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Makoto Ishii, M.D.,  Ph.D.

Makoto Ishii, M.D., Ph.D.

Titles and Appointments

Assistant Professor

Medical School
Neurology | Internal Medicine | Peter O'Donnell Jr. Brain Institute
Graduate Programs

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  • Biography

    Joined UT Southwestern: 2023

    Dr. Makoto Ishii is a board-certified neurologist and a physician-scientist dedicated to both patient care and biomedical research focusing primarily on neurodegenerative and neuroendocrine disorders.

    Research: Dr. Ishii is interested in understanding the bidirectional relationship between brain function and systemic metabolism with an emphasis on metabolic deficits in Alzheimer’s disease and how it differs from normal aging. Our laboratory focuses on generating hypotheses derived from open questions in clinical neurology and neuroendocrinology, testing these hypotheses using molecular genetics and neuroscience techniques in the laboratory, and verifying these findings in clinically relevant human research studies.

    Background: Dr. Ishii was raised in Houston and earned his bachelor’s degree from Princeton University. He then enrolled in the Tri-Institutional MD-PhD Program in New York City receiving his PhD from Rockefeller University and his MD from Weill Cornell Medical College. He received his clinical training as a neurology resident at Weill Cornell Medical College, where he was also chief resident. After his residency, Dr. Ishii joined the faculty at Weill Cornell Medical College and received a Leon Levy Neuroscience Fellowship to conduct his initial research studies, which were the first to demonstrate that amyloid-beta, a major pathogenic factor in Alzheimer’s disease, can disrupt specific brain cells in the leptin pathway, an essential regulator of body weight, leading to body weight and metabolic deficits prior to any cognitive dysfunction.  Dr. Ishii moved back to Texas to join the faculty at UT Southwestern in 2023.

    Awards: Based on his early achievements at Weill Cornell Medical College, Dr. Ishii was awarded the Paul B. Beeson Clinical Development Award in Aging, an honor supported by the National Institute on Aging (part of the NIH) and private foundations including the American Federation for Aging Research and The John A. Hartford Foundation, where he joins past recipients who are currently top academic leaders in the field. 

  • Education
    Medical School
    Weill Cornell Medical College (2008)
    New York Presbyterian Hospital - Weill Cornell Medical Center (2012), Neurology
  • Research Interest
    • Alzheimer's disease and related dementias
    • Hypothalamus
    • Neuroendocrinology
  • Publications
    More than simply leftovers: a new link between remnant cholesterol and dementia
    Saez-Calveras N, Ishii M The Lancet Healthy Longevity 2024 Aug 5 e506-e507
    Leptin-related disorders of the nervous system
    Saez-Calveras N, Ishii M, Elmquist JK, Williams KW 2024 Jan 1 451-472
    Comparing the effects of four common drug classes on the progression of mild cognitive impairment to dementia using electronic health records
    Xu J, Wang F, Zang C, Zhang H, Niotis K, Liberman AL, Stonnington CM, Ishii M, Adekkanattu P, Luo Y, Mao C, Rasmussen LV, Xu Z, Brandt P, Pacheco JA, Peng Y, Jiang G, Isaacson R, Pathak J Scientific reports 2023 Dec 13
    What is good for the heart is good for brain glucose metabolism
    Ishii M The Lancet Healthy Longevity 2023 Sep 4 e448-e449
    Sexually Dimorphic Association of Circulating Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 Levels and Body Mass Index with Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers of Alzheimer's Pathology in Preclinical Alzheimer's Disease
    Eruysal E, Ravdin L, Zhang C, Kamel H, Iadecola C, Ishii M Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2023 91 1073-1083
    Midlife dyslipidaemia as a modifiable risk factor for later-life dementia
    Ishii M The Lancet Healthy Longevity 2021 Aug 2 e453-e454
    Pituitary Apoplexy
    Seitz AP, Ishii M 2021 Jan 259-274
    A Novel Neurovascular Liaison Governing the Blood-Brain Barrier
    Ishii M, Iadecola C Neuron 2020 Jul 107 205-207
    Risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease breaks the blood–brain barrier
    Ishii M, Iadecola C Nature 2020 May 581 31-32
    Plasma lipocalin-2 levels in the preclinical stage of Alzheimer's disease
    Eruysal E, Ravdin L, Kamel H, Iadecola C, Ishii M Alzheimer's and Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment and Disease Monitoring 2019 Dec 11 646-653
  • Honors & Awards
    • Paul B. Beeson Clinical Scientist Development Award in Aging, National Institute on Aging
    • Leon Levy Neuroscience Fellowship, Leon Levy Foundation
    • Resident Teaching Award, Weill Medical College of Cornell University Department of Neurology
    • Distinguished Housestaff Award, Weill Medical College of Cornell University Department of Neurology
  • Professional Associations/Affiliations
    • Alzheimer's Association International Society to Advance Alzheimer's Research and Treatment (ISTAART) (2012)
    • American Academy of Neurology (2010)
    • American Neurological Association (2019)