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Gaylord Throckmorton, Ph.D.

Gaylord Throckmorton, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus

Medical School
Graduate Programs
Biomedical Engineering
  • Biography

    Born August 7, 1946; Kansas City, Kansas

    Married, three grown children

    1968 BA, Zoology (honors), University of Kansas

    1974 PhD, Evolutionary Biology, University of Chicago

  • Education
    University of Kansas Main Camp (1968)
    Graduate School
    University of Chicago (1974)
  • Research Interest
    • Biomechanics of the jaw
    • Electromyography of jaw muscles
    • Human anatomy, especially head and neck anatomy
    • Kinesiology of mastication
    • Ultrasound Imaging of Soft Tissues of Face
  • Publications

    Star Featured Publications

    Featured Featured Featured Featured
    Masticatory efficiency in children and adolescents with Class I and Class II malocclusions.
    Toro, A., Buschang, P.H., Throckmorton, G., Roldan, S. Europ. J. Orthodont 2006 28 112-199
    Treatment of mandibular condylar process fractures: Biological considerations
    Ellis, E., III and Throckmorton, G.S. J. Oral Maxillofacial Surgery 2005 53 115-134
    Reducing within-subject variation in chewing cycle kinematics: A statistical approach.
    Wintergerst, A.M., Buschang, P.H., Throckmorton, G.S Archs. Oral Biol December 2004 49 991-1000
    Masticatory motion after surgical and non-surgical treatment for unilateral fractures of the mandibular condylar process.
    Throckmorton, G.S., Ellis, E., III, Hayasaki, H. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg 2003 62: 127 127-138
    The effects of bolus hardness on masticatory kinematics.
    Anderson, K., Throckmorton, G.S., Buschang, P.H., Hayasaki, H. Oral Rehabilitation 2002 29/7 689-696
  • Honors & Awards
    • B.F. Dewel Memorial Biomedical Research Award
      best grant application to the American Association of Orthodontics Foundation (2002)
    • Daniel M. Laskin Award
      most outstanding article published in the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surger (2001)
  • Professional Associations/Affiliations
    • American Medical Writers Association
    • American Society of Biomechanics
    • International Association of Dental Research
    • Society of Technical Communication
    • Texas Faculty Association