Wyatt Evans, Ph.D. Titles and Appointments Assistant Professor School Medical School Department Psychiatry Biography Education Postdoctoral Fellowship University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Fort Hood, TX Predoctoral Internship Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center, Houston, TX Graduate School Palo Alto University, Clinical Psychology Undergraduate School University of Texas at Dallas, Psychology Publications Featured Publications Massed vs Intensive Outpatient Prolonged Exposure for Combat-Related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Peterson AL, Blount TH, Foa EB, Brown LA, McLean CP, Mintz J, Schobitz RP, DeBeer BR, Mignogna J, Fina BA, Evans WR, Synett S, Hall-Clark BN, Rentz TO, Schrader C, Yarvis JS, Dondanville KA, Hansen H, Jacoby VM, Lara-Ruiz J, Straud CL, Hale WJ, Shah D, Koch LM, Gerwell KM, Young-McCaughan S, Litz BT, Meyer EC, Blankenship AE, Williamson DE, Roache JD, Javors MA, Sharrieff AM, Niles BL, Keane TM, JAMA Netw Open 2023 Jan 6 1 e2249422 Engaging Psychological Flexibility Processes to Enhance Resilience in Military Personnel Evans WR, Moore BA, Meyer, EC, Peterson AL Military Behavioral Health 2023 Emerging Interventions for Moral Injury: Expanding Pathways To Moral Healing Evans WR, Smigelsky MA, Frankfurt SB, Antal CJ, Yeomans PD, Check C, Bhatt-Mackin SM Current Treatment Options in Psychiatry 2023 Enhancing Resiliency and Optimizing Readiness in Military Personnel Through Psychological Flexibility Training: Design and Methodology of a Randomized Controlled Trial Peterson AL, Moore BA, Evans WR, Young-McCaughan S, Blankenship AE, Straud CL, McLean CS, Miller TL, Meyer EC Frontiers in Psychiatry 2023 Enhancing resiliency and optimizing readiness in military personnel through psychological flexibility training: design and methodology of a randomized controlled trial. Peterson AL, Moore BA, Evans WR, Young-McCaughan S, Blankenship AE, Straud CL, McLean CS, Miller TL, Meyer EC, Front Psychiatry 2023 14 1299532 Cultivating psychological flexibility to address religious and spiritual suffering in moral injury. Borges LM, Barnes SM, Farnsworth JK, Evans WR, Moon Z, Drescher KD, Walser RD, J Health Care Chaplain 2022 Feb 1-10 LGB service members' relationship status, satisfaction, and wellbeing: A brief report. Savarese, E.N., Collazo, J., Evans, W.R., & Balsam, K.F. Armed Forces & Society 2022 Launching a Competency-Based Training Program in Evidence-Based Treatments for PTSD: Supporting Veteran-Serving Mental Health Providers in Texas. Dondanville KA, Fina BA, Straud CL, Finley EP, Tyler H, Jacoby V, Blount TH, Moring JC, Pruiksma KE, Blankenship AE, Evans WR, Zaturenskaya M, Community Ment Health J 2021 07 57 5 910-919 A trauma-focused intensive outpatient program integrating elements of exposure therapy with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Program development and initial outcomes Ramirez, M.W., Woodworth, C.A., Evans, W.R., Grace, G.A., Schobitz, R.P., Gissendanner, R.D., Villareal, S.A., Howells, C.J., Jones, K.N., & Katko, N.J. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 2021 Moral injury and moral healing in Prolonged Exposure for combat-related PTSD: A case study Evans, W.R., Russell, L.H., Hall-Clark, B.N., Fina, B.A., Brown, L.A., Foa, E.B., & Peterson, A.L. for the Consortium to Alleviate PTSD Cognitive and Behavioral Practice 2021 28 2 210-223 Results 1-10 of 21 1 2 3 Next Last Books Featured Books The Moral Injury Workbook: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Skills for Moving Beyond Shame, Anger, and Trauma to Reclaim Your Values Evans, W.R., Walser, R.D., Drescher, K.D., & Farnsworth, J.K. (Ed.) (2020). Oakland, CA, New Harbinger Publications Moral Injury and Psychological Mobility for Active-Duty Service Members and Veterans. In Foundational Mental Health Practices with Active-Duty Service Members and Veterans Evans, W.R. (In Press). New York, NY, Routledge Cognitive Processing Therapy for Moral Injury. In Addressing Moral Injury in Clinical Practice Wachen, J.S., Evans, W.R., Jacoby, V.M., & Blankenship, A.E. (2020). Washington, DC, American Psychological Association Hate Crimes Against LGB Persons. In Worldwide Perspectives on Gays, Lesbians, and Bisexuals: History, Culture, and Law Balsam, K.F., Evans, W.R., & Tomita, K.K. (2019). Santa Barbara, CA, Praeger Press Psychotherapy with Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Clients: Theory and Practice. In Comprehensive Textbook of Psychotherapy Goldblum, P., Pflum, S., Skinta, M., Evans, W.R., & Balsam, K.F. (2015). New York, NY, Oxford University Press Health Disparities. In The SAGE Encyclopedia of LGBTQ Studies Balsam, K.F. & Evans, W.R. (2016). New York, NY, SAGE Publications Honors & Awards Presidential CitationAPA Division 19 (Military Psychology) (2019) Professional Development GrantAPA Division 19 (Military Psychology) (2018) Overall Outstanding Student, PhD ProgramPalo Alto University (2017) Maya Atsina and William Froming Teaching Assistantship AwardPalo Alto University (2015) Pacific Graduate School of Psychology FellowshipPalo Alto University (2012-2015) Professional Associations/Affiliations American Board of Professional Psychology (2020) American Psychological Association (2011) Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (2015) Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (2016) International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (2015)