Mark Agostini, M.D. Titles and Appointments Director, Epilepsy Monitoring Unit, Parkland Health & Hospital System Professor Endowed Title Distinguished Teaching Professor School Medical School Department Neurology Biography Download Curriculum Vitae Mark Agostini, M.D., is a Professor of Neurology at UT Southwestern Medical Center. He specializes in the care of patients with epilepsy. Dr. Agostini received his medical degree at Harvard Medical School and completed his neurology residency at Massachusetts General Hospital, a teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School. He completed a fellowship in neurology at the UCLA School of Medicine. He has been a member of the U.T. Southwestern's Department of Neurology since 1997. He is certified by the American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology in Neurology and Epilepsy. Since 2014 he has been the Medical Director for the Parkland Memorial Hospital EMU and EEG Laboratory Dr. Agostini is active in clinical research, patient care and the education of medical students, neurology residents and neurology fellows. He is the Principal Investigator (PI) of an ongoing study of the clinical effects of an intracranial neurostimulator, used in the treatment of patients with difficult to control epilepsy. He is also active in the research regarding the outcomes of patients presented to the Parkland Hospital ED with seizures, the assessment of bedside seizure testing by nurses, the occurrence of missed seizures in an EMU, the clinical significance of perodic EEG patterns and various aspects of using intracranial EEG in the presurgical evaluation of patients with intractable epilepsy. Dr. Agostini has received many awards for education including the A.B. Baker Teacher Recognition Certificate from the American Academy of Neurology and The University of Texas Regents' Outstanding Teaching Award. He, along with Dr. Richard Dewey, Jr., initiated the U.T. Southwestern core clerkship in Neurology in 2005 and served as the clerkship director until 2018. He continues to work as an assistant clerkship director. He created and continues to manage the "D2L-Desire To Learn", online teaching website for neurology core clerkship students. Education Medical School Harvard Medical School (1989) Internship Massachusetts General Hospital (1990), Medicine Residency Massachusetts General Hospital (1993), Neurology Fellowship Instituto Scientifico San Raffaela Hospital (1995), Neurophysiology Fellowship UCLA (1997), Epilepsy/eeg Research Interest Clinical Correlates of Periodic EEG Patterns Emergency Department Treatment and Outcomes In Patients Presenting With Seizures Evaluation of Bedside Seizure Testing By Nursing Staff Evaluation of Missed Seizures In An EMU Publications Featured Publications Emergency department visits and readmissions in patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNES) at a safety net hospital. Ramamurthy S, Steven Brown L, Agostini M, Alick Lindstorm S, Dave H, Dieppa M, Ding K, Doyle A, Hays R, Harvey J, Perven G, Podkorytova I, Zepeda R, Das RR, Epilepsy Behav 2021 Aug 122 108225 Emergent Admissions to the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit in the Setting of COVID-19 Pandemic-related, State-mandated Restrictions: Clinical Decision Making and Outcomes. Zepeda R, Lee Y, Agostini M, Alick Lindstrom S, Dave H, Dieppa M, Ding K, Doyle A, Harvey J, Hays R, Perven G, Podkorytova I, Das RR, Neurodiagn J 2021 Jun 61 2 95-103 Physical activity status and quality of life in patients with epilepsy - Survey from level four epilepsy monitoring units. Green R, Abe C, Denney DA, Zhang R, Doyle A, Gadelmola K, Cullum CM, Simon J, Neaves S, Perven G, Dieppa M, Hays R, Agostini M, Ding K, Epilepsy Res 2021 Apr 173 106639 Non-lesional mesial temporal lobe epilepsy requires bilateral invasive evaluation. Perven G, Podkorytova I, Ding K, Agostini M, Alick S, Das R, Dave H, Dieppa M, Doyle A, Harvey J, Lega B, Zepeda R, Hays R, Epilepsy Behav Rep 2021 15 100441 Nine-year prospective efficacy and safety of brain-responsive neurostimulation for focal epilepsy. Nair DR, Laxer KD, Weber PB, Murro AM, Park YD, Barkley GL, Smith BJ, Gwinn RP, Doherty MJ, Noe KH, Zimmerman RS, Bergey GK, Anderson WS, Heck C, Liu CY, Lee RW, Sadler T, Duckrow RB, Hirsch LJ, Wharen RE, Tatum W, Srinivasan S, McKhann GM, Agostini MA, Alexopoulos AV, Jobst BC, Roberts DW, Salanova V, Witt TC, Cash SS, Cole AJ, Worrell GA, Lundstrom BN, Edwards JC, Halford JJ, Spencer DC, Ernst L, Skidmore CT, Sperling MR, Miller I, Geller EB, Berg MJ, Fessler AJ, Rutecki P, Goldman AM, Mizrahi EM, Gross RE, Shields DC, Schwartz TH, Labar DR, Fountain NB, Elias WJ, Olejniczak PW, Villemarette-Pittman NR, Eisenschenk S, Roper SN, Boggs JG, Courtney TA, Sun FT, Seale CG, Miller KL, Skarpaas TL, Morrell MJ, Neurology 2020 Jul Invasion of microglia/macrophages and granulocytes into the Mauthner axon myelin sheath following spinal cord injury of the adult goldfish, Carassius auratus. Koganti L, Liu J, DeMajewski A, Agostini MA, Wong TW, Faber DS, Zottoli SJ, J. Morphol. 