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Zijian Deng, Ph.D.

Zijian Deng, Ph.D.

Titles and Appointments


Medical School
Biomedical Engineering
  • Biography

    Zijian Deng, Ph.D., is an Instructor in the Department of Radiation Oncology’s Division of Medical Physics & Engineering. As a key researcher with a background in biomedical optics, Dr. Deng is responsible for two important research investigations: the development of a bioluminescence tomography (BLT)-guided system for pre-clinical radiation research and establishing in vivo cell tracking techniques using optical methods to support researchers for their translational studies.

    Dr. Deng earned his doctoral degree in natural science from Peking University in China. During this period, he devoted himself to the field of photoacoustic imaging (PAI) where he developed several innovative PAI systems for anatomical and functional imaging. To improve PAI contrast, he further accessed novel nanoparticles for in vivo tumor imaging.

    As a member of the Biomedical Imaging and Radiation Technology Lab (BIRTLab), Dr. Deng works closely with Ken Kang-Hsin Wang, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology and leader of the BIRTLab, and has made great advances in the field of optical tomography for pre-clinical radiotherapy guidance. He first developed a high-throughput image-guided method for tumor localization using BLT-reconstructed center of mass and demonstrated it in an orthotopic glioblastoma model.

    Now as an Instructor, Dr. Deng is further advancing this BLT technique to quantify tumor growth and treatment assessment for orthotopic pancreatic adenocarcinoma. He also works with Benjamin Chen, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology and leader of the Chen Lab, to develop animal model and 3D optical methods for in vivo cell tracking. These innovative technologies would support scientific communities to facilitate the development of therapeutic intervention for cancer treatment.

  • Research Interest
    • Biomedical optics
    • In vivo cell tracking
    • Optical tomography-guided radiation therapy
  • Publications
    In vivo bioluminescence tomography-guided system for pancreatic cancer radiotherapy research
    Deng Z, Xiangkun XU, Dehghani H, Reyes J, Zheng L, Tran PT, Wang KK Biomedical Optics Express 2024 Aug 15 4525-4539
    Bioluminescence tomography-guided system for pre-clinical pancreatic cancer radiation research
    Deng Z, Xu X, Reyes J, Wang KK 2024
    Bioluminescence tomography-guided system for pre-clinical pancreatic cancer radiation research
    Deng Z, Xu X, Reyes J, Wang KK 2024
    Characterization of a commercial bioluminescence tomography-guided system for pre-clinical radiation research
    Xu X, Deng Z, Sforza D, Tong Z, Tseng YP, Newman C, Reinhart M, Tsouchlos P, Devling T, Dehghani H, Iordachita I, Wong JW, Wang KK Medical physics 2023 Oct 50 6433-6453
    Optical tomography-guided system for pre-clinical radiotherapy research
    Wang KK, Xu X, Deng Z, Tong Z, Tsai Y, Iordachita I, Dehghani H, Wong JW 2023
    Mobile bioluminescence tomography-guided system for pre-clinical radiotherapy research
    Deng Z, Xu X, Iordachita I, Dehghani H, Zhang B, Wong JW, Wang KK Biomedical Optics Express 2022 Sep 13 4970-4989
    Quantitative molecular bioluminescence tomography
    Bentley A, Xu X, Deng Z, Rowe JE, Kang-Hsin Wang K, Dehghani H Journal of biomedical optics 2022 Jun 27
    Quantitative Bioluminescence Tomography for In Vivo Volumetric-Guided Radiotherapy
    Deng Z, Xu X, Dehghani H, Sforza DM, Iordachita I, Lim M, Wong JW, Wang KK 2022 701-731
    Bioluminescence tomography system for in vivo irradiation guidance
    Deng Z, Xu X, Iordachita I, Dehghani H, Zhang B, Wong JW, Wang KK 2022
    Ultra-sensitive single pixel bioluminescence tomography for in vivo cell tracking
    Tong Z, Deng Z, Wang KK 2022