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Yuh Min Chook, Ph.D.

Yuh Min Chook, Ph.D.

Titles and Appointments


Endowed Title
Alfred and Mabel Gilman Chair in Molecular Pharmacology; Eugene McDermott Scholar in Biomedical Research
Medical School
Pharmacology | Biophysics
Graduate Programs
Molecular Biophysics
  • Biography

    Dr. Chook received an AB degree in Chemistry and Biology (major at Haverford College) from Bryn Mawr College in 1988. She received a PhD in Biophysics in 1994 from Harvard University, where she studied the structures and mechanism of chorismate mutase with William Lipscomb. Her postdoctoral work was with Emil Pai and Tony Pawson in Toronto studying signal transduction in the Ras pathway, and with Günter Blobel at the Rockefeller University studying the mechanisms of nuclear import.

    In December of 2001, Dr Chook joined the Department of Pharmacology at UT Southwestern as an Assistant Professor and Eugene McDermott Scholar in Biomedical Research. The Chook laboratory aims to understand mechanisms of nucleocytoplasmic transport and molecular recognition by the Karyopherin-β nuclear transport receptors (Kaps; Importins and Exportins), classify nuclear traffic, and discover how Kapβs organize and regulate cellular functions. They seek to discover these roles of Kaps through a combination of structural, biochemical, biophysical, bioinformatics and cell biological investigations focused on Kap-cargo interactions.


  • Education
    Graduate School
    Bryn Mawr College , Chemistry
    Graduate School
    Bryn Mawr College , Biology
    Graduate School
    Harvard University (1993)
  • Research Interest
    • Biochemistry
    • Bioinformatics
    • Biophysics
    • Cell Biology
    • Protein transport, nucleocytoplasmic transport, targeting signals
    • Structural Biology
  • Publications

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  • Books


    Chorismate Mutase, essentially a template enzyme. Chapter 17, 235-244.. In Biological NMR Spectroscopy. John L. Markley, Stanley Opella and Richard Ernst (editors).

    Lipscomb, W.N., Chook, Y.M. and Ke, H. (1997). Oxford University Press.

    Structural Analysis of Karyopherin-mediated nucleocytoplasmic transport.. In Nuclear Transport, edited by Ralph Kehlenbach.

    Zhang, Z. C. and Chook, Y. M. (2009). Landes Bioscience.

  • Honors & Awards
    • Alfred and Mabel Gilman Chair in Molecular Pharmacology
    • The Edith and Peter O’Donnell Award in Science
      Texas Academy of Medicine, Engineering and Science (2015)
    • Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Scholar Award
    • Eugene McDermott Scholar in Biomedical Research
      U.T. Southwestern Endowed Scholar Award (2001)
    • Life Sciences Research Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship
      Rockefeller University (1996)
    • Human Frontiers in Science Program Postdoctoral Fellowship
      University of Toronto/Mount Sinai Hospital (1994)
    • Certificate of Distinction in Teaching
      Harvard-Danforth Center for Teaching and Learning, Harvard University (1990)