Geetha Shivakumar, M.D. Titles and Appointments Associate Professor School Medical School Department Psychiatry Graduate Programs Clinical Psychology You have reached the Academic Profile. For more information on the doctor and patient care, please visit the clinical profile. Education Undergraduate Bangalore University (1997) Graduate School UT Southwestern Medical Center (2009) Research Interest Women's Mental Health Publications Featured Publications Association of menopause symptoms with depressive symptom severity in a diverse community-based sample. Ji X, Singleterry S, Kulikova A, Harrison Y, Shivakumar G, Brown ES, Maturitas 2021 Jan 143 78-80 Patterns of Treatment Utilization Across the Perinatal Period in the Center for Maternal and Infant Outcomes and Research in Translation (COMFORT) Veterans Study. Shivakumar G, Kroll-Desrosiers AR, Copeland L, Anderson EH, Maydon A, Mattocks K, J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2020 Nov Racial Differences in the Cesarean Section Rates Among Women Veterans Using Department of Veterans Affairs Community Care. Mattocks KM, Kroll-Desrosiers A, Kinney R, Bastian LA, Bean-Mayberry B, Goldstein KM, Shivakumar G, Copeland L, Med Care 2020 Nov Exercise for PTSD in Women Veterans: A Proof-of-Concept Study. Shivakumar G, Anderson EH, Surís AM, North CS Mil Med 2017 Nov 182 11 e1809-e1814 Managing posttraumatic stress disorder and major depression in women veterans during the perinatal period. Shivakumar G, Anderson EH, Surís AM J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2015 Jan 24 1 18-22 Exercise improves depressive symptoms during pregnancy. Shivakumar G BJOG 2014 Sep Screening to Treatment: Obstacles and Predictors in Perinatal Depression (STOP-PPD) in the Dallas Healthy Start program. Shivakumar G, Brandon AR, Johnson NL, Freeman MP Arch Womens Ment Health 2014 Jul Progression of Major Depression during Pregnancy and Postpartum: A Preliminary Study. Shivakumar G, Johnson NL, McIntire DD, Leveno K J. Matern. Fetal. Neonatal. Med. 2013 Jul First controlled treatment trial of bipolar II hypomania with mixed symptoms: Quetiapine versus placebo. Suppes T, Ketter TA, Gwizdowski IS, Dennehy EB, Hill SJ, Fischer EG, Snow DE, Gonzalez R, Sureddi S, Shivakumar G, Cosgrove VE J Affect Disord 2013 Mar Effects of exercise and physical activity on anxiety. Anderson E, Shivakumar G Front Psychiatry 2013 4 27 Results 1-10 of 23 1 2 3 Next Last Honors & Awards APA Research Colloquium for Junior Investigators (2009) Association for Clinical Research Training (ACRT)-Burroughs Wellcome Fund Trainee Travel Award (2008) NCDEU New Investigator Award (2006) Professional Associations/Affiliations American Psychiatric Association Dallas County Medical Society Marce′Society Texas Society of Psychiatric Physicians