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James Moresco, Ph.D.

James Moresco, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Medical School
Center for Genetics of Host Defense | Biophysics
  • Education
    Rochester Inst of Technology (1992)
  • Research Interest
    • MHC peptides
    • Peptidomics
    • Prader-Willi Syndrome
    • Proteomics
  • Publications

    Star Featured Publications

    RNPS1 inhibits excessive tumor necrosis factor/tumor necrosis factor receptor signaling to support hematopoiesis in mice.
    Zhong X, Choi JH, Hildebrand S, Ludwig S, Wang J, Nair-Gill E, Liao TC, Moresco JJ, Liu A, Quan J, Sun Q, Zhang D, Zhan X, Choi M, Li X, Wang J, Gallagher T, Moresco EMY, Beutler B, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2022 May 119 18 e2200128119
    Ciliary extracellular vesicles are distinct from the cytosolic extracellular vesicles.
    Mohieldin AM, Pala R, Beuttler R, Moresco JJ, Yates JR, Nauli SM, J Extracell Vesicles 2021 Apr 10 6 e12086
    SNPC-1.3 is a sex-specific transcription factor that drives male piRNA expression in C. elegans.
    Choi CP, Tay RJ, Starostik MR, Feng S, Moresco JJ, Montgomery BE, Xu E, Hammonds MA, Schatz MC, Montgomery TA, Yates JR, Jacobsen SE, Kim JK, Elife 2021 Feb 10
    The RNA phosphatase PIR-1 regulates endogenous small RNA pathways in C. elegans.
    Chaves DA, Dai H, Li L, Moresco JJ, Oh ME, Conte D, Yates JR, Mello CC, Gu W, Mol Cell 2021 02 81 3 546-557.e5
    A short ORF-encoded transcriptional regulator.
    Koh M, Ahmad I, Ko Y, Zhang Y, Martinez TF, Diedrich JK, Chu Q, Moresco JJ, Erb MA, Saghatelian A, Schultz PG, Bollong MJ, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2021 01 118 4
    An APEX2 proximity ligation method for mapping interactions with the nuclear lamina.
    Tran JR, Paulson DI, Moresco JJ, Adam SA, Yates JR, Goldman RD, Zheng Y, J Cell Biol 2021 01 220 1
    Proteomic Identification Reveals the Role of Ciliary Extracellular-Like Vesicle in Cardiovascular Function.
    Mohieldin AM, Pala R, Sherpa RT, Alanazi M, Alanazi A, Shamloo K, Ahsan A, AbouAlaiwi WA, Moresco JJ, Yates JR, Nauli SM, Adv Sci (Weinh) 2020 Aug 7 16 1903140
    Cross-editing by a tRNA synthetase allows vertebrates to abundantly express mischargeable tRNA without causing mistranslation.
    Chen M, Kuhle B, Diedrich J, Liu Z, Moresco JJ, Yates Iii JR, Pan T, Yang XL, Nucleic Acids Res 2020 07 48 12 6445-6457
    Proteomics Profiling of KAIMRC1 in Comparison to MDA-MB231 and MCF-7.
    Alghanem B, Ali R, Nehdi A, Al Zahrani H, Altolayyan A, Shaibah H, Baz O, Alhallaj A, Moresco JJ, Diedrich JK, Yates JR, Boudjelal M, Int J Mol Sci 2020 Jun 21 12