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Izabella De Abreu, M.D.

Izabella De Abreu, M.D.

Titles and Appointments

Assistant Professor

Medical School

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  • Biography

    Dr. Dutra de Abreu completed medical school at Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Brazil, and psychiatric training at Fhemig (Instituto Raul Soares) in Belo Horizonte. She earned her master's degree at the University of Sao Paulo. She practiced as a psychiatrist in Brazil for 8 years before moving to the United States. She completed her residency training at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, TX, and her Geriatric Psychiatry Fellowship at UT Southwestern. Her interests include dementia with an emphasis on Alzheimer’s disease, mild cognitive impairment, and depression.

  • Education
    Medical School
    Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora Faculdade De Medicina (1999)
    Fundacao Hospitalar do Estado de Minas Gerais, FHEMIG, (2003), Psychiatry
    Baylor College of Medicine (2016), Psychiatry
    UT Southwestern Medical Center (2017), Geriatric Psychiatry
  • Publications

    Star Featured Publications

    A Simulation Exercise to Raise Learners' Awareness of the Physical and Cognitive Changes in Older Adults
    de Abreu ID1, Hinojosa-Lindsey M2, Asghar-Ali AA3,4,5. Acad Psychiatry 2017
    Interventions to Reduce Burden for Rural Caregivers of Patients with Dementia: A Review
    I Dutra de Abreu, S Hudson, M E Kunik. The Internet Journal of Advanced Nursing Practice. 2015 2015 Volume 14 Number 1.
    Mild cognitive impairment: cognitive screening or neuropsychological assessment?
    Diniz BS, Nunes PV, Yassuda MS, Pereira FS, Flaks MK, Viola LF, Radanovic M, Abreu ID, Borelli DT, Gattaz WF, Forlenza OV, Braz J Psychiatry 2008 Dec 30 4 316-21
    Combining functional scales and cognitive tests in screening for mild cognitive impairment at a university-based memory clinic in Brazil
    Abreu ID, Nunes P, Diniz B, Forlenza OV Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria 2008 30(4) 346-349.
    Alzheimer Disease: correlation between memory and autonomy
    Abreu ID, Forlenza OV, Barros HL Revista de Psiquiatria Clinica 2005 ; 32(3): 131-136
  • Honors & Awards
    • Recipient of the 2016 Resident Research Award from Baylor College of Medicine,-Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. In recognition of scholarly accomplishments.
      Baylor College of Medicine -Houston TX (2016)
    • Honors Scholar Awardee at Geriatric Mental Health Foundation (GMHF) Scholars Fund Selection Committee, at the American Association of Geriatrics Psychiatry.Meeting held in March14th to 17 th in Orlando Florida during the 2014 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geriatric Psychiatry.
      AAGP (2014)
    • TRIPSS Scholar awardee. The South Central Mental Illness Research, Education, & Clinical Center (MIRECC) sponsored 12th Annual TRIPS . TRIPS (Training Residents in Psychiatry Scholarship).Meeting held at Tulane University 2014 Forensic Psychiatry Conference on April 11-14, 2014.
      MIRECC (2014)
  • Professional Associations/Affiliations
    • A Diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology,Inc., a member Board of the American Board of medical specialities (2017)
    • UTSW (2017)