Sing-Yi Feng, M.D. Titles and Appointments Professor School Medical School Department Pediatrics You have reached the Academic Profile. For more information on the doctor and patient care, please visit the clinical profile. Biography Dr. Sing-Yi Feng graduated from the Pennsylvania State University/Jefferson Medical College’s 6-year pre-medicine/medicine program located in Philadelphia, PA. She did her pediatric residency at Lutheran General Children’s Hospital in Park Ridge, IL and stayed an extra year as chief resident. She then moved to Dallas, completed the pediatric emergency medicine fellowship at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas/Children’s Medical Center of Dallas, and stayed to do a Medical Toxicology Fellowship at Parkland Memorial Hospital. She is now an associate professor at UT Southwestern Medical Center and works at the emergency departments at Children’s Medical Center at Dallas and Plano. She is also a medical toxicologist associated with the North Texas Poison Center located at Parkland Memorial Hospital. During the academic year of 2019-2020, Dr. Feng was the assistant pediatric emergency medicine fellowship director and became the associate pediatric emergency medicine fellowship director in July 2020. Education Medical School Jefferson Medical College (1998) Residency Lutheran General Hospital (2001), Pediatrics Residency Lutheran General Hospital (2002), Pediatrics Fellowship UT Southwestern/Children's Medical Center (2005), Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship Parkland Health and Hospital System (2007), Medical Toxicology Research Interest Medical Education Toxicology Publications Featured Publications Virtual Interviewing for Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship-A National Survey. van der Laan L, George R, Nesiama JA, Nagler J, Langhan ML, Yen K, Ngo TL, Rose JA, Caglar D, Kant S, Ciener D, Feng SY, Pediatr Emerg Care 2021 Oct Hard as Iron: A Case of Delayed Presentation of Severe Iron Toxicity With Diagnostic and Treatment Dilemmas. Rickner SS, Feng SY, Pediatr Emerg Care 2021 May 37 5 e269-e271 E-cigarette or vaping product use-associated lung injury (EVALI) features and recognition in the emergency department. Aldy K, Cao DJ, Weaver MM, Rao D, Feng SY, J Am Coll Emerg Physicians Open 2020 Oct 1 5 1090-1096 Clinical Features of E-cigarette, or Vaping, Product Use-Associated Lung Injury in Teenagers. Rao DR, Maple KL, Dettori A, Afolabi F, Francis JKR, Artunduaga M, Lieu TJ, Aldy K, Cao DJ, Hsu S, Feng SY, Mittal V, Pediatrics 2020 May Review of Health Consequences of Electronic Cigarettes and the Outbreak of Electronic Cigarette, or Vaping, Product Use-Associated Lung Injury. Cao DJ, Aldy K, Hsu S, McGetrick M, Verbeck G, De Silva I, Feng SY, J Med Toxicol 2020 Apr "That's Not His Regular Formula": A Case of Organophosphate Poisoning in an Infant. Dodson J, Feng SY, Rodriguez D, Pediatr Emerg Care 2019 May Comparison of Unintentional Exposures to Codeine and Hydrocodone Reported to Texas Poison Centers. Day L, Kleinschmidt K, Forrester MB, Feng SY J Emerg Med 2016 Feb Cheese: an old drug in a new wrapper. Maxwell JC, Coleman JJ, Feng SY, Goto CS, Tirado CF Drug Alcohol Depend 2012 Nov 126 1-2 161-7 Benzonatate toxicity in a teenager resulting in coma, seizures, and severe metabolic acidosis. Thimann DA, Huang CJ, Goto CS, Feng SY J Pediatr Pharmacol Ther 2012 Jul 17 3 270-3 Dangerous Drug Interactions Velez LI, Feng SY, Goto CS, Benitez FL Emergency Medicine Reports 2011 Sep 32 249-260 Results 1-10 of 18 1 2 Next Last Books Featured Books Toxic Ingestions & Exposures. In LANGE Current Diagnosis and Treatment: Pediatric Emergency Medicine, C. Stone, R. Humphries, D. Drigalla, M. Stephan, eds. Feng SY, Goto CS (2015). McGraw-Hill Education Anticholinergics. In Rosen's Emergency Medicine - Concepts and Clinical Practice, 8th edition, J. Marx, R. Hockberger, R. Walls, eds. Velez L, Feng S (2013). Philadelphia, Saunders Elsevier Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Apparent Life-Threatening Event. In Pediatric Emergency Medicine: Just the Facts, 2nd edition, G. Strange, W. Ahrens, R. Schafermeyer, R. Wiebe, H. Prendergast, V. Dobiesz, eds. Feng SY, Goto CS (2011). McGraw-Hill Toxic Ingestions and Exposures. In Rudolph's Pediatrics, 22nd edition, C. Rudolph, A. Rudolph, G. Lister, A. Gershon, eds. Feng S, Goto CS, Baker MD (2011). McGraw-Hill Body Packers and Stuffers. In Fleisher and Ludwig's 5 Minute Pediatric Emergency Medicine Consult, 2nd edition, Hoffman RJ, et al, eds. Feng S, Goto CS (2019). Wolters Kluwer; 70-72 Bites and Stings. In Nelson's Textbook of Pediatrics, 21st edition. Feng D, Goto CS (2019). Elsevier Inc; p 3822 Toxic Ingestions and Exposures. In Rudolph's Pediatrics, 23rd edition, Kline MW, Blaney SM, Giardino AP, Orange JS, Penny DJ, Schutze GE, Shekerdemian LS, eds. Feng S, Goto CS (2018). New York, NY, McGraw-Hill Education; 500-513 Honors & Awards Fellowship Educator of the YearUT Southwestern Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship (2019) Most Valuable PersonnelLutheran General Hospital, Park Ridge, IL (2001) Dean's ListPenn State University Eberly College of Science (1992-1994) Professional Associations/Affiliations American Academy of Pediatrics (2018) American Academy of Pediatrics: Society of Emergency Medicine, Council of Injury, Violence, and Poison Prevention (2012) American College of Emergency Physicians (2005) American College of Medical Toxicologists: Pediatric Special Interest Group, Toxicology History Society (2005) Fellow, American Academy of Pediatrics (2006)