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Charuta Joshi, M.D.

Charuta Joshi, M.D.


Endowed Title
Roy D. and Ragen S. Elterman Distinguished Chair in Pediatric Epilepsy
Medical School
Pediatrics | Neurology

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  • Education
    Medical School
    University of Bombay( Mumbai), India (1993)
    The Brooklyn Hospital Center (1997), Pediatrics
    The New York Presbyterian Hospital (2000), Child Neurology
    Wayne State University/Detroit Medical Center (2001), Clinical Neurophysiology
  • Publications

    Star Featured Publications

    Electroencephalographic Seizure or Electroencephalographic Status Epilepticus in the ICU? Is it Time to Focus Just on Electroencephalographic Status Epilepticus?
    Joshi C, Epilepsy Curr 2021 Nov-Dec 21 6 421-423
    Infantile Spasms in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex: Lesion or Network?
    Joshi C, Bear JJ, Epilepsy Curr 2021 Oct 21 5 349-350
    Comparison of subdural grid and stereoelectroencephalography in a cohort of pediatric patients.
    Talai A, Eschbach K, Stence NV, Palmer C, Bird W, Alexander A, O'Neill BR, Chapman KE, Joshi C, Epilepsy Res 2021 Sep 177 106758
    Risk of Admission to the Emergency Room/Inpatient Service After a Neurology Telemedicine Visit During COVID-19 Pandemic.
    Joshi C, Jacobson M, Silveira L, Shea S, Yang M, Eschbach K, Pediatr Neurol 2021 Jun 122 15-19
    Quality and Safety Analysis of 2,999 Telemedicine Encounters During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
    Joshi CN, Yang ML, Eschbach K, Tong S, Jacobson MP, Stillman C, Kropp AE, Shea SA, Frunzi GM, Thomas JF, Olson CA, Neurol Clin Pract 2021 Apr 11 2 e73-e82
    Add-on Cannabidiol Treatment for Drug-Resistant Seizures in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex: A Placebo-Controlled Randomized Clinical Trial.
    Thiele EA, Bebin EM, Bhathal H, Jansen FE, Kotulska K, Lawson JA, O'Callaghan FJ, Wong M, Sahebkar F, Checketts D, Knappertz V, JAMA Neurol 2021 03 78 3 285-292
    Results of an international Delphi consensus in epilepsy with myoclonic atonic seizures/ Doose syndrome.
    Joshi C, Nickels K, Demarest S, Eltze C, Cross JH, Wirrell E, Seizure 2021 Feb 85 12-18
    Epilepsy with myoclonic-atonic seizures (Doose syndrome): Clarification of diagnosis and treatment options through a large retrospective multicenter cohort.
    Nickels K, Kossoff EH, Eschbach K, Joshi C, Epilepsia 2021 01 62 1 120-127
    When development is at stake: Fear the disease, not the vaccine.
    Joshi C, Thio LL, Neurology 2020 07 95 3 103-104
    "Chance Takers Are Accident Makers": Are Patients With Epilepsy Really Taking a Chance When They Drive?
    Joshi CN, Vossler DG, Spanaki M, Draszowki JF, Towne AR, Epilepsy Curr 2019 Jul-Aug 19 4 221-226