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Jun Yamamoto, Ph.D.

Jun Yamamoto, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Medical School
Graduate Programs
  • Biography

    Dr. Yamamoto received his bachelor's, Master's and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from Keio University (Tokyo Japan). During the Ph.D. program, Dr. Yamamoto was deeply influenced by the Dr. Matt Wilson's work (MIT) and shifted to Computational / Systems Neuroscience. Dr. Yamamoto received his postdoctoral training in the Psychiatry Department at The University of Strasbourg Medical School (Louis  Pasteur University, France) and in The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) under supervision of Drs Guy Sandner (until 2000) and Matt Wilson (until 2008). He then worked in the Tonegawa laboratory at MIT as a Research Scientist until early 2017.

    Dr. Yamamoto joined the UT Southwestern Medical Center as an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry Neuroscience in 2017.

  • Research Interest
    • High-Density Large-Scale Neural Recordings in Psychosis Model Mice.
    • Translational Human Recordings / Data Analysis in Psychotic Patients
  • Publications

    Star Featured Publications

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    Multiple types of navigational information are independently encoded in the population activities of the dentate gyrus neurons.
    Murano T, Nakajima R, Nakao A, Hirata N, Amemori S, Murakami A, Kamitani Y, Yamamoto J, Miyakawa T, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2022 Aug 119 32 e2106830119
    Hippocampal-amygdala memory circuits govern experience-dependent observational fear.
    Terranova JI, Yokose J, Osanai H, Marks WD, Yamamoto J, Ogawa SK, Kitamura T, Neuron 2022 Feb
    Novel nose poke-based temporal discrimination tasks with concurrent in vivo calcium imaging in freely moving mice.
    Marks WD, Osanai H, Yamamoto J, Ogawa SK, Kitamura T, Mol Brain 2019 Nov 12 1 90
    Distinct speed dependence of entorhinal island and ocean cells, including respective grid cells.
    Sun C, Kitamura T, Yamamoto J, Martin J, Pignatelli M, Kitch LJ, Schnitzer MJ, Tonegawa S Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2015 Jul 112 30 9466-71
    Neural representation of spatial topology in the rodent hippocampus.
    Chen Z, Gomperts SN, Yamamoto J, Wilson MA Neural Comput 2014 Jan 26 1 1-39
    Lack of kainic acid-induced gamma oscillations predicts subsequent CA1 excitotoxic cell death.
    Jinde S, Belforte JE, Yamamoto J, Wilson MA, Tonegawa S, Nakazawa K Eur. J. Neurosci. 2009 Sep 30 6 1036-55
  • Honors & Awards
    • National Institute of Mental Health
      R01MH120135 (2020-2025)
    • Whitehall Foundation
      Research Grant Award (2019-2022)
    • Brain & Behavior Research Foundation
      NARSAD Young Investigator Research Award (2018-2021)
    • Sumitomo Foundation
      Basic Research Grant Award (2017-2018)
  • Professional Associations/Affiliations
    • Department of Psychiatry, Neuroscience Division (2017)
    • Neuroscience graduate program (2018)