Kaveh Nezafati, M.D. Titles and Appointments Assistant Professor School Medical School Department Dermatology You have reached the Academic Profile. For more information on the doctor and patient care, please visit the clinical profile. Education Medical School UT Southwestern Medical School (2009) Internship Baylor University Medical Center (2010), Internal Medicine Residency UT Southwestern Medical Center (2013), Dermatology Publications Featured Publications Defining early mycosis fungoides: validation of a diagnostic algorithm proposed by the International Society for Cutaneous Lymphomas. Vandergriff T, Nezafati KA, Susa J, Karai L, Sanguinetti A, Hynan LS, Ambruzs JM, Oliver DH, Pandya AG, J Cutan Pathol 2015 May 42 5 318-28 Treatment of warts with contact allergens. Word AP, Nezafati KA, Cruz PD, Dermatitis 2015 Jan-Feb 26 1 32-7 DC-HIL+ CD14+ HLA-DR no/low cells are a potential blood marker and therapeutic target for melanoma. Turrentine J, Chung JS, Nezafati K, Tamura K, Harker-Murray A, Huth J, Sharma RR, Harker DB, Ariizumi K, Cruz PD, J Invest Dermatol 2014 Nov 134 11 2839-2842 Making contact for contact dermatitis: a survey of the membership of the American Contact Dermatitis Society. Nezafati KA, Carroll B, Storrs FJ, Cruz PD, Dermatitis 2013 Mar-Apr 24 2 47-9 Deferasirox for porphyria cutanea tarda: a pilot study. Pandya AG, Nezafati KA, Ashe-Randolph M, Yalamanchili R, Arch Dermatol 2012 Aug 148 8 898-901 How residency programs can foster practice for the underserved. Blanco G, Vasquez R, Nezafati K, Allensworth A, Bernstein IH, Cruz PD, J Am Acad Dermatol 2012 Jul 67 1 158-9 Ear dermatitis + epoxy reactivity = hearing aid allergy? Word AP, Nezafati KA, Cruz PD, Dermatitis 2011 Nov-Dec 22 6 350-4 14-MHz ultrasonography as an outcome measure in morphea (localized scleroderma). Nezafati KA, Cayce RL, Susa JS, Setiawan AT, Tirkes T, Bendeck SE, Jacobe HT, Arch Dermatol 2011 Sep 147 9 1112-5 Results 1-8 of 8 1