John Hutton, M.D. Titles and Appointments Associate Professor School Medical School Department Pediatrics Biography John S. Hutton, M.D., M.S., FAAP, is an Associate Professor in the Division of General and Community Pediatrics at UT Southwestern Medical Center and an attending physician at Children’s Medical Center Dallas. He is also an adjunct Associate Professor of General and Community Pediatrics at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. Originally from Kentucky, Dr. Hutton spent formative years in San Antonio before his family moved to the Midwest, and he is thrilled to be back in Texas. He is a primary care pediatrician. In addition to scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals, Dr. Hutton has published numerous children’s books, many with health-promoting themes, including safe sleep, infant calming, breastfeeding, dialogic reading, and limiting digital media use (screen time). Several of these have been found effective in clinical trials. He is also collaborating in a series of picture books introducing organ systems, beginning with the heart and brain, including related pediatric conditions and how children can stay healthy. Inspiring and informing this work is his experience owning and operating an award-winning, independent children's bookstore (Blue Manatee) for almost 20 years. Dr. Hutton is a “spokes-doctor“ for the Read Aloud 15 MINUTES national campaign, serves on the national Medical Advisory Board and Research Steering Committee of Reach Out and Read, works closely with the Children and Screens Institute of Digital Media and Child Development, and is a co-author (neuroscience lead) of forthcoming American Academy of Pediatrics Literacy Promotion Guidelines. His work has been funded by philanthropy, foundations, and the National Institutes of Health. With his team, Dr. Hutton has published the first studies in the world using MRI to quantify relationships between home reading and digital media environments on brain structure and function in preschool-age children. He has also developed and validated measures of emergent literacy (The Reading House) and numeracy (The Number Farm) skills, shared reading quality (DialogPR, SharePR), and digital media use (ScreenQ). He is testing innovative approaches to empowering reading and screen-related guidance for families, including the SHARE/STEP approach to reading with infants, community-based training, specially designed children’s books, animated videos, and a free mobile app. His scientific publications can be accessed via Education Medical School (1998), Medicine Research Interest Digital media use during early childhood Emergent literacy development Emergent numeracy development Magnetic Resonance Imaging and early brain development Pediatric health literacy promotion Promoting interactive reading beginning in infancy Reading and literacy promotion during pediatric primary care Publications Literacy Promotion: An Essential Component of Primary Care Pediatric Practice: Technical Report Author Collaboration CO, Klass P, Mendelsohn AL, Hutton JS, Dunlap M, Anderson AT, High PC, Navsaria D, Navsaria D, Anyigbo CU, Glusman M, Guevara JP, Hashikawa AN, Loria HM, Miller-Fitzwater A, Nelson BB Pediatrics 2024 Dec 154 A greater modulation of the visual and fronto-parietal networks for children in a post-media versus pre-media exposure group Farah R, Shchupak G, Holland S, Hutton J, Dudley J, DiFrancesco M, Altaye M, Horowitz-Kraus T Acta Paediatrica, International Journal of Paediatrics 2024 Aug 113 1876-1883 Neural Signature of Rhyming Ability During Story Listening in Preschool-Age Children Hutton JS, Dudley J, DeWitt T, Horowitz-Kraus T Brain Connectivity 2024 Jun 14 294-303 Beliefs and Motivations Regarding Early Shared Reading of Parents From Low-Income Households: A Qualitative Study Crosh CC, Sherman SN, Valley JE, Parsons A, Gentry A, Glusman M, Hutton JS, Copeland KA Academic Pediatrics 2024 Apr 24 486-493 Digital Media and Developing Brains: Concerns and Opportunities Hutton JS, Piotrowski JT, Bagot K, Blumberg F, Canli T, Chein J, Christakis DA, Grafman J, Griffin JA, Hummer T, Kuss DJ, Lerner M, Marcovitch S, Paulus MP, Perlman G, Romeo R, Thomason ME, Turel O, Weinstein A, West G, Pietra PH, Potenza MN Current Addiction Reports 2024 Apr 11 287-298 Executive functions abilities in preschool-age children are negatively related to parental EF, screen-time and positively related to home literacy environment: an EEG study Horowitz-Kraus T, Fotang J, Niv L, Apter A, Hutton J, Farah R Child Neuropsychology 2024 30 738-759 Maternal education as an environmental factor related to reading in children with reading