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Laurent Calvier, Ph.D.

Laurent Calvier, Ph.D.

Titles and Appointments

Assistant Professor

Medical School
Neurology | Molecular Genetics | Peter O'Donnell Jr. Brain Institute
Graduate Programs
  • Biography

    Throughout my career, I have been deeply committed to unraveling the intricate biology of biomarkers and biotargets, particularly at the intersection of vascular and organ dysfunction. I completed my Ph.D. in 2012 at the INSERM (Nancy, France), a world-leading institution ranked 2nd in the health sector for research, behind the NIH (SCImago Institutions Ranking). Under the guidance of Drs. Natalia López-Andrés and Patrick Rossignol, I studied several biomarker pathways and vascular remodeling in cardiovascular diseases and kidney failure. This rigorous training resulted in the publication of 9 impactful papers, including first authorships in prestigious journals such as ATVB, Hypertension, and JACC: Heart Failure.

    Continuing my academic journey, I completed my first postdoctoral training at Hannover Medical School in Germany, which is one of the top three lung transplantation centers globally, providing me with privileged access to human samples. Under the guidance of Dr. Georg Hansmann, I conducted translational research on biomarkers in pulmonary hypertension and tested treatments to prevent pulmonary artery remodeling in this disease. My second postdoc was carried out in the department led by Nobel Laureates Drs. Brown and Goldstein, within UT Southwestern (Dallas, USA), the world leader academic medical center (Nature Index). Under the supportive mentorship of Dr. Joachim Herz, I focused on the endothelial function of the proinflammatory factor Reelin in chronic inflammatory diseases, such as atherosclerosis, multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis. These postdocs resulted in 15 significant publications, with 10 first authorships, in high-impact journals such as Cell Metabolism, Science Immunology, Circulation Research, or Science Translational Medicine. In addition to these scholarly achievements, I have also received recognition in the form of several research grants as a principal investigator or collaborator (from ESAC and Harrington respectively) and several fellowships (from DFG, FEBS, and Keystone), which introduced me to grant writing and management skills.

    As I transition into a Principal Investigator role (tenure track Assistant Professor), I am leveraging my cardiovascular expertise to unravel the complexities of vascular inflammation across different diseases, such as atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, and multiple sclerosis. My recent work, culminating in four publications including a last senior authorship in Cell Reports, underscores my commitment to advancing knowledge in these fields. Furthermore, I am spearheading efforts to establish plasma Reelin as a promising drug target for chronic inflammatory diseases. To this end, I have filed a patent and co-founded Reelin Therapeutics alongside esteemed colleagues Drs. Joachim Herz and Maria Kounnas from UTSW and UCSD, respectively. Our biotech venture aims to translate groundbreaking research into tangible clinical solutions, with a focus on developing humanized anti-Reelin antibodies. Securing NIH and Foundation funding as a co-investigator and co-principal investigator further attests to the potential impact of our endeavors.

  • Publications
    Safety of Anti-Reelin Therapeutic Approaches for Chronic Inflammatory Diseases
    Calvier L, Alexander A, Marckx AT, Kounnas MZ, Durakoglugil M, Herz J Cells 2024 Apr 13
    Reelin through the years: From brain development to inflammation
    Alexander A, Herz J, Calvier L Cell Reports 2023 Jun 42
    Circulating Reelin promotes inflammation and modulates disease activity in acute and long COVID-19 cases
    Calvier L, Drelich A, Hsu J, Tseng CT, Mina Y, Nath A, Kounnas MZ, Herz J Frontiers in immunology 2023 14
    The “6B” Strategy: Build Back a Better Blood–Brain Barrier
    Calvier L, Alexander AE, Herz J Immuno 2022 Sep 2 506-511
    Editorial: New Advances in Cardiorenal Syndrome
    Calvier L, Kökény G, Martinez-Martinez E Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 2022 Jul 9
    Interplay of Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptors, LRPs, and Lipoproteins in Pulmonary Hypertension
    Calvier L, Herz J, Hansmann G JACC: Basic to Translational Science 2022 Feb 7 164-180
    PPARγ and TGFβ—Major regulators of metabolism, inflammation, and fibrosis in the lungs and kidneys
    Kökény G, Calvier L, Hansmann G International journal of molecular sciences 2021 Oct 22
    Reelin changes hippocampal learning in aging and Alzheimer's disease
    Marckx AT, Fritschle KE, Calvier L, Herz J Behavioural Brain Research 2021 Sep 414
    Apolipoprotein E receptor 2 deficiency decreases endothelial adhesion of monocytes and protects against autoimmune encephalomyelitis
    Calvier L, Manouchehri N, Sacharidou A, Mineo C, Shaul PW, Hui DY, Kounnas MZ, Stüve O, Herz J Science Immunology 2021 Aug 6
    CD11c+CD88+CD317+ myeloid cells are critical mediators of persistent CNS autoimmunity
    Manouchehri N, Hussain RZ, Cravens PD, Esaulova E, Artyomov MN, Edelson BT, Wu GF, Cross AH, Doelger R, Loof N, Eagar TN, Forsthuber TG, Calvier L, Herz J, Stüve O Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2021 Apr 118