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Jerry Shay, Ph.D.

Jerry Shay, Ph.D.


Endowed Title
Distinguished Teaching Professor; The Southland Financial Corporation Distinguished Chair in Geriatrics
Medical School
Cell Biology
Graduate Programs
Cancer Biology, Genetics, Development and Disease
  • Biography

    Download Curriculum Vitae

    Jerry W. Shay, Professor



    The University of Texas at Austin, BA, Zoology/ Cell Biology, 1966

    The University of Kansas at Lawrence, MA, Cell Biol. & Physiol. Mol. Cell., 1968

    The University of Colorado at Boulder, PhD, Develop. Biology, 1972-1975



    1975-1993 Assistant/Associate Professor, Department of Cell Biology/Neuroscience, UT Southwestern

    1993- Professor, Department of Cell Biology, UT Southwestern, Southland Financial Corporation Distinguished Chair in Geriatric Research

    2002- Associate Director, Education and Training, UT Southwestern Harold Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center



    2012   University of Texas Regent's Outstanding Teaching Award

    2012   University of Texas Kenneth I. Shine Academy of Health Science Education

    2013   Minnie Stevens Piper Foundation Piper Professor

    2015   UT Southwestern Medical Center Distinguished Basic Science Educator Award

    2016   Mary Kay Foundation Distinguished Professorship in Women's Cancer Research, in Honor of Jerry Shay, Ph.D.

    2017   Eunice Kennedy Shriver NIH Alliance for Regenerative Rehabilitation Research and Training Pioneer Award



    Maia Biotechnology

    Telos Biotech, Inc.

    Reata Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    Barricade Therapeutics

    Centaura AG

    LifeLength, Madrid



    #6,391,554 Issue date:  5/21/2002

    “Detecting Cancerous Conditions by Assaying for Telomerase Activity”

    #6,551,774 Issue date:  4/22/2003

    “Diagnostic Methods for Conditions Associated with Elevated Cellular Levels of Telomerase”

    #61/875,933  Provisional Issue Date: 9/10/2013

    “Therapeutics Targeting Truncated Adenomatous Polyposis Coli (APC) Proteins”

    #61/875,409 Issue Date: 7/22/2014

    “Compounds Having Anti-Adhesive Effects on Cancer Cells”

    #61/809,575  Issue Date: 4/08/2014

    “Telomerase Mediated Telomere Altering Compounds” International 14/336,443

    #62/193,019 Provisional Issue Date: 7/15/2015

    “Targeting Emopamil Binding Protein (EBP) with Small Molecules that Induce an Abnormal Feedback Response by Lowering Endogenous Cholesterol Biosynthesis”

    Submitted #25301016 03/24/2016

    “Treatment of Drug Resistant Proliferative Diseases with Telomerase Mediated Telomere Altering Compound”

    #62/504,009 Provisional Issue Date: 05/10/2017

    “TeSLA (Telomere Shortest Length Assay): A Method to Measure the Shortest Telomeres”

  • Education
    Graduate School
    University of Texas-Austin (1968), Genetics
    Graduate School
    University of Kansas (1972), Cell Biology
  • Research Interest
    • Cancer stem cells
    • Cell Biology of the cancer genome
    • Mechanisms of cellular immortalization
    • Mouse models of radiation-induced cancer
    • Role of telomeres and telomerase in cancer and aging
  • Publications

    Star Featured Publications

    Featured Featured Featured Featured Featured Featured Featured
    Telomere position effect: regulation of gene expression with progressive telomere shortening over long distances.
    Robin JD, Ludlow AT, Batten K, Magdinier F, Stadler G, Wagner KR, Shay JW, Wright WE Genes Dev. 2014 Nov 28 22 2464-76
    Alternative splicing regulation of telomerase: a new paradigm?
    Wong MS, Wright WE, Shay JW Trends Genet. 2014 Aug
    Specific association of human telomerase activity with immortal cells and cancer.
    Kim NW, Piatyszek MA, Prowse KR, Harley CB, West MD, Ho PL, Coviello GM, Wright WE, Weinrich SL, Shay JW Science 1994 Dec 266 5193 2011-5
  • Honors & Awards
    • Pioneer Award
      Eunice Kennedy Shriver NIH Alliance for Regenerative Rehabilitation Research and Training (2017)
    • Distinguished Professorship in Women's Cancer Research, in Honor of Jerry Shay, Ph.D.
      Mary Kay Foundation (2016)
    • Distinguished Basic Science Educator Award
      UT Southwestern Medical Center (2015)
    • Piper Professor
      Minnie Stevens Piper Foundation (2013)
    • University of Texas Kenneth I. Shine Academy of Health Science Education
    • University of Texas Regent's Outstanding Teaching Award
      Medal (2012)
    • Doctor of the Decade (1995-2005)
      Ranked 6th Most Cited Author in General Biomedical Science (2006)
    • Ted Nash Award
      Aging Research (2006)
    • Distinguished Chair in Geriatric Research
      Southland Financial Corporation (2001)
    • Hayflick Award
      American Aging Association (2001)
    • Senior Scholar Award
      Ellison Medical Foundation (1999)
  • Professional Associations/Affiliations
    • KAU University Center for Excellence in Medical Genetics Research Scientific Advisory Board Chair (2012)
    • Mary Kay Ash Foundation Scientific Review Committee Chairman (1996)
    • NIH Study Section on Mammalian Genetics Member (1990-1994)
    • Reata Pharmaceuticals Scientific Advisory Board (2002)
    • Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Research Grant Committee (1995-1997)