Hicham Ibrahim, M.D. Titles and Appointments Vice President and Senior Exec Officer Ambulatory Services Professor School Medical School Department Health System Affairs EVP | Psychiatry You have reached the Academic Profile. For more information on the doctor and patient care, please visit the clinical profile. Biography Hicham Ibrahim, M.D., M.B.A., is Professor of Psychiatry at UT Southwestern Medical Center. He also serves as Associate Vice President and Chief Medical Officer of Ambulatory Services. He was previously Vice Chair for Clinical Affairs of the Department of Psychiatry at UT Southwestern Medical Center and Chief of Psychiatry of the Mental Health service at the Dallas Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Dr. Ibrahim completed his medical education at the American University of Beirut and his residency in Psychiatry at the University of Michigan Medical Center and UT Southwestern Medical Center. He also completed a research fellowship in Neuroscience at the University of Michigan, two clinical fellowships in Addiction and Geriatric Psychiatry at UT Southwestern Medical Center, and a Master of Business Administration at the University of Texas at Dallas. Dr. Ibrahim has been repeatedly selected by his peers for inclusion in Best Doctors in America since 2011. He has won numerous insititutional and national teaching awards including the American Psychiatric Association Irma Bland Award for Excellence in Teaching Residents and Nancy Roeske Award for Excellence in Teaching Medical Students. He has published peer-reviewed articles in top professional journals such as American Journal of Psychiatry and Annual Reviews in Pharmacology and Toxicology, given invited presentations at national scientific meetings, and served as a reviewer for several professional journals. Education Medical School American University of Beirut (1996) Research Fellowship University of Michigan Hospitals & Health Centers (1998), Neuroscience Residency University of Michigan Hospitals & Health Centers (2001), Adult Psychiatry Residency UT Southwestern Medical Center (2002), Adult Psychiatry Fellowship UT Southwestern Medical Center (2003), Addiction Psychiatry Fellowship UT Southwestern Medical Center (2004), Geriatric Psychiatry Publications Featured Publications Setting Measurement-Based Care in Motion: Practical Lessons in the Implementation and Integration of Measurement-Based Care in Psychiatry Clinical Practice. Martin-Cook K, Palmer L, Thornton L, Rush AJ, Tamminga CA, Ibrahim HM, Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat 2021 17 1621-1631 Speculations on the Future of Psychiatric Diagnosis. Rush AJ, Ibrahim HM J. Nerv. Ment. Dis. 2018 Jun 206 6 481-487 A Clinician's Perspective on Biomarkers. Rush AJ, Ibrahim HM, Focus (Am Psychiatr Publ) 2018 Apr 16 2 124-134 Attitudes Towards Substance Use Disorders and Association with Motivational Interviewing Education: A Survey of Psychiatry Chief Residents. Jha MK, Abele MK, Brown JA, Ibrahim H, Wakhlu S Acad Psychiatry 2016 Mar Identification and management of suicide risk in u.s. Military veterans. Chapman L, Ibrahim H Tex Med 2015 111 2 56-60 Teaching Motivational Interviewing Skills to Psychiatry Trainees: Findings of a National Survey. Abele M, Brown J, Ibrahim H, Jha MK Acad Psychiatry 2014 May Treating impaired cognition in schizophrenia. Ibrahim HM, Tamminga CA Curr Pharm Biotechnol 2012 Jun 13 8 1587-94 Schizophrenia: treatment targets beyond monoamine systems. Ibrahim HM, Tamminga CA Annu. Rev. Pharmacol. Toxicol. 2011 Feb 51 189-209 Comparison of self-report and clinician ratings on two inventories of depressive symptomatology. Rush AJ, Carmody TJ, Ibrahim HM, Trivedi MH, Biggs MM, Shores-Wilson K, Crismon ML, Toprac MG, Kashner TM Psychiatr Serv 2006 Jun 57 6 829-37 Dopaminergic abnormalities in select thalamic nuclei in schizophrenia: involvement of the intracellular signal integrating proteins calcyon and spinophilin. Clinton SM, Ibrahim HM, Frey KA, Davis KL, Haroutunian V, Meador-Woodruff JH Am J Psychiatry 2005 Oct 162 10 1859-71 Results 1-10 of 16 1 2 Next Last Honors & Awards Best Doctors in America; Best Doctors. Inc. (2019-2020) Program Development Award; UT Southwestern Medical Center (2019) Outstanding PGY4 Teacher of the Year Award; Department of Psychiatry, UT Southwestern Medical Center (2018-2019) Outstanding PGY4 Teacher of the Year Award; Department of Psychiatry, UT Southwestern Medical Center (2017-2018) Best Doctors in America; Best Doctors Inc. (2016-2017) Outstanding PGY4 Teacher of the Year Award; Department of Psychiatry, UT Southwestern Medical Center (2016-2017) Irma Bland Award for Excellence in Teaching Residents; American Psychiatric Association (2014) Outstanding PGY3 Teacher of the Year Award; Department of Psychiatry, UT Southwestern Medical Center (2014-2015) Best Doctors in America; Best Doctors Inc. (2013-2014) Nancy C. Roeske Award for Excellence in Medical Student Education; American Psychiatric Association (2013) Outstanding PGY3 Teacher of the Year Award; Department of Psychiatry, UT Southwestern Medical Center (2013-2014) Best Doctors in America; Best Doctors Inc. (2012-2013) Outstanding PGY3 Teacher of the Year Award; Department of Psychiatry, UT Southwestern Medical Center (2012-2013) Outstanding PGY4 Teacher of the Year Award; Department of Psychiatry, UT Southwestern Medical Center (2012-2013) Outstanding Teaching Site Award; Department of Psychiatry, UT Southwestern Medical Center (2012-2013) Outstanding PGY4 Teacher of the Year Award; Department of Psychiatry, UT Southwestern Medical Center (2011-2012) Outstanding Teaching Site Award; Department of Psychiatry, UT Southwestern Medical Center (2011-2012) Outstanding Contributions to Medical Student Education Award; Department of Psychiatry, UT Southwestern Medical Center (2010-2011) Outstanding PGY3 Teacher of the Year Award; Department of Psychiatry, UT Southwestern Medical Center (2010-2011) Outstanding PGY4 Teacher of the Year Award; Department of Psychiatry, UT Southwestern Medical Center (2010-2011) Outstanding PGY3 Teacher of the Year Award; Department of Psychiatry, UT Southwestern Medical Center (2009-2010) Outstanding PGY4 Teacher of the Year Award; Department of Psychiatry, UT Southwestern Medical Center (2009-2010) Outstanding Teaching Site Award; Department of Psychiatry, UT Southwestern Medical Center (2009-2010) Program Development Award; UT Southwestern Medical Center (2009) Outstanding Resident Award; National Institute of Mental Health (2000)