Avanthi Shah, M.D. Titles and Appointments Assistant Professor School Medical School Department Pediatrics You have reached the Academic Profile. For more information on the doctor and patient care, please visit the clinical profile. Biography Avanthi Tayi Shah, M.D. is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at UTSW, where she is developing the Precision Oncology Program within the Division of Hematology-Oncology. She also leads the Cancer Genetics Clinic at Children's Health Plano. She is a leader in translational genomics which aims to improve human health by building on discoveries made through genetics research and applying them in the clinical setting. Her career goal is to improve outcomes for pediatric oncology patients by utilizing genomic techniques, such as liquid biopsy and tumor sequencing. After earning her medical degree and completing her residency in pediatrics at UTSW, she completed a fellowship in pediatric hematology/oncology at Stanford University/Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital. She joined the lab of Dr. Alejandro Sweet-Cordero, where her interests included the integration of DNA and RNA sequencing in pediatric oncology, as well as the design of a circualting tumor DNA assay for pediatric sarcomas. Dr. Shah served on the faculty of UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital San Francisco as Director of the Pediatric Cancer Precision Medicine Program and Director of the Pediatric Hereditary Cancer Program before coming to UTSW. Education Medical School UT Southwestern Medical School (2009) Residency UT Southwestern/Children's Medical Center (2012), Pediatrics Fellowship Stanford University/Lucile Packard Children's Hospital (2016), Pediatric Hematology/oncology Research Interest Circulating tumor DNA Hereditary cancer Pediatric sarcoma Precision medicine Publications Featured Publications Development and characterization of new patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models of osteosarcoma with distinct metastatic capacities. Schott CR, Koehne AL, Sayles LC, Young EP, Luck C, Yu K, Lee AG, Breese MR, Leung SG, Xu H, Shah AT, Liu HY, Spillinger A, Behroozfard IH, Marini KD, Dinh PT, Pons Ventura MAV, Vanderboon EN, Hazard FK, Cho SJ, Avedian RS, Mohler DG, Zimel M, Wustrack R, Curtis C, Sirota M, Sweet-Cordero EA, bioRxiv 2023 Jan An Unusual Parotid Mass in a 14-Year-Old Female. Leavitt T, Shah AT, Singh V, Mitchell RB, Liu CC, Ear Nose Throat J 2021 Dec 1455613211057636 A comprehensive circulating tumor DNA assay for detection of translocation and copy number changes in pediatric sarcomas. Shah AT, Azad TD, Breese MR, Chabon JJ, Hamilton EG, Straessler K, Kurtz DM, Leung SG, Spillinger A, Liu HY, Behroozfard IH, Wittber FM, Hazard FK, Cho SJ, Daldrup-Link HE, Vo KT, Rangaswami A, Pribnow A, Spunt SL, Lacayo NJ, Diehn M, Alizadeh AA, Sweet-Cordero EA, Mol Cancer Ther 2021 Aug Complete Response to PD-1 Inhibition in an Adolescent With Relapsed Clear Cell Adenocarcinoma of the Cervix Predicted by Neoepitope Burden and APOBEC Signature. Levinson A, Lee AG, Martell HJ, Breese MR, Zaloudek C, Van Ziffle J, Laguna B, Leung SG, Chen MD, Chen LM, Pfeil J, Ladwig NR, Shah AT, Behroozfard I, Rao AA, Salama SR, Sweet-Cordero EA, Stieglitz E, JCO Precis Oncol 2020 4 Comparative Tumor RNA Sequencing Analysis for Difficult-to-Treat Pediatric and Young Adult Patients With Cancer. Vaske OM, Bjork I, Salama SR, Beale H, Tayi Shah A, Sanders L, Pfeil J, Lam DL, Learned K, Durbin A, Kephart ET, Currie R, Newton Y, Swatloski T, McColl D, Vivian J, Zhu J, Lee AG, Leung SG, Spillinger A, Liu HY, Liang WS, Byron SA, Berens ME, Resnick AC, Lacayo N, Spunt SL, Rangaswami A, Huynh V, Torno L, Plant A, Kirov I, Zabokrtsky KB, Rassekh SR, Deyell RJ, Laskin J, Marra MA, Sender LS, Mueller S, Sweet-Cordero EA, Goldstein TC, Haussler D, JAMA Netw Open 2019 Oct 2 10 e1913968 Ewing sarcoma in a child with neurofibromatosis type 1. Fernandez KS, Turski ML, Shah AT, Bastian BC, Horvai A, Hardee S, Sweet-Cordero EA, Cold Spring Harb Mol Case Stud 2019 10 5 5 Comparative RNA-seq analysis aids in diagnosis of a rare pediatric tumor. Sanders LM, Rangaswami A, Bjork I, Lam DL, Beale HC, Kephart ET, Durbin A, Learned K, Currie R, Lyle AG, Pfeil J, Shah AT, Lee AG, Leung SG, Behroozfard IH, Breese MR, Peralez J, Hazard FK, Lacayo N, Spunt SL, Haussler D, Salama SR, Sweet-Cordero EA, Vaske OM, Cold Spring Harb Mol Case Stud 2019 10 5 5 Genome-Informed Targeted Therapy for Osteosarcoma. Sayles LC, Breese MR, Koehne AL, Leung SG, Lee AG, Liu HY, Spillinger A, Shah AT, Tanasa B, Straessler K, Hazard FK, Spunt SL, Marina N, Kim GE, Cho SJ, Avedian RS, Mohler DG, Kim MO, DuBois SG, Hawkins DS, Sweet-Cordero EA, Cancer Discov 2019 01 9 1 46-63 Precision Medicine in Pediatric Oncology: Translating Genomic Discoveries into Optimized Therapies. Tran TH, Shah AT, Loh ML, Clin Cancer Res 2017 Sep 23 18 5329-5338 Results 1-9 of 9 1 Books Featured Books Genomic Complexity of Osteosarcoma and Its Implication for Preclinical and Clinical Targeted Therapies. In Current Advances in the Science of Osteosarcoma Courtney Schott, Avanthi Tayi Shah, E. Alejandro Sweet-Cordero (2020). Springer Honors & Awards Cary Council DocStars Award (2023-2023) St. Baldrick's Foundation Fellowship (2015-2018) Professional Associations/Affiliations American Association of Cancer Research American Association of Pediatrics American Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Children's Oncology Group Connective Tissue Oncology Society