James Richardson, D.V.M., Ph.D. Titles and Appointments Professor Emeritus Endowed Title Distinguished Teaching Professor School Medical School Department Pathology Education Graduate School University of Guelph - Canada , Veterinary Medicine Graduate School Purdue University Main Campus (1982) Research Interest analysis of murine phenotypes comparative pathology developmental biology Publications Featured Publications Activation of cardiac gene expression by myocardin, a transcriptional cofactor for serum response factor Wang,, D-Z., Chang,, P.S., Wang, Z., Sutherland, L., Richardson, J.A., Small, E., Krieg,, P.A., Olson, E.N. Cell 2001 105 851-862 Cytochrome c deficiency causes embryonic lethality and attenuates stress-induced apoptosis. Li, K, Li Y., Shelton, J.M., Richardson, J.A., Wang, X., Williams, R.S. Cell 2000 101 389-399 Mice lacking the folic acid-binding protein Folbp1 are defective in early embryonic development. Piedrahita, J.A., Oetama, B., Bennett, G.D., van Waes, J., Lacey, S.W., Kamen, B.A., Richardson, J.A., Lark, R.H., Finnell, R.H. Nature Genetics 1999 2 228-232 Narcolepsy in orexin knockout mice: Molecular genetics of sleep regulation. Chemelli, R.M., Willie, J.T., Sinton, C.M., Elmquist, J.K., Scammell, T., Lee, C., Richardson, J.A., Williams, S.C., Xiong, Y., Fitch, T.E., Nakazato, M., Hammer, R.E., Saper, C.B., Yanagisawa, M. Cell 1999 98 437-451 Reeler/disabled-like disruption of neuronal migration in knockout mice lacking the VLDL receptor and ApoE receptor-2. Trommsdorff, M., Gotthardt, M., Hiesberger, T., Shelton, J., Stockinger, W., Nimpf, J., Hammer, R.E., Richardson, J.A., Herz, J. Cell 1999 97 689-701 Twist regulates cytokine gene expression through a negative feedback loop that represses NF-kB activity. Sosic, D., Richardson, J.A., Yu, K., Ornitz, D.M., Olson, E.N. Cell January 2003 112 169-180 Control of facial muscle development by MyoR and capsulin. Lu, J., Bassel-Duby, R., Hawkins, A., Chang, P., Valdez, P., Wu, H., Gan, L., Shelton, J., Richardson, J.A., Olson, E.N. Science December 2002 298 2378-2381 Mitochondrial deficiency and cardiac sudden death in mice lacking the MEF2A transcription factor. Naya, R.J., Black, B.L., Wu, H., Bassel-Duby, R., Richardson, J.A., Hill, J.A., Olson, E.N. Nature Medicine 2002 8 1303-1309 Modulation of cardiac growth and development by HOP, an unusual homeodomain protein. Shin, C-H., Liu, Z-P., Passier, R., Zhang, C-L., Wang, D-Z., Harris, T.M., Yamagishi, H., Richardson, J.A., Childs, G., Olson, E.N. Cell 2002 110 725-735 Fibulin-5 is an elastin-