2019 Nov Comparison of psychiatric comorbidities and impact on quality of life in patients with epilepsy or psychogenic nonepileptic spells. Abe C, Denney D, Doyle A, Cullum M, Adams J, Perven G, Dave H, Dieppa M, Hays R, Agostini M, Ding K, Epilepsy Behav 2019 Nov 102 106649 Treatment of drug-resistant epilepsy in patients with periventricular nodular heterotopia using RNSĀ® System: Efficacy and description of chronic electrophysiological recordings. Nune G, Arcot Desai S, Razavi B, Agostini MA, Bergey GK, Herekar AA, Hirsch LJ, Lee RW, Rutecki PA, Srinivasan S, Van Ness PC, Tcheng TK, Morrell MJ, Clin Neurophysiol 2019 May 130 8 1196-1207 Diagnostic Yield of 2-Hour EEG Is Similar With 30-Minute EEG in Patients With a Normal 30-Minute EEG. Mahuwala Z, Ahmadi S, Bozoky Z, Hays R, Agostini M, Ding K, J Clin Neurophysiol 2019 Feb Neurological Autoantibody Prevalence in Epilepsy of Unknown Etiology. Dubey D, Alqallaf A, Hays R, Freeman M, Chen K, Ding K, Agostini M, Vernino S JAMA Neurol 2017 Feb Results 1-10 of 15 1 2 Next Last Books Featured Books Noninvasive Monitoring. In Neurotrauma and Critical Care of the Brain Rubin M, Agostini MA, Madden CJ. (2009). New York, N.Y., Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc. Honors & Awards Graduation MarshallSelected by the UTSW graduating class (2018) Graduation MarshallSelected by the UTSW graduating class (2017) Selected as Keynote Speaker, Class of 2017 Senior BanquetU.T. Southwestern Medical Center (2017) Graduation MarshallSelected by the UTSW graduating class (2016) Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical SocietyIn recognition of medical student teaching. U.T. Southwestern Medical Center (2015) Graduation MarshallSelected by the UTSW graduating class (2015) Designated as a Distinguished Teaching ProfessorU.T. Southwestern Medical Center (2014) Regents' Outstanding Teaching AwardMedical student teaching award given by the University of Texas (2014) Graduation MarshallSelected by the UTSW graduating class (2013) Outstanding Teaching Award. MS2 ClassMedical Student Teaching Award. U.T. Southwestern Medical Center (2010) Outstanding Adult Neurology Faculty Teaching AwardClinical Neurology Teaching Award. UTSW Department of Neurology & Neurotherapeutics (2009) Outstanding Adult Neurology Faculty Teaching AwardSelected by Pediatric Residents. Department of Neurology & Neurotherapeutics (2009) A.B. Baker Teacher Recognition Certificate. American Academy of NeurologyIn recognition of outstanding teachers in neurology (2008) Socrates Award. Class of 2007 and 2008Medical Student Teaching Award. U.T. Southwestern Medical Center (2007) Clinical Teaching Award. Neurology Clerkship Class of 2006Medical Student Teaching Award. U.T. Southwestern Medical Center (2006) Oustanding Adult Neurology Faculty Teaching AwardClinical Neurology Teaching Award. UTSW Department of Neurology & Neurotherapeutics (2005) Pre-Clinical Teaching Award Class of 2009Medical Student Teaching Award. U.T. Southwestern School of Medicine (2005) PreClinical Teaching Award. Class of 2009Medical Student Teaching Award. U.T. Southwestern Medical Center (2005) Outstanding Faculty Teaching AwardClinical Teaching Award. UTSW Department of Neurology & Neurotherapeutics (2000) Outstanding Resident Teaching AwardClinical Teaching Award. U.C.L.A. Department of Neurology (1997) Glaxo Young Investigator Award (1996) Topscholar Award (1996) Merritt-Putnam Award (1995) Phi Beta KappaAmherst College (1980) Professional Associations/Affiliations American Academy of Neurology (1997) Department of Neurology & Neurotherapeutics, U.T. Southwestern Medical Center (1997) Parkland Memorial Hospital (1997) Professional Advisory Board Epilepsy Foundation, Greater North Texas (1997) Zale Lipshy University Hospital (1997)