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Duke Samson, M.D.

Duke Samson, M.D.

Titles and Appointments

Professor Emeritus

Medical School
Neurological Surgery
  • Biography

    Duke Samson was born in January 1943 in Odessa, Texas. Following graduation from Odessa High School in 1961, he attended Stanford University, where he majored in psychology and played intercollegiate football and rugby. He graduated from Washington University Medical School in 1969 and completed a surgical internship at Duke University Medical Center. His neurosurgical residency at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School was highlighted by a fellowship with Professor Gerard Guiot in Paris and Professor M.G. Yasargil in Zurich. Dr. Samson entered the United States Army Medical Corps in 1975, serving both at Clark Air Force Base in the Republic of the Philippines and Walter Reed Army Medical Center. In 1977 he joined the faculty at Southwestern, focusing his clinical and investigative interests on vascular diseases of the nervous system. Dr. Samson was promoted to Professor of Surgery in 1984 and assumed the chairmanship of the Division of Neurological Surgery the following year. In 1988, neurosurgery at Southwestern achieved departmental status and he accepted the W. Kemp Clark Chair, established in honor of the division’s first chairman. On sabbatical leave from the chairmanship in 1998, Dr. Samson was named Director of the Mobility Foundation, a multi-disciplinary center dedicated to clinical research in cerebrovascular disease and spinal cord injury. He currently holds the Lois C.A. and Darwin E. Smith Distinguished Chair in Neurological Surgery. Dr. Samson is married to Dr. Patricia Bergen, a member of the General Surgery faculty at Southwestern, and they have two children, Loren Daniel Bergen Samson and Gabriel Stanford Bergen Samson.

  • Education
    Stanford University (1965)
    Medical School
    Washington University (1969)
  • Publications

    Star Featured Publications

    Featured Featured
    Dural Waisting As A Sign Of Subarachnoid Extension Of Cavernous Carotid Aneurysm: A Follow-up Case Report
    J. A. White, M.B. Horowitz, D. Samson Surgical Neurology December 1999 52(6) 607-609; Discussion 609-610
    Current Results of the Surgical Management of Aneurysms of the Basilar Apex
    D. Samson, H.H. Batjer, T.A. Kopitnik NEUROSRUGERY 1999 44 (4) 697-702; Discussion 702-704
    Aneurysm Retreatment After Guglielmi Detachable Coil And Nondetachable Coil Embolization: Report Of Nine Cases And Review Of The Literature
    M. Horowitz, P. Purdy, T. Kopitnik, K. Dutton, D. Samson NEUROSURGERY 1999 44(4) 712-719 - Discussion 719-720
    Multidisciplinary approach to traumatic intracranial aneurysms secondary to shotgun and handgun wounds.
    Horowitz MB, Kopitnik TA, Landreneau F, Ramnani DM, Rushing EJ, George E, Purdy PP, Samson D. Surgical Neurology 1999 51(1) 31-41 discussion 41-42
    Posteriorinferior cerebellar artery aneurysms, surgical results for 38 patients.
    Horowitz M, Kopitnik T, Landreneau F, Krummerman J, Batjer HH, Thomas G, Samson D. Neurosurgery 1998 43(5) 1026-1032
  • Honors & Awards
    • Honored Guest Speaker
      Southern Neurosurgical Society (2006)
    • Honored Guest Speaker
      Joint Section - Cerebrovascular Disease (2005)
    • Honored Guest Speaker
      Texas Association of Neurological Surgeons (2005)
    • Honored Guest Speaker
      Rocky Mountain Neurological Society (2002)
    • Donaghy Lecturer - Joint Section of Cerebrovascular Surgery - American Association of Neurological Surgery
      Joint Section of Cerebrovascular Surgery - American Association of Neurological Surgeons (1997)
  • Professional Associations/Affiliations
    • American Academy of Neurological Surgeons
    • American Association of Neurological Surgeons
    • Congress of Neurological Surgeons
    • Society of Neurological Surgeons
    • Texas Association of Neurological Surgeons