Mark Henkemeyer, Ph.D. Titles and Appointments Professor Endowed Title Dick and Martha Brooks Professorship in Nerve Growth Research School Medical School Department Neuroscience Graduate Programs Neuroscience Education Undergraduate University of Minnesota-Twin C (1984), Genetics Undergraduate University of Minnesota-Twin C (1984), Cell Biology Graduate School Uni of Wisconsin-Madison (1990), Oncology Research Interest Axon Guidance, Synaptic development, Plasticity Brain Development Ephrin-Eph Bidirectional Signaling Neuropathic Pain, Alzheimer's Disease, Autism Publications Featured Publications Identification of tetracycline combinations as EphB1 tyrosine kinase inhibitors for treatment of neuropathic pain. Ahmed MS, Wang P, Nguyen NUN, Nakada Y, Menendez-Montes I, Ismail M, Bachoo R, Henkemeyer M, Sadek HA, Kandil ES, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2021 Mar 118 10 EphB2 receptor cell-autonomous forward signaling mediates auditory memory recall and learning-driven spinogenesis. Talebian A, Henkemeyer M, Commun Biol 2019 2 372 EphB2 receptor tyrosine kinase promotes hepatic fibrogenesis in mice via activation of hepatic stellate cells. Mimche PN, Lee CM, Mimche SM, Thapa M, Grakoui A, Henkemeyer M, Lamb TJ, Sci Rep 2018 02 8 1 2532 Autonomous and non-autonomous roles for ephrin-B in interneuron migration. Talebian A, Britton R, Ammanuel S, Bepari A, Sprouse F, Birnbaum SG, Szabó G, Tamamaki N, Gibson J, Henkemeyer M Dev. Biol. 2017 Sep A dual shaping mechanism for postsynaptic ephrin-B3 as a receptor that sculpts dendrites and synapses. Xu NJ, Sun S, Gibson JR, Henkemeyer M Nat. Neurosci. 2011 Nov 14 11 1421-9 EphB2 tyrosine kinase-dependent forward signaling in migration of neuronal progenitors that populate and form a distinct region of the dentate niche. Catchpole T, Henkemeyer M J. Neurosci. 2011 Aug 31 32 11472-83 Ephrin-B reverse signaling controls septation events at the embryonic midline through separate tyrosine phosphorylation-independent signaling avenues. Dravis C, Henkemeyer M Dev. Biol. 2011 Jul 355 1 138-51 Ephrin-B3 reverse signaling through Grb4 and cytoskeletal regulators mediates axon pruning. Xu NJ, Henkemeyer M Nat. Neurosci. 2009 Mar 12 3 268-76 Ephrins in reverse, park and drive. Cowan CA, Henkemeyer M, Trends Cell Biol 2002 Jul 12 7 339-46 The SH2/SH3 adaptor Grb4 transduces B-ephrin reverse signals. Cowan CA, Henkemeyer M Nature 2001 Sep 413 6852 174-9 Results 1-10 of 76 1 2 3 4 5 Next Last Honors & Awards Rita Allen Foundation Scholar (2002-2005) Bristol-Myers Squibb postdoctoral fellowship (1994-1996) Medical Research Council of Canada postdoctoral fellowship (1990-1993) E.I. Du Pont De Nemours and Company graduate student fellowship (1989-1990) Graduated summa cum laude (1984) National Cancer Institute predoctoral training grant (1984-1989)