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Kosuke Izumi, M.D.,  Ph.D.

Kosuke Izumi, M.D., Ph.D.

Titles and Appointments

Assistant Professor

Medical School
Pediatrics | Children's Medical Center Research Institute at UT Southwestern
Graduate Programs
Genetics, Development and Disease

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  • Biography

    Dr. Izumi obtained his MD and PhD at Keio University School of Medicine, where he studied molecular mechanism of pediatric genetic disorders.  He completed clinical pediatrics and genetics training at Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. He achieved board certification in pediatrics and medical genetics. After the clinical training, he became a post-doc at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and the University of Tokyo. During his post-doc training, he investigated molecular mechanism of a chromosomal disorder, Pallister-Killian syndrome, and syndromic neurodevelopmental disorders. Prior to joining the University of Texas Southwestern, he was a faculty member of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. In 2023, he joined the Department of Pediatrics, University of Texas Southwestern. His research lab has focused on projects studying the molecular mechanisms of Pallister-Killian Syndrome, nuclear speckle disorders, and chromatin disorders. His group discovered causative genes for many Mendelian disorders, and those include AFF4, ARCN1, NKAP, and CBX1. By employing cutting-edge genomic technologies, his research aims to link the clinical findings of patients with genetic disorders to underlying genomic functional alterations. 

  • Education
    Medical School
    Keio University School of Medicine/Tokyo (2003)
    Other Post Graduate Training
    Keio University Graduate School of Medicine/Tokyo (2008)
    Case Western Reserve University/University Hospitals Case Medical Center (2010), Pediatrics
    Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (2012), Pediatrics & Medical Genetics
  • Research Interest
    • Chromatin biology
    • Chromosome biology
    • Dysmorphology
    • Epigenetics
    • Neurocognitive impairment
    • Transcriptomics
  • Publications

    Star Featured Publications

    Featured Featured Featured Featured Featured Featured
    Genomic analyses in Cornelia de Lange Syndrome and related diagnoses: Novel candidate genes, genotype-phenotype correlations and common mechanisms.
    Kaur M, Blair J, Devkota B, Fortunato S, Clark D, Lawrence A, Kim J, Do W, Semeo B, Katz O, Mehta D, Yamamoto N, Schindler E, Al Rawi Z, Wallace N, Wilde JJ, McCallum J, Liu J, Xu D, Jackson M, Rentas S, Tayoun AA, Zhe Z, Abdul-Rahman O, Allen B, Angula MA, Anyane-Yeboa K, Argente J, Arn PH, Armstrong L, Basel-Salmon L, Baynam G, Bird LM, Bruegger D, Ch'ng GS, Chitayat D, Clark R, Cox GF, Dave U, DeBaere E, Field M, Graham JM, Gripp KW, Greenstein R, Gupta N, Heidenreich R, Hoffman J, Hopkin RJ, Jones KL, Jones MC, Kariminejad A, Kogan J, Lace B, Leroy J, Lynch SA, McDonald M, Meagher K, Mendelsohn N, Micule I, Moeschler J, Nampoothiri S, Ohashi K, Powell CM, Ramanathan S, Raskin S, Roeder E, Rio M, Rope AF, Sangha K, Scheuerle AE, Schneider A, Shalev S, Siu V, Smith R, Stevens C, Tkemaladze T, Toimie J, Toriello H, Turner A, Wheeler PG, White SM, Young T, Loomes KM, Pipan M, Harrington AT, Zackai E, Rajagopalan R, Conlin L, Deardorff MA, McEldrew D, Pie J, Ramos F, Musio A, Kline AD, Izumi K, Raible SE, Krantz ID, Am J Med Genet A 2023 Aug 191 8 2113-2131
    Retrospective identification of patients with SRRM2-related neurodevelopmental disorder in a single tertiary children's hospital.
    Regan-Fendt KE, Rippert AL, Medne L, Skraban CM, DeJesse J, Gray C, Reichert SL, Staropoli NP, Santos FJR, Krantz ID, Murrell JR, Izumi K, Am J Med Genet A 2023 Aug 191 8 2149-2155
    Neurodevelopmental disorder mutations in the purine biosynthetic enzyme IMPDH2 disrupt its allosteric regulation.
    O'Neill AG, Burrell AL, Zech M, Elpeleg O, Harel T, Edvardson S, Mor-Shaked H, Rippert AL, Nomakuchi T, Izumi K, Kollman JM, J Biol Chem 2023 Jul 299 8 105012
    Unmasking the challenges of Kabuki syndrome in adulthood: A case series.
    Priestley JRC, Rippert AL, Condit C, Izumi K, Kallish S, Drivas TG, Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet 2023 Jun 193 2 128-138
  • Honors & Awards
    • Distinguished Research Trainee Award at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
    • American Academy of Pediatrics, Resident Research Grant recipient
    • 21st Century Center of Excellence (COE) Program Research Associate Award
    • Fellowship award from Bo-shi Aiikukai Foundation
    • Medical Student Outstanding Research Award at Keio University School of Medicine