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Viktor Iakovenko, Ph.D.

Viktor Iakovenko, Ph.D.

Titles and Appointments

Assistant Professor

Medical School
Radiation Oncology
  • Biography

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    Viktor Iakovenko, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Radiation Oncology’s Division of Medical Physics & Engineering.

    Dr. Iakovenko received his B.Sc. in physics and his M.Sc. in nuclear and particle physics at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in Ukraine. He subsequently received his Ph.D. in particle physics at Paris-Sud University in Orsay, France. Dr. Iakovenko went on to complete his postdoctoral fellowship at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre within the University Health Network in Toronto, Canada.

    Prior to joining UT Southwestern, Dr. Iakovenko completed a radiation oncology physics residency within the Department of Radiation Oncology at the University of Toronto in Canada, and went on to work as a medical physicist there.

    His research interests include MR-guided adaptive radiation therapy, development of novel detector systems for radiation therapy, dosimetry for emerging treatment modalities, and stereotactic radiotherapy.

  • Research Interest
    • Development of novel detector systems for radiation therapy
    • Dosimetry for emerging treatment modalities
    • MR-guided adaptive radiation therapy
    • Stereotactic radiotherapy
  • Publications
    AAPM WGTG51 Report 385: Addendum to the AAPM's TG-51 protocol for clinical reference dosimetry of high-energy electron beams
    Muir B, Davis S, Dhanesar S, Hillman Y, Iakovenko V, Kim GG, Alves VG, Lei Y, Lowenstein J, Renaud J, Sarfehnia A, Siebers J, Tantôt L Medical physics 2024 Sep 51 5840-5857
    Pan-Canadian Survey of Radiation Oncology Professional Involvement in Global Oncology Initiatives in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
    Beckett M, Al Balushi M, Chan J, Iakovenko V, Roumeliotis M, Hanna T, Huang F, Barkati M, Rodin D, Bourque JM JCO Global Oncology 2024 Apr 10
    Quantifying uncertainties associated with reference dosimetry in an MR-Linac
    Iakovenko V, Keller B, Malkov VN, Sahgal A, Sarfehnia A Journal of applied clinical medical physics 2023 Nov 24
    While Ukrainian Soldiers Are Fearlessly Defending Their Country, Ukrainian Oncologists Are Bravely Battling Cancer
    Kovalchuk N, Beznosenko A, Kowalchuk R, Ryzhkova J, Iakovenko V, Kacharian A Advances in Radiation Oncology 2022 Nov 7
    Radiation Therapy Under the Falling Bombs: A Tale of 2 Ukrainian Cancer Centers
    Kovalchuk N, Zelinskyi R, Hanych A, Severyn Y, Bachynska B, Beznosenko A, Duda O, Kowalchuk R, Iakovenko V, Melnitchouk N, Suchowerska N Advances in Radiation Oncology 2022 Nov 7
    Development of photonic detector system for ultra-fast beam diagnostics in proton radiotherapy: The proof of concept
    Iakovenko V, Jaffray DA Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2022 Jan 2167
    Erratum to: Experimental measurement of ionization chamber angular response and associated magnetic field correction factors in MR-linac (Medical Physics, (2020), 47, 4, (1940-1948), 10.1002/mp.14025)
    Iakovenko V, Keller B, Sahgal A, Sarfehnia A Medical physics 2021 May 48 2695-2697
    Water calorimetry in MR-linac: Direct measurement of absorbed dose and determination of chamber kQmag
    D'Souza M, Nusrat H, Iakovenko V, Keller B, Sahgal A, Renaud J, Sarfehnia A Medical physics 2020 Dec 47 6458-6469
    Experimental measurement of ionization chamber angular response and associated magnetic field correction factors in MR-linac
    Iakovenko V, Keller B, Sahgal A, Sarfehnia A Medical physics 2020 Apr 47 1940-1948
    Erratum to: Measurement of ψ(2 S) meson production in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV (The European Physical Journal C, (2012), 72, 8, (2100), 10.1140/epjc/s10052-012-2100-4)
    Author Collaboration LC, Aaij R, Beteta CA, Adeva B, Adinolfi M, Adrover C, Affolder A, Ajaltouni Z, Albrecht J, Alessio F, Alexander M, Alkhazov G, Cartelle PA, Jr AA, Amato S, Amhis Y, Anderson J, Andrianala F, Appleby RB, Archilli F, Arrabito L, Artamonov A, Artuso M, Aslanides E, Auriemma G, Bachmann S, Back JJ, Bailey DS, Balagura V, Baldini W, Barlow RJ, Barschel C, Barsuk S, Barter W, Bates A, Bauer T, Bay A, Bediaga I, Belogurov S, Belous K, Belyaev I, Ben-Haim E, Benayoun M, Bencivenni G, Benson S, Benton J, Bernet R, Bettler MO, Beuzekom Mv, Bien A, Iakovenko V European Physical Journal C 2020 Jan 80
  • Professional Associations/Affiliations
    • American Association of Physicists in Medicine (2019)
    • Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists (2018)
    • International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (2015)
    • Medical Physicists for the World Benefits (2015)
    • Ukrainian Association of Medical Physicists and Engineers (2014)