Adrienne Anderson, Ph.D. Titles and Appointments Assistant Professor School Medical School Department Psychiatry Biography Adrienne Anderson, Ph.D., earned a Master of Arts, Clinical Psychology, degree in 2013 from the University of Dayton and a Doctor of Philosophy, Clinical Psychology, degree in 2021 from Louisiana State University. Dr. Anderson completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Pediatric Health Psychology at Children’s Medical Center, Dallas, in 2022 and joined UT Southwestern Medical Center as an Assistant Professor in 2023. Publications Featured Publications Examining Influences on Problem Recognition and Help-Seeking for Child Externalizing Behaviors Among African American Mothers. Plessy KS, Anderson A, Kelley ML, Behav Ther 2023 Mar 54 2 418-426 Pediatric behavioral sleep medicine in the era of telemedicine: psychology trainee perspectives. McQuillan ME, Anderson A, Russo KD, Truss A, Honaker SM, Walsh KL, J Clin Sleep Med 2021 Sep 17 9 1965-1967 Consumer factors predicting level of treatment response to illness management and recovery. White DA, McGuire AB, Luther L, Anderson AI, Phalen P, McGrew JH, Psychiatr Rehabil J 2017 Dec 40 4 344-353 Illness management and recovery in community practice. McGuire AB, Bartholomew T, Anderson AI, Bauer SM, McGrew JH, White DA, Luther L, Rollins A, Pereira A, Salyers MP, Psychiatr Rehabil J 2016 Dec 39 4 343-351 Results 1-4 of 4 1 Books Featured Books Treatment of ADHD in Individuals With and Without Intellectual Disabilities. In Handbook of Dual Diagnosis Cummins R, Gretkierewicz S, Anderson A, et al (2020). Cham, Springer Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. In Handbook of Childhood Psychopathology and Developmental Disabilities: Assessment Piscitello J, Anderson AI, Gretkierewicz S, Kelley ML (2018). New York, Springer Professional Associations/Affiliations American Psychological Association (2017) American Psychological Association, Division 54, Society of Pediatric Psychology (2019)