difficulties: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study Greenwood P, Hutton J, Dudley J, DiFrancesco M, Farah R, Altaye M, Horowitz-Kraus T Dyslexia 2023 Aug 29 217-234 Neuroimaging of brain connectivity related to reading outcomes in children born preterm: A critical narrative review Kelly KJ, Hutton JS, Parikh NA, Barnes-Davis ME Frontiers in Pediatrics 2023 Mar 11 Shared reading with infants: SharePR a novel measure of shared reading quality Hutton JS, Huang G, Crosh C, DeWitt T, Ittenbach RF Pediatric Research 2023 Mar 93 976-984 Higher access to screens is related to decreased functional connectivity between neural networks associated with basic attention skills and cognitive control in children Meri R, Hutton J, Farah R, DiFrancesco M, Gozman L, Horowitz-Kraus T Child Neuropsychology 2023 29 666-685 Results 1-10 of 52 1 2 3 4 5 Next Last Books Featured Books Sleep Baby Safe and Snug (2013). blue manatee press Calm Baby Gently (2014). blue manatee press Eat Baby Healthy (2014). blue manatee press Read Baby, Every Day (2015). blue manatee press Your Baby Always (2015). blue manatee press Baby Unplugged: Play (2014). blue manatee press ADH-Me! (2016). blue manatee press DR Books Series (Dogs! Cats! Cows! Bugs!) (2017). blue manatee press The Reading House (2017). blue manatee press SHARE This Book (2018). blue manatee press Hank the Heart (2020). blue manatee press Billie the Brain (2023). blue manatee press You CAN Read to Me! (Ed.) (2024). blue manatee press Baby Bookworm (2020). blue manatee press COMPARTIR Este Libro (2023). blue manatee press La Casa de la Lectura (Reading House) (2021). blue manatee press Billie the Brain John Hutton (2023). blue manatee press Bedtime Baby, Safe and Sound John Hutton (2024). blue manatee press Bookworm Buddies A to Z John Hutton, Amy McGrory (2024). blue manatee press Baby Unplugged: Ball (2016). Gritty Kitty (2019). blue manatee press Baby Unplugged: Make (2021). blue manatee press The Number Farm (2024). blue manatee press Bookworm Buddies A-Z (2024). blue manatee press Léeme te Escucho (Baby Bookworm) (2022). blue manatee press Duerme Bebe' Comodo y Seguro (2013). blue manatee press Honors & Awards Independent Press Award"Billie the Brain," children's picture book, non-fiction category. (2024) Mission Innovation Award"Hank the Heart," a character-based approach to health literacy for children with congenital heart differences. Cincinnati Childrens Innovation Ventures and Cincinnati Childrens Research Foundation. (2024) Featured Research: Annual ReportCincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (MRI and screen time). (2022) Early Career Investigator (ECI) AwardPediatric Research (journal) (2020) Featured Research: Annual ReportCincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (MRI and screen time) (2020) Most Talked About Articles of 2020JAMA Pediatrics (journal; MRI and screen time) (2020) The Most Popular Stories of 2020The American Academy of Pediatrics Daily Briefing (MRI and reading) (2020) Top Downloaded Paper 2018-2019Journal: Acta Paediatrica. MRI and reading. (2020) Ohioana Cooper AwardHonoring outstanding contribution to books and reading. The Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County. (2018) Benjamin Franklin Award Gold MedalIndependent Book Publishers Association (2017) Finalist, Women's National Book Association Pannell AwardBest children's specialty bookstore in the US: Blue Manatee Children's Bookstore (owner). (2017) Overall Winner, Region V Abstract CompetitionAcademic Pediatric Association (2016) Procter Scholar AwardCincinnati Children's Research Foundation (2016) Thrasher Research Fund Early Career AwardMRI and reading (2016) APA Research Award: Best Abstract by a FellowAcademic Pediatric Association (2015) Arnold W. Strauss Fellow AwardCincinnati Children's Research Foundation (2015) Featured Research: Annual ReportDivision of General and Community Pediatrics, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (MRI and reading) (2015) Healthcare Heroes Award: InnovatorChildren's book for safe sleep promotion. Cincinnati Business Courier (2015) Overall Winner, Region V Abstract CompetitionAcademic Pediatric Association (2015) Academic Pediatric Association Young Investigator AwardPrimary Care Strategies for the Promotion of Early Literacy and School Readiness (2013) Safe Sleep AmbassadorCharlie's Kids Foundation (2013) Best BookstoreBlue Manatee Children's Bookstore (owner). Cincinnati City Beat Magazine. (2005-2017) Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society Professional Associations/Affiliations Academic Pediatric Association American Academy of Pediatrics American Board of Pediatrics Texas Pediatric Society