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Amil Shah, M.D.

Amil Shah, M.D.

Titles and Appointments


Endowed Title
Dallas Heart Ball Chair in Cardiac Research
Medical School
Internal Medicine | Public Health
  • Biography

    Amil M. Shah, M.D., M.P.H.,  is a Professor in the Department of Internal Medicine at UT Southwestern Medical Center, where he serves as the Director of Population Sciences and Director of the Dallas Hearts and Minds Study. He holds the Dallas Heart Ball Chair in Cardiac Research and the Hoffman Endowment in Public Health. He is also an Adjunct Professor at the UT Southwestern O’Donnell School of Public Health. He specializes in adult cardiology, cardiac imaging and echocardiography.

    Dr. Shah earned his bachelor’s degree at Brown University, his medical degree at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, and a Master of Public Health at the Harvard School of Public Health. He completed a residency in internal medicine at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, a clinical fellowship in cardiology at Tufts-New England Medical Center, and a clinical fellowship in advanced echocardiography and a research fellowship in cardiovascular research at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School. He is certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine in cardiovascular disease.

    Prior to being recruited to UT Southwestern in 2023, Dr Shah spent 14 years on the Faculty of Medicine at the Harvard Medical School and as faculty in the Cardiovascular Division at Harvard’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital. He was previously Co-Director of the Brigham and Women’s Cardiac Imaging Core Laboratory, one of the largest academic core cardiac imaging facilities globally for Phase 2 and 3 randomized clinical trials. Dr Shah’s research focuses on understanding the causes and consequences of cardiac dysfunction leading to heart failure, with the aim of identifying novel preventative interventions. His multiple R01-funded research program uses longitudinal and multimodal cardiac imaging (echocardiography, CT, SPECT imaging) and multi-omics (proteomics, metabolomics) in exercise-based physiologic studies, large observational cohorts, and randomized clinical trials to identify novel biologic pathways underlying heart failure.

    Dr. Shah is an elected member of the American Society of Clinical Investigation and the Association of University Cardiologists, a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology, the American Heart Association, and the Heart Failure Society of America, and a member of the American Society of Echocardiography.

    His research is funded primarily by the National Institutes of Health, and he is Principal Investigator on 6 R01 awards and a K24 Mentoring award. He has delivered numerous invited national and international presentations and lectures, authored more than 10 textbook chapters, and published more than 250 academic articles related to his areas of expertise. He regularly serves on scientific review panels for the National Institutes of Health and is a standing member of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Single-Site and Pilot Clinical Trials Study Section (SSPT).

    Personal Note

    Outside of work, Dr. Shah enjoys running, reading, and hiking.

  • Education
    Medical School
    University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine (2002)
    University of Pennsylvania Health System (2005), Internal Medicine
    Tufts Medical Center (2007), Cardiovascular Disease
    Brigham and Women's Hospital (2009), Cardiovascular Imaging
    Other Post Graduate Training
    Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (2010), Clinical Effectiveness
  • Research Interest
    • Biomarkers and proteomics
    • Clinical Trials
    • Echocardiography
    • Epidemiology
    • Heart Failure
  • Publications

    Star Featured Publications

    Metabolomic Association and Risk Prediction With Heart Failure in Older Adults.
    Liu G, Nguyen NQH, Wong KE, Agarwal SK, Boerwinkle E, Chang PP, Claggett BL, Loehr LR, Ma J, Matsushita K, Rodriguez CJ, Rossi JS, Russell SD, Stacey RB, Shah AM, Yu B, Circ Heart Fail 2024 Mar e010896
    Large-Scale Proteomics Identifies Novel Biomarkers and Circulating Risk Factors for Aortic Stenosis.
    Shelbaya K, Arthur V, Yang Y, Dorbala P, Buckley L, Claggett B, Skali H, Dufresne L, Yang TY, Engert JC, Thanassoulis G, Floyd J, Austin TR, Bortnick A, Kizer J, Freitas RCC, Singh SA, Aikawa E, Hoogeveen RC, Ballantyne C, Yu B, Coresh J, Blaha MJ, Matsushita K, Shah AM, J Am Coll Cardiol 2024 Feb 83 5 577-591
  • Books


    Transesophageal Echocardiography. In Atlas of Echocardiography, edition 2

    Shah AM, Bulwer BE, Shernan SK, Solomon SD (2008). Philadelphia, PA, Current Medicine

    Role of Stress Testing. In ASPC Manual of Preventive Cardiology

    Shah AM, Mora S (2014). New York, NY, DemosMedical

    Stress Echocardiography and Echo in Cardiopulmonary Testing. In Essential Echocardiography: A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease

    Santos M, Shah AM (2018). Philadelphia, PA, Elsevier

    Left ventricular diastolic function. In Essential Echocardiography: A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease

    Galazka PZ, Shah AM (2018). Philadelphia, PA, Elsevier

    Exercise Treadmill Testing with and without Imaging. In Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease: A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease

    Shah AM, Mora S (2011). Philadelphia, PA, Elsevier Saunders

    Role of Standard Treadmill Exercise Testing in CAD Diagnosis and Risk Stratification. In Clinical Decision Support: Cardiology

    Shah AM, Mora S (2013). Wilmington, DE, Decision Support in Medicine, LLC

    Ventricular remodeling in heart failure. In Encyclopedia of Cardiovascular Research in Medicine

    Aquila I, Shah AM (2017). Cambridge, MA, Elsevier

  • Honors & Awards
    • Elected Member, Association of University Cardiologists
    • Elected Member of American Society of Clinical Investigation
    • Chair's Research Award
      Brigham and Women's Hospital Department of Medicine (2018)
    • Watkins Discovery Award
      Brigham and Women's Hospital Division of Cardiovascular Medicine (2015)
    • Chair's Research Award
      Brigham and Women's Hospital Department of Medicine (2014)
  • Professional Associations/Affiliations
    • American College of Cardiology (2005)
    • American Heart Association (2009)
    • American Society of Echocardiography (2007)
    • Heart Failure Society of America (2013)