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Jill De Vis, M.D.,  Ph.D.

Jill De Vis, M.D., Ph.D.

Titles and Appointments

Assistant Professor

Medical School
Radiation Oncology | Advanced Imaging Research Center

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  • Biography

    Jill B. De Vis, M.D., Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology at UT Southwestern Medical Center with a secondary appointment at the Advanced Imaging Research Center. Her focus is on research and treatment of central nervous system diseases.

    Dr. De Vis earned her medical degree from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium and her Ph.D. in neuroimaging from Utrecht University in the Netherlands. She pursued postdoctoral research training at Johns Hopkins University and worked as a medical scientist at the National Institutes of Health. Prior to joining UT Southwestern, she completed her radiation oncology residency training at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee.

    Her research focuses on the implementation of advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques to assess normal tissue and tumor microenvironment. Evaluating treatment-related changes in the microenvironment allows for prediction of treatment response and can guide personalized or adaptive radiation to maximize tumor control while minimizing radiation-related side effects. 

    Dr. De Vis is the recipient of an R21 grant, which funded her research while she was on the American Board of Radiology (ABR) B. Leonard Holman Research Pathway. She is an active reviewer of numerous professional journals and has authored several manuscripts which have appeared in intermediate-to-high impact journals, including the American College of Cardiology, NeuroImage, and the Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

  • Education
    Vanderbilt University Medical Center 2020, Radiation Oncology
    Medical School
    Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (2011)
    Other Post Graduate Training
    Utrecht University (2015)
    Graduate School
    Utrecht University (2015), Neuroscience
    University Medical Center UTRECHT, Netherland (2016), Radiology
    National Institutes of Health Clinical Center (2017), Neurology
  • Research Interest
    • Investigating tissue and tumor microenvironment with advanced MRI techniques
    • Tumor-microenvironment-driven adaptive radiation to maximize efficacy of treatments
  • Publications
    Magnetic resonance imaging to detect tumor hypoxia in brain malignant disease: A systematic review of validation studies
    Bai Y, Osmundson EC, Donahue MJ, De Vis JB Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology 2025 May 52
    Late Lesion Growth following Endovascular Therapy: Is 24 h Too Early to Assess Acute Infarct Size Including the Effects of Secondary Injury?
    Luby M, Hsia AW, Lomahan CA, Uche V, Davis R, Kim Y, Somani S, Burton S, Cabatbat R, Craft V, De Vis JB, Adil MM, Afzal MM, Thomas LC, Gandler W, Mccreedy ES, Lynch JK, Latour LL Cerebrovascular Diseases 2025 Feb 54 129-137
    Chemoimmunotherapy for Untreated Lung Cancer Brain Metastases: Systemic Before Local Therapy?
    De Vis JB, Cmelak AJ, Osmundson EC Journal of Clinical Oncology 2024 Mar 42 858-859
    In vivo lymph node CEST-Dixon MRI in breast cancer patients with metastatic lymph node involvement
    Donahue MJ, Donahue PM, Jones RS, Garza M, Lee C, Patel NJ, Cooper A, De Vis JB, Meszoely I, Crescenzi R Magnetic resonance in medicine 2024 Feb 91 670-680
    Post-ischemic hyperemia following endovascular therapy for acute stroke is associated with lesion growth
    Luby M, Hsia AW, Lomahan CA, Davis R, Burton S, Kim Y, Craft V, Uche V, Cabatbat R, Adil MM, Thomas LC, De Vis JB, Afzal MM, McGavern D, Lynch JK, Leigh R, Latour LL Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 2023 Jun 43 856-868
    Arterial CO2 pressure changes during hypercapnia are associated with changes in brain parenchymal volume
    van der Kleij LA, De Vis JB, de Bresser J, Hendrikse J, Siero JC European radiology experimental 2020 Dec 4
    Prevalence and vascular risk factors of basal ganglia calcifications in patients at risk for cerebrovascular disease
    Author Collaboration Da, de Brouwer EJ, Kockelkoren R, De Vis JB, Dankbaar JW, Velthuis BK, Takx RA, De Jonghe A, Emmelot-Vonk MH, Koek HL, de Jong PA Journal of Neuroradiology 2020 Sep 47 337-342
    Comparison of T1-Post and FLAIR-Post MRI for identification of traumatic meningeal enhancement in traumatic brain injury patients
    Davis TS, Nathan JE, Tinoco Martinez AS, de Vis JB, Turtzo LC, Latour LL PloS one 2020 Jul 15
    The association between BOLD-based cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) and end-tidal CO2 in healthy subjects
    Hou X, Liu P, Li Y, Jiang D, De Vis JB, Lin Z, Sur S, Baker Z, Mao D, Ravi H, Rodrigue K, Albert M, Park DC, Lu H NeuroImage 2020 Feb 207
    Subarachnoid Hemorrhage and Cerebral Perfusion Are Associated with Brain Volume Decrease in a Cohort of Predominantly Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Patients
    Van Der Kleij LA, De Vis JB, Restivo MC, Turtzo LC, Hendrikse J, Latour LL Journal of neurotrauma 2020 Feb 37 600-607
  • Honors & Awards
    • American Board of Radiology (ABR) B. Leonard Holman Research Pathway
    • W.S. Moore Award Finalist, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM)
    • Cum Laude Merit Award, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM)
    • Summa Cum Laude Merit Award, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM)
    • Cum Laude Merit Award, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM)
  • Professional Associations/Affiliations
    • American Board of Radiology (ABR) (2020)
    • American Brachytherapy Society (ABS) (2020-2024)
    • American College of Radiation Oncology (ACRO) (2022-2024)
    • American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) (2020)
    • American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) (2020)
    • Association of Residents in Radiation Oncology (ARRO) (2020-2024)
    • International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM): (2011)