Edward Grow, Ph.D. Titles and Appointments Assistant Professor School Medical School Department Cecil H. and Ida Green Center for Reproductive Biology Sciences | Obstetrics and Gynecology Graduate Programs Genetics, Development and Disease Biography Download Curriculum Vitae Research Interest Epigenetics, chromatin, embryonic genome activation, Transposable elements/Endogeneous retroviruses, SCNT, maternal effects, preimplantation embryo development, in vitro follicle culture, single-cell transcriptomics, in vitro gametogenesis, stem cell biology, pluripotency Publications Featured Publications p53 convergently activates Dux/DUX4 in embryonic stem cells and in facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy cell models. Grow EJ, Weaver BD, Smith CM, Guo J, Stein P, Shadle SC, Hendrickson PG, Johnson NE, Butterfield RJ, Menafra R, Kloet SL, van der Maarel SM, Williams CJ, Cairns BR, Nat Genet 2021 08 53 8 1207-1220 Chromatin and Single-Cell RNA-Seq Profiling Reveal Dynamic Signaling and Metabolic Transitions during Human Spermatogonial Stem Cell Development. Guo J, Grow EJ, Yi C, Mlcochova H, Maher GJ, Lindskog C, Murphy PJ, Wike CL, Carrell DT, Goriely A, Hotaling JM, Cairns BR, Cell Stem Cell 2017 10 21 4 533-546.e6 Conserved roles of mouse DUX and human DUX4 in activating cleavage-stage genes and MERVL/HERVL retrotransposons. Hendrickson PG, Doráis JA, Grow EJ, Whiddon JL, Lim JW, Wike CL, Weaver BD, Pflueger C, Emery BR, Wilcox AL, Nix DA, Peterson CM, Tapscott SJ, Carrell DT, Cairns BR, Nat Genet 2017 Jun 49 6 925-934 Intrinsic retroviral reactivation in human preimplantation embryos and pluripotent cells. Grow EJ, Flynn RA, Chavez SL, Bayless NL, Wossidlo M, Wesche DJ, Martin L, Ware CB, Blish CA, Chang HY, Pera RA, Wysocka J, Nature 2015 Jun 522 7555 221-5 Sex-specific epigenetic profile of inner cell mass of mice conceived in vivo or by IVF. Ruggeri E, Lira-Albarrán S, Grow EJ, Liu X, Harner R, Maltepe E, Ramalho-Santos M, Donjacour A, Rinaudo P, Mol Hum Reprod 2020 11 26 11 866-878 Developmentally Programmed Tankyrase Activity Upregulates ?-Catenin and Licenses Progression of Embryonic Genome Activation. Gambini A, Stein P, Savy V, Grow EJ, Papas BN, Zhang Y, Kenan AC, Padilla-Banks E, Cairns BR, Williams CJ, Dev Cell 2020 06 53 5 545-560.e7 The Dynamic Transcriptional Cell Atlas of Testis Development during Human Puberty. Guo J, Nie X, Giebler M, Mlcochova H, Wang Y, Grow EJ, Kim R, Tharmalingam M, Matilionyte G, Lindskog C, Carrell DT, Mitchell RT, Goriely A, Hotaling JM, Cairns BR, Cell Stem Cell 2020 02 26 2 262-276.e4 The adult human testis transcriptional cell atlas. Guo J, Grow EJ, Mlcochova H, Maher GJ, Lindskog C, Nie X, Guo Y, Takei Y, Yun J, Cai L, Kim R, Carrell DT, Goriely A, Hotaling JM, Cairns BR, Cell Res 2018 12 28 12 1141-1157 Single cell expression analysis of primate-specific retroviruses-derived HPAT lincRNAs in viable human blastocysts identifies embryonic cells co-expressing genetic markers of multiple lineages. Glinsky G, Durruthy-Durruthy J, Wossidlo M, Grow EJ, Weirather JL, Au KF, Wysocka J, Sebastiano V, Heliyon 2018 Jun 4 6 e00667 A fine LINE-1 in mouse embryonic chromatin regulation. Grow EJ, Nat Genet 2017 Sep 49 10 1418-1419 Results 1-10 of 12 1 2 Next Last Professional Associations/Affiliations Assistant Professor (2021-2022) Frontiers in Reproduction (2016-2016) Society for the Study of Reproduction (2016-2022)