 Glioblastoma Margin as a Diffusion Barrier Revealed by Photoactivation of Plasmonic Nanovesicles Xiong H, Wilson BA, Ge X, Gao X, Cai Q, Xu X, Bachoo R, Qin Z Nano Letters 2024 Feb 24 1570-1578 Optical Modulation of the Blood–Brain Barrier for Glioblastoma Treatment Cai Q, Fan H, Li X, Giannotta M, Bachoo R, Qin Z Bio-protocol 2024 Jan 14 Live Mapping of the Brain Extracellular Matrix and Remodeling in Neurological Disorders Ge X, Xu X, Cai Q, Xiong H, Xie C, Hong Y, Gao X, Yao Y, Bachoo R, Qin Z Small Methods 2024 Jan 8 Glioblastoma Maher EA, Bachoo RM 2024 Jan 2 215-227 Optical blood-brain-tumor barrier modulation expands therapeutic options for glioblastoma treatment Cai Q, Li X, Xiong H, Fan H, Gao X, Vemireddy V, Margolis R, Li J, Ge X, Giannotta M, Hoyt K, Maher E, Bachoo R, Qin Z Nature communications 2023 Dec 14 Systematic investigation of mitochondrial transfer between cancer cells and T cells at single-cell resolution Zhang H, Yu X, Ye J, Li H, Hu J, Tan Y, Fang Y, Akbay E, Yu F, Weng C, Sankaran VG, Bachoo RM, Maher E, Minna J, Zhang A, Li B Cancer Cell 2023 Oct 41 1788-1802.e10 Results 1-10 of 100 1 2 3 4 5 Next Last Books Featured Books Glioblastoma. In Rosenberg's Molecular and Genetic Basis of Neurological and Psychiatric Disease Maher E, Bachoo, R (2014). San Diego, Elsevier Honors & Awards American Society of Clinical InvestigationPoster presentation award (2002) Chief ResidentTufts University Neurology Program (1999-2000) Medical Research Council of Canada Medical Scientist (1994-1996) Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada Medical Scientist (1992-1994) McGill UniversityPh.D. with Honors (1989) Professional Associations/Affiliations American Academy of Neurology (2011) American Association for Cancer Research (2006) American Society of Neurology (2000) American Society of Neuro-Oncology (2002)