Shannon Scielzo, Ph.D. Titles and Appointments Associate Professor School Medical School Department Internal Medicine Biography Download Curriculum Vitae Shannon Scielzo, M.S., Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the Department of Internal Medicine at UT Southwestern Medical Center, where she serves as the department’s Associate Director of Education. She is also Strategic Planning Consultant for Graduate Medical Education. Originally from Orlando, Fla., Dr. Scielzo holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Tarleton State University. She received her master’s degree and doctorate in industrial and organizational psychology from the University of Central Florida, followed by a fellowship in Macrocognition with Dr. Eduardo Salas at UCF’s Institute for Simulation and Training. She joined the UT Southwestern Faculty in 2015. Dr. Scielzo’s research interests include mentoring/coaching, well-being, and evaluation best practices. Her investigations have resulted in several publications in peer-reviewed journals and presentations. Additionally, she has presented regionally and nationally on effective evaluation, mentoring, communication, resident well-being, and other topics. At UT Southwestern, Dr. Scielzo co-chairs the Program Performance Improvement Committee for Graduate Medical Education, and has served on several committees for accreditation, evaluation, and data analysis. She helped develop the "fuel gauge," a simple measure of residents' well-being. She is a member of the American Board of Rheumatology. Her community work includes working with high-school students on science projects and analyzing data on judging in ice-skating, uncovering bias against minorities. Dr. Scielzo’s interests outside of medicine include spending time her with her family, cycling, and ice skating. Research Interest Design and evaluation of residency program curricula Linkage of behavioral indices with selection components and training Psychometric-related applications (e.g., creating valid assessments) Training and Evaluation Well-being/Wellness Publications Featured Publications Resident Fuel Levels: Reframing, Assessing, and Addressing Well-Being Scielzo SA Weigle DC Kazi S J Grad Med Educ 2018 The Fuel Gauge: A Simple Tool for Assessing General Surgery Resident Well-Being. Weis HB, Clark AT, Scielzo SA, Weis JJ, Farr D, Abdelnaby A, Weigle DC, Kazi S, AbdelFattah KR, J Surg Educ 2019 Aug Trauma Surgeon and Palliative Care Physician Attitudes Regarding Goals-of-Care Delineation for Injured Geriatric Patients. Cunningham HB, Scielzo SA, Nakonezny PA, Bruns BR, Brasel KJ, Inaba K, Brakenridge SC, Kerby JD, Joseph BA, Mohler MJ, Cuschieri J, Paulk ME, Ekeh AP, Madni TD, Taveras LR, Imran JB, Wolf SE, Phelan HA Am J Hosp Palliat Care 2019 Jan 1049909118823182 Burn Surgeon and Palliative Care Physician Attitudes Regarding Goals of Care Delineation for Burned Geriatric Patients. Cunningham HB, Scielzo SA, Nakonezny PA, Bruns BR, Brasel KJ, Inaba K, Brakenridge SC, Kerby JD, Joseph BA, Mohler MJ, Cuschieri J, Paulk ME, Ekeh AP, Madni TD, Taveras LR, Imran JB, Wolf SE, Phelan HA J Burn Care Res 2018 May Resident Fuel Levels: Reframing, Assessing, and Addressing Well-Being. Scielzo SA, Weigle DC, Kazi SD J Grad Med Educ 2018 Apr 10 2 198-202 Update in Rheumatology: Evidence Published in 2016. Solow EB, Scielzo SA, Kazi S Ann. Intern. Med. 2017 Mar Learning system assigned passwords (up to 56 bits) in a single session with the methods of cognitive psychology. Haque TSM Al-Ameen MN Scielzo SA Wright M USEC 2017 1-10 Update in Rheumatology: Evidence Published in 2015. Scielzo SA, Stone L, Kazi S Ann. Intern. Med. 2016 May 164 9 W61-4 Towards the memorability of system-assigned random passwords. Al-Ameen MN Fatema K Marne S Ahmed S Sovantharith S Wright M Scielzo SA SOUPS 2016 The impact of cues and user interaction on the memorability of system-assigned recognition-based graphical passwords. Al-Ameen MN Fatema K Wright M Scielzo SA SOUPS 2015 185-196 Results 1-10 of 21 1 2 3 Next Last Books Featured Books Examining measure of team cognition in virtual teams: a heuristic and guidelines. In The PSI Handbook of Virtual Enrivonments for Training and Education: Developments for the Military and Beyond Burke CS, Lum HC, Scielzo SA, Smith-Jentsch A and Salas E (2009). Westport, CT, Praeger Secruity International Exploring gender-based differences in e-mentoring. In Refining Familiar Constructs: Altermative View in OB, HR, and I/O, Research in Organizational Science, Vol. 2 Smith-Jentsch KA, Scielzo SA, & Weichert MA (2007). Greenwich, CT, Information Age Publishing Honors & Awards Furthering our Understanding: Resident Well-Being Fuel Gauge and Program CharacteristicsGrant funded by the Southwestern Academy of Teachers (SWAT) (2017-2018) Physician Scientist Institutional Award Planning GrantGrant funded by the Burroughs Welcome Fund (2017-2018) Resident Well-Being: Development and Validation of an Assessment SystemGrant funded by the Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine (2016-2018) Professional Associations/Affiliations Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine (2015) American Psychological Association (APA) (2008) Dallas Area Industrial and Organizational Psychologists (DIAOP) (2008) Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) (2008) Psychometric Society (2009) Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) (2004)