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Timothy Hogan, Ph.D.

Timothy Hogan, Ph.D.

Titles and Appointments

Associate Professor

School of Public Health
Public Health
  • Biography

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    Timothy P. Hogan, PhD is an Associate Professor in the Department of Population and Data Sciences and joined the faculty in late 2019. He is also the Director of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) eHealth Partnered Evaluation Initiative and a Research Health Scientist within VA’s Center for Healthcare Organization and Implementation Research, one of 18 centers of innovation and research excellence across the country that comprise VA’s national Health Services Research and Development Service.

    Dr. Hogan completed a VA postdoctoral fellowship in Health Services Research, earned both his PhD and MS in Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and his BS in Information Science from the University of Pittsburgh. Prior to joining UT Southwestern, he was an Associate Professor in the Division of Health Informatics and Implementation Science within the Department of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

    Dr. Hogan’s program of research encompasses three broad areas: 1) consumer health informatics; 2) implementation of interventions to improve healthcare delivery; and 3) management of patients with complex health care needs. He is passionate about information and communication technologies designed for patients, caregivers, and clinical teams, and how those technologies can best be implemented into practice. His funded studies have focused on individuals living with complex, chronic conditions and how they access and use health information, as well as the implementation and evaluation of consumer health informatics applications to support patient engagement and self-management.

    As part of his fellowship training in VA, Dr. Hogan was formally introduced to Implementation Science – a domain of translational research focused on methods and strategies to promote integration of research evidence into routine health care practice – and has considerable knowledge of implementation concepts, frameworks, and study designs. He is also a trained field researcher with expertise using qualitative and mixed-method approaches (qualitative and quantitative) to collect and analyze data. For these reasons, he has collaborated on projects spanning diverse clinical contexts and patient populations, including spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, diabetes, heart disease, COPD, and HIV.

  • Education
    University of Pittsburgh (2000)
    Graduate School
    Univ of Illinois @ Urbana-Cham (2002)
    Graduate School
    Univ of Illinois @ Urbana-Cham (2007)
  • Research Interest
    • Consumer health informatics
    • Engagement and self-management among complex patients
    • Health information seeking
    • Implementation science and quality improvement
    • Qualitative methods
    • Veteran health care
  • Publications

    Star Featured Publications

    Health insurance coverage among Veterans receiving care from VA health care facilities.
    Stroupe, K.T., Martinez, R., Hogan, T.P., Gordon, E.J., Gonzalez, B., Tarlov, E., Silva, A., Huo, Z., Kale, I., Ippolito, D., Osteen, C., Jordan, N., French, D.D., Gordon, H., Fischer, M.J., & Smith, B.M. Medical Care Research and Review 2022 4 79 511?524
    Understanding adoption and preliminary effectiveness of a mobile app for chronic pain management among US military Veterans: Pre-post mixed methods evaluation
    Hogan, T.P., Etingen, B., McMahon, N., Bixler, F.R., Am, L., Wacks, R.E., Shimada, S.L., Reilly, E.D., Frisbee, K.L., & Smith, B.M. Journal of Medical Internet Research, Formative Research 2022 1 6 e33716
    Use of the Veterans Health Administration online patient portal among Veterans with spinal cord injuries and disorders.
    Siddiqui, S., Etingen, B., Patrianakos, J., Shimada, S., Hogan, T., Nazi, K., Stroupe, K., & Smith, B. The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine 2022 1?12
    Common procedures of remote measurement-based care in an integrated behavioural health context: Protocol for a scoping review.
    Richardson, E., Hogan, T.P., Shimada, S.L., Sliwinski, S.K., & Kim, B. BMJ Open 2022 9 12 e064450
    Digital mental health interventions for depression: Scoping review of user engagement
    Lipschitz, J.M., Van Boxtel, R., Torous, J., Firth, J., Lebovitz, J.G., Burdick, K.E., & Hogan, T.P. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2022 10 24 e39204
    Factors associated with self-reported use of web and mobile health applications in the Veteran population: The role of user characteristics and healthcare team member encouragement.
    Hogan, T.P., Etingen, B., Lipschitz, J.M., Shimada, S.L., McMahon, N., Bolivar, D., Bixler, F.R., Irvin, D., Wacks, R., Cutrona, S., Frisbee, K.L. & Smith, B.M. Journal of Medical Internet Research, mHealth and uHealth 2022 12 10 e41767
    Characterization of telehealth use in Veterans with spinal cord injuries and disorders
    Hatch, M.N., Martinez, R.N., Etingen, B., Cotner, B., Hogan, T.P., Wickremasinghe, I.M., Sippel, J., & Smith, B.M. PM & R: The Journal of Injury, Function, and Rehabilitation 2021 10 13 1094-1103
    Impact of patient access to online VA Notes on healthcare utilization and clinician documentation: A retrospective cohort study.
    Blok, A.C., Amante, D.J., Hogan, T.P., Sadasivam, R.S., Shimada, S.L., Woods, S., Nazi, K.M., & Houston, T.K. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2021 3 36 592?599
    Association of secure messaging with primary care in-person and telephone visits among Veterans: A matched difference-in-difference analysis.
    O'Shea, A., Batten, A., Hu, E.Y., Augustine, M R., Hogan, T.P., & Kaboli, P.J. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2021 4 36 946?951
    Health-related goal setting and achievement among Veterans with high technology adoption.
    Martinez, R.N., Smith, B.M., Etingen, B., Houston, T.K., Shimada, S.L., Amante, D.J., Patterson, A., Richardson, L.M., Vandenberg, G., Cutrona, S.L., Quintiliani, L.M., Frisbee, K.L., & Hogan, T.P. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2021 11 36 3337?3345
  • Books


    The theory of communication and uncertainty management: Implications from the wider realm of information behavior.. In Uncertainty, information management, and disclosure decisions: Theories and applications

    Hogan, T.P. & Brashers, D.E. (2009) T.D. Afifi & W.A. Afifi (Eds.) (2009). New York, NY, Routledge

    Consumer health informatics: Engaging and empowering patients and families.. In Clinical informatics study guide: Text and review

    Nazi, K.M., Hogan, T.P., Woods, S.S., Simon, S.R. & Ralston, J.D. (2016) J.T. Finnell & B.E. Dixon (Eds.) (2016). New York, NY, Springer

  • Honors & Awards
    • Deans Award for Outstanding Contribution to Curricular Development
      from University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA (2016-2016)
    • American Medical Informatics Association 10x10 Program, VA Health Informatics Certificate Program
      Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of Informatics and Analytics, Health Informatics Division (2013-2013)
    • Enhancing Implementation Science in VA Training
      Department of Veterans Affairs, Health Services Research and Development Center for Implementation Practice and Research Support (2011-2011)
    • Doctoral Fellowship Award
      Thomson Reuters / Medical Library Association (2006-2006)
    • University of Illinois Fellowship Award
      from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL (2005-2006)
  • Professional Associations/Affiliations
    • American Medical Informatics Association (2013-2023)