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Daniela Vela, Ph.D.

Daniela Vela, Ph.D.

Titles and Appointments

Assistant Professor

Medical School

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  • Biography

    Daniela Vela, Ph.D., earned her doctorate in clinical psychology at the University of North Texas. She received advanced training in clinical psychology and geropsychology through a fellowship at the VA North Texas Health Care System. Licensed by the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychology, Dr. Vela joined the UT Southwestern faculty in 2017. Her research interests include geriatric mental health and caregiving. She is a member of the Dallas Area Gerontological Society, the Gerontological Society of America, the Society of Clinical Geropsychology, and the American Psychological Association.

  • Education
    Other Post Graduate Training
    University of North Texas (2012)
    Medical School
    University of North Texas (2016)
    Other Post Graduate Training
    University of North Texas (2016)
    VA North Texas Health Care System (2016), Clinical Psychology
    Graduate School
    University of North Texas (2016), Clinical Psychology
    VA North Texas Health Care System (2017), Geropsychology
  • Research Interest
    • Adult Development and Aging
    • Caregiving
    • Death and Dying
  • Publications

    Star Featured Publications

    The impact of mental aerobics training on older adults: A randomized assigned study.
    Hayslip, B., Paggi, K., & Caballero Vela, D. SAGE Research Methods Cases. 2017
    Development of a scale to measure death perspectives: Overcoming and Participating.
    Petty, E., Hayslip, B., Caballero Vela, D., & Jenkins, S. R. Omega: Journal of death and Dying 2015 71 146-168
    The how and when of parental loss in adulthood: Effects on grief and adjustment.
    Hayslip, B., Pruett, J., & Caballero Vela, D. Omega: Journal of Death and Dying 2015 71 3-18
    The impact of mental aerobics training on older adults.
    Hayslip, B., Paggi, K., & Caballero Vela, D. Journal of Applied Gerontology 2015 32 389-394
    Employee age and reactions to downsizing.
    Lahner, J., Hayslip, B., & Caballero Vela, D. International Journal of Aging and Human Development 2014 79 225-255
    Doing supervision with attitude: Three foundational principles for supervisory action.
    Watkins, C. E., Atkins, S. A. H., Caballero Vela, D., Marchesani, E. S., Ramos, M. J., Guinn, M. D., & Wike, A. E. Psychology Bulletin 2014 49 5-8
    Sensitizing young adults to their biases about middle aged and older persons: A pedagogical approach.
    Hayslip, B., Caballero Vela, D., Ward-Pinson, M., & Riddle, R. R. Educational Gerontology 2013 39 37-44
    The beneficial effects of senior center attendance on grandparents raising grandchildren.
    Rhynes, L., Hayslip, B., Caballero Vela, D., & Ingman, S. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships 2013 11 162-175
  • Professional Associations/Affiliations
    • American Psychological Association (2010)
    • Gerontological Society of America (2012)