David Schneider, M.D. Titles and Appointments Professor & Chair Endowed Title Perry E. Gross, M.D. Distinguished Chair in Family Medicine School Medical School Department Family and Community Medicine You have reached the Academic Profile. For more information on the doctor and patient care, please visit the clinical profile. Biography Dr. Schneider is Professor and Chairman of the department of Family and Community Medicine at UTSW, the Perry E. Gross, MD, Distinguished Chair of Family Medicine, and serves as Chief of Family Medicine at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, Dallas. He has been in academic family medicine for over 30 years and has run academic programs and federally funded training grants throughout his career. He has researched and taught about domestic violence and toxic stress, and its impact on health, and more recently conducted research on non-malignant chronic pain and how to safely care for patients with chronic pain. Prior to joining UT Southwestern, he was professor and chair of Family and Community Medicine at Saint Louis University where he greatly expanded the department, established an NIH-ranked research program in the department, and established a new residency focused on care of the urban underserved in St. Louis, Missouri. Early in his career, while at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio he served as Family Medicine Clerkship Director, Residency Director and Vice Chair for Education. He was also Co-Director of the Center for Violence Prevention, a CDC funded center. Dr. Schneider is currently the Immediate Past President and chair of the board of directors of the Association of Departments of Family Medicine. He is a past president of the Texas Academy of Family Physicians, was the founding president of the Academy on Violence and Abuse, and was chair of the National Health Collaborative on Violence and Abuse. Education Medical School Boston University School of Medicine (1987) Residency Duke University/FAHEC Family Medicine Residency (1990), Family Medicine Other Post Graduate Training University of Missouri (1992) Graduate School University of Missouri (1992), Public Health Fellowship University of Missouri School of Medicine (1992), Academic Family Medicine Research Interest Cervical cancer and human papilloma virus screening and prevention Non-malignant chronic pain management Toxic stress and violence and its impact on health Publications Featured Publications Sex Differences in the Association of Depression Symptoms and Cardiovascular Disease in Adults in the United States. Thakur B, Strenth C, Arnold EM, Schneider FD, Am J Health Promot 2024 Jun 8901171241262249 Reconnecting to "Vision, Voice, Leadership": ADFM's New Strategic Plan. Schneider FD, Weidner A, Elwood S, Ann Fam Med 2024 22 2 178-180 Adverse Childhood Experiences and Diabetes: Testing Violence and Distress Mediational Pathways in Family Medicine Patients. Strenth CR, Mo A, Kale NJ, Day PG, Gonzalez L, Green R, Cruz II, Schneider FD, J Interpers Violence 2022 Feb 8862605221076536 Perspectives of primary care physicians on acceptance and barriers to COVID-19 vaccination. Day P, Strenth C, Kale N, Schneider FD, Arnold EM, Fam Med Community Health 2021 11 9 4 Emergency department presentation of opioid use disorder and alcohol use disorder. Xierali IM, Day PG, Kleinschmidt KC, Strenth C, Schneider FD, Kale NJ, J Subst Abuse Treat 2021 Aug 127 108343 Recent Trends in Faculty Promotion in U.S. Medical Schools: Implications for Recruitment, Retention, and Diversity and Inclusion. Xierali IM, Nivet MA, Syed ZA, Shakil A, Schneider FD, Acad Med 2021 Jun Identifying and overcoming barriers to trauma screening in the primary care setting. van den Berk-Clark C, Gallamore R, Barnes J, Oberle A, Meyer D, Schneider FD, Fam Syst Health 2021 May PTSD improvement and substance use disorder treatment utilization in veterans: Evidence from medical record data. Salas J, Norman SB, Tuerk PW, den Berk-Clark CV, Cohen BE, Schneider FD, Chard KM, Lustman PJ, Schnurr PP, Friedman MJ, Grucza R, Scherrer JF, Drug Alcohol Depend 2021 01 218 108365 Prescription opioid use duration and beliefs about pain and pain medication in primary care patients. Day P, Secrest S, Davis D, Salas J, van den Berk-Clark C, Kale N, Hearing C, Schneider FD, Scherrer JF, J Opioid Manag 2020 Nov-Dec 16 6 425-434 Combined effect of posttraumatic stress disorder and prescription opioid use on risk of cardiovascular disease. Scherrer JF, Salas J, Lustman P, Tuerk P, Gebauer S, Norman SB, Schneider FD, Chard KM, van den Berk-Clark C, Cohen BE, Schnurr PP, Eur J Prev Cardiol 2020 09 27 13 1412-1422 Results 1-10 of 61 1 2 3 4 5 Next Last Professional Associations/Affiliations Academy on Violence and Abuse (2005) American Academy of Family Physicians (1985) Association of Departments of Family Medicine (2008) National Health Collaborative on Violence and Abuse (2001) North American Primary Care Research Group (1991) Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (1989) Texas Academy of Family Physicians (1992)