Igor Butovich, Ph.D. Titles and Appointments Associate Professor School Medical School Department Ophthalmology Graduate Programs Biological Chemistry Education Graduate School Taras Shevchenko National Univ (1981), Biology Graduate School Taras Shevchenko National Univ (1981), Biochemistry Graduate School National Academy of Sciences (1985), Enzymology Graduate School National Academy of Sciences (1985), Chemistry Research Interest Biochemistry, Physiology, and Pathophysiology of the Eye and Adnexa Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Biophysics of Lipids Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Biophysics of the Tear Film and Meibum Drug Discovery Enzymology Genomics and Metabolomics of the Eye and Adnexa Meibomian Gland Studies Publications Meibomian gland lipid alterations and ocular surface sequela in Awat2 knockout murine model of meibomian gland dysfunction and evaporative dry eye disease Hisey EA, Wong S, Park S, Gamarra KA, Adelman SA, Knickelbein KE, Quan M, Ferneding MH, McCorkell M, Daley N, Ureno V, Le S, Ardon M, Williams L, Puentes B, Bowman M, Motta MJ, Pham HQ, Wilkerson A, Yuksel S, Jester JV, Thomasy SM, Morgan JT, Butovich IA, Leonard BC Ocular Surface 2024 Oct 34 489-503 Comparative Characterization of Human Meibomian Glands, Free Sebaceous Glands, and Hair-Associated Sebaceous Glands Based on Biomarkers, Analysis of Secretion Composition, and Gland Morphology Liu Y, Butovich IA, Garreis F, Zahn I, Scholz M, Gaffling S, Jabari S, Dietrich J, Paulsen F International journal of molecular sciences 2024 Mar 25 Physiological Effects of Soat1 Inactivation on Homeostasis of the Mouse Ocular Surface Wilkerson A, Yuksel S, Acharya R, Butovich IA Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2024 65 Primary cilia control cellular patterning of Meibomian glands during morphogenesis but not lipid composition Portal C, Lin Y, Rastogi V, Peterson C, Yiu SC, Foster JW, Wilkerson A, Butovich IA, Iomini C Communications Biology 2023 Dec 6 Forward genetic screening using fundus spot scale identifies an essential role for Lipe in murine retinal homeostasis Yuksel S, Aredo B, Zegeye Y, Zhao CX, Tang M, Li X, Hulleman JD, Gautron L, Ludwig S, Moresco EM, Butovich IA, Beutler BA, Ufret-Vincenty RL Communications Biology 2023 Dec 6 Dysregulation of Lipid Metabolism in Aging Meibomian Glands and Its Molecular Markers Butovich IA, Wilkerson A, Yuksel S International journal of molecular sciences 2023 Sep 24 Comparative Biophysical Study of Meibomian Lipids of Wild Type and Soat1-Null Mice: Implications to Meibomian Gland Dysfunction and Dry Eye Disease Xu X, Wilkerson A, Li G, Butovich IA, Zuo YY Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2023 Aug 64 Sdr16c5 and Sdr16c6 control a dormant pathway at a bifurcation point between meibogenesis and sebogenesis Butovich IA, Wilkerson A, Goggans KR, Belyaeva OV, Kedishvili NY, Yuksel S Journal of Biological Chemistry 2023 Jun 299 Probing dietary triacylglycerol metabolism and meibogenesis in mice: A stable isotope-labeled tracer liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry study Butovich IA, Yuksel S, Wilkerson A Journal of Biological Chemistry 2023 Apr 299 Dynamic Changes in the Gene Expression Patterns and Lipid Profiles in the Developing and Maturing Meibomian Glands Butovich IA, Wilkerson A International journal of molecular sciences 2022 Jul 23 Results 1-10 of 106 1 2 3 4 5 Next Last Honors & Awards Current NIH awardR01EY027349 (2017-2026) NIH R01 research awards (recent)R01EY019480; R01EY024324 (2010-2021) The Royal Society of Medicine, London, United KingdomOverseas Fellow (2010) National Academy of Sciences, UkraineSenior Research Fellow, Bioorganic Chemistry (1997) Professional Associations/Affiliations Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) (2005) International Society for Eye Research (ISER) (2014) The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2022)