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Ami Waters, M.D.

Ami Waters, M.D.

Titles and Appointments

Associate Professor

Medical School
Pediatrics | Internal Medicine | Public Health

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  • Biography

    Dr. Ami Waters is an Internal Medicine-Pediatrics Physician. She received her undergraduate degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology from Vanderbilt University and then returned to Texas for her medical degree at UT Health Science Center at San Antonio. She completed her training in Internal Medicine-Pediatrics at Baylor College of Medicine. Dr. Waters pursued further training in Global Health from 2014-2016 through the UCSF Global Health Hospitalist/ Health Equity, Action and Leadership (HEAL) fellowship. As a part of this fellowship, she spent 6 months of each year working in rural Liberia with Last Mile Health, a non-governmental organization dedicated to ensuring health access to those in remote communities. Dr. Waters joined faculty in September 2016. She treats patients of all ages as a hospitalist at both Parkland and Children’s Medical Center Dallas.  In addition, Dr. Waters continues to work with Last Mile Health as Co-Medical Director, spending 6 months a year in Liberia. Her interests include global health, medical education, population health, advocacy and transitions of care. In her free time, she likes to cook, watch college football (Gig’Em!Go Dores!), and travel. 

  • Education
    Graduate School
    Berkeley School of Public Health 2015
    Medical School
    University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (2010)
    Baylor College of Medicine (2011), Internal Medicine & Pediatrics
    Baylor College of Medicine (2014), Internal Medicine & Pediatrics
    UCSF Medical Center (2016), Global Health
  • Research Interest
    • Clinical care of underserved
    • Global health
    • Medical education
  • Publications

    Star Featured Publications

    A Community Health Worker Intervention to Increase Childhood Disease Treatment Coverage in Rural Liberia: A Controlled Before-and-After Evaluation.
    White EE, Downey J, Sathananthan V, Kanjee Z, Kenny A, Waters A, Rabinowich J, Raghavan M, Dorr L, Halder A, Nyumah J, Duokie D, Boima T, Panjabi R, Siedner MJ, Kraemer JD Am J Public Health 2018 Jul e1-e8
    Facility-Based Delivery during the Ebola Virus Disease Epidemic in Rural Liberia: Analysis from a Cross-Sectional, Population-Based Household Survey.
    Ly J, Sathananthan V, Griffiths T, Kanjee Z, Kenny A, Gordon N, Basu G, Battistoli D, Dorr L, Lorenzen B, Thomson DR, Waters A, Moore UG, Roberts R, Smith WL, Siedner MJ, Kraemer JD PLoS Med. 2016 Aug 13 8 e1002096
    The role of hospitalists in the Ebola response in the United States and abroad.
    Waters A, Wu E, Shamasunder S, Le P J Hosp Med 2015 Jan 10 1 50-3
    Occult serious bacterial infection in infants younger than 60 to 90 days with bronchiolitis: a systematic review.
    Ralston S, Hill V, Waters A Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2011 Oct 165 10 951-6
  • Honors & Awards
    • Baylor College of Medicine Med-Peds Outstanding Graduating Clinic Resident
    • Gold Humanism in Medicine Honor Society
    • Paul Brand Scholar, International Trip to Vellore India
  • Professional Associations/Affiliations
    • American Board of Pediatrics