Jin Jiang, Ph.D. Titles and Appointments Professor Endowed Title Eugene McDermott Scholar in Medical Research School Medical School Department Molecular Biology | Pharmacology Graduate Programs Cancer Biology, Genetics, Development and Disease Education Undergraduate Fudan University (1986) Graduate School Columbia University in the Cit (1992) Research Interest Cell signaling pathways important for animal development and human diseases. Genes and pathways involved in cell growth, differentiation, and pattern Hedgehog and Wnt signal transduction pathways. Tumor suppressor genes and mechanism of oncogenesis. Publications Featured Publications Hedgehog regulates Smoothened activity by inducing a conformational switch Yun Zhao, Chao Tong, and Jin Jiang Nature (article) 2007 450 252-258 Sgg/GSK-3 inhibits Hedgehog signaling by regulating Cubitus interruptus Jianhang Jia, Kazuhito Amanai, Gelin Wang, Bing Wang, Jiong Tan, and Jin Jiang Nature 2002 416 548-552 Regulation of the Hedgehog and Wingless signaling pathways by the F-box/WD40 protein Slimb. Jin Jiang and Gary Struhl. Nature 1998 391 493-496 Complementary and mutually exclusive activities of Decapentaplegic and Wingless organize axial patterning during Drosophila leg development. Jin Jiang and Gary Struhl Cell 1996 86 401-409 Protein Kinase A and Hedgehog Signaling in Drosophila Limb Development. Jin Jiang and Gary Struhl. Cell 1995 80 563-572 Regulation of Yki/Yap subcellular localization and Hpo signaling by a nuclear kinase PRP4K. Cho YS, Zhu J, Li S, Wang B, Han Y, Jiang J Nat Commun 2018 Apr 9 1 1657 Hedgehog reciprocally controls trafficking of Smo and Ptc through the Smurf family of E3 ubiquitin ligases. Li S, Li S, Wang B, Jiang J Sci Signal 2018 Feb 11 516 Human CAFs promote lymphangiogenesis in ovarian cancer via the Hh-VEGF-C signaling axis. Wei R, Lv M, Li F, Cheng T, Zhang Z, Jiang G, Zhou Y, Gao R, Wei X, Lou J, Wu X, Luo D, Ma X, Jiang J, Ma D, Xi L Oncotarget 2017 Sep 8 40 67315-67328 Dual role of BMP signaling in the regulation of Drosophila intestinal stem cell self-renewal. Tian A, Jiang J Fly (Austin) 2017 Sep 0 Regulation of Gli ciliary localization and Hedgehog signaling by the PY-NLS/karyopherin-?2 nuclear import system. Han Y, Xiong Y, Shi X, Wu J, Zhao Y, Jiang J PLoS Biol. 2017 Aug 15 8 e2002063 Results 1-10 of 22 1 2 3 Next Last Honors & Awards Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Scholar Award (2003) Searle Scholar Award, the Chicago Community Trust (1999) Eugene McDermott Scholar in Biomedical Research, UT Southwestern (1998) Leukemia Society of America Special FellowLeukemia Society of America Special Fellow (1998) CUSBEA Fellow, Chinese Education Ministry (1987) Professional Associations/Affiliations Genetic Society of America