Craig Huang, M.D. Titles and Appointments Associate Professor School Medical School Department Pediatrics You have reached the Academic Profile. For more information on the doctor and patient care, please visit the clinical profile. Biography Dr. Craig J. Huang graduated from the University of Texas – Galveston, Texas for medical school. He did his pediatric residency at the Medical College of Virginia in Richmond, VA. He then completed his pediatric emergency medicine fellowship at Eastern Virginia Medical School/Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters in Norfolk, VA. He is now an associate professor at UT Southwestern Medical Center and works at the emergency departments at Children’s Health Dallas and Plano. He was the associate pediatric emergency medicine fellowship director from 2009-2015. He also serves as the Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine’s director for trauma and prehospital services and is the medical director for the ED Senior Paramedic Program. He has been the Trauma Medical Director for Children’s Health Plano campus since 2016, and continues to serve in this role. Education Medical School University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston (1996) Internship Medical College of Virginia (1997), Pediatrics Residency Medical College of Virginia (1999), Pediatrics Fellowship Children's Hosp. of the King's Dghtrs-Norfolk (2002), Pediatric Emergency Medicine Research Interest Apparent life threatening events (ALTEs) Prehospital Care Resident/Fellow education Syncope Transport Medicine Trauma and Burns Use of technology (handheld computers, digital cameras, computers) in pediatric emergency care Publications Featured Publications Team Approach: Pediatric Musculoskeletal Infection. Dhar AV, Huang CJ, Sue PK, Patel K, Farrow-Gillespie AC, Hammer MR, Zia AN, Mittal VS, Copley LA, JBJS Rev 2020 Mar 8 3 e0121 An Infant's Sudden-Onset Rash and Swelling: Can You Identify the Cause? Yuan YYE, Nesiama J-A, Huang C Consultant 2018 58 6 Nonmydriatic Fundoscopic Imaging Using the Pan Optic iExaminer System in the Pediatric Emergency Department. Day LM, Wang SX, Huang CJ Acad Emerg Med 2016 Nov Images in emergency medicine. 10-year-old female with a subglottic mass. Ranula. Thimann D, Huang C, Patel K Ann Emerg Med 2012 Nov 60 5 668, 677 Validation and refinement of a prediction rule to identify children at low risk for acute appendicitis. Kharbanda AB, Dudley NC, Bajaj L, Stevenson MD, Macias CG, Mittal MK, Bachur RG, Bennett JE, Sinclair K, Huang C, Dayan PS Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2012 Aug 166 8 738-44 Benzonatate toxicity in a teenager resulting in coma, seizures, and severe metabolic acidosis. Thimann DA, Huang CJ, Goto CS, Feng SY J Pediatr Pharmacol Ther 2012 Jul 17 3 270-3 Interrater reliability of clinical findings in children with possible appendicitis. Kharbanda AB, Stevenson MD, Macias CG, Sinclair K, Dudley NC, Bennett J, Bajaj L, Mittal MK, Huang C, Bachur RG, Dayan PS Pediatrics 2012 Apr 129 4 695-700 Development of national standardized all-hazard disaster core competencies for acute care physicians, nurses, and EMS professionals. Schultz CH, Koenig KL, Whiteside M, Murray R Ann Emerg Med 2012 Mar 59 3 196-208.e1 Cryptorchid testicular torsion Moore CP, Marr JK, Huang CJ Pediatric Emergency Care 2011 Feb 27 2 121-123 Amylase and lipase measurements in paediatric patients with traumatic pancreatic injuries. Matsuno WC, Huang CJ, Garcia NM, Roy LC, Davis J Injury 2009 Jan 40 1 66-71 Results 1-10 of 17 1 2 Next Last Books Featured Books Pediatric Prehospital Care; Interfacility Transport. In Strange G, Ahrens W, Schafermeyer R, Wiebe R, Prendergast H, Dobiesz V, eds. Pediatric Emergency Medicine: Just the Facts, 2nd ed. Huang CJ, Sheehan M. (2011). McGraw-Hill. Chest Trauma. In Stone C, Humphries R, Drigalla D, Stephan M, eds. LANGE Current Diagnosis and Treatment Pediatric Emergency Medicine. Nesiama JO, Huang CJ. (2015). McGraw-Hill; 242-250. Chapter 126: Stridor and Drooling in Infants and Children. In Tintinalli?s Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide, 9th edition Parikh R, Huang CJ (2020). New York NY, McGraw Hill Trauma, Spinal Cord. In Fleisher and Ludwig?s 5-Minute Pediatric Emergency Medicine Consult, 2nd edition Braga B, Huang CJ (2019). Philadelphia PA, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, P. 954-955 Honors & Awards Ali Abdulla Al-Ubaydli Scholarship Winner for Mobile Medical ComputingSponsored by Epocrates and Dr. Mohammad Al-Ubaydli (2008) Research Trainee Travel AwardSouthern Society for Pediatric Research (2001) Young Investigators AwardAwarded by Southern Regional Societies Annual Meeting of the Ambulatory Pediatrics Association (2001) Fellows AwardPresented by the Ambulatory Pediatrics Association (2000) Outstanding Resident in Pediatric Emergency DepartmentAwarded by the Virginia Commonwealth University/Medical College of Virignia Hospitals (1999) Professional Associations/Affiliations Academic Pediatrics Association Ambulatory Pediatric Association American Academy of Pediatrics American Academy of Pediatrics, Fellow (2002) American Academy of Pediatrics, Section on Transport Medicine (2009) American College of Emergency Physicians, Member and Fellow American College of Emergency Physicians, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Section (2006) American Medical Association Texas College of Emergency Physicians Texas Medical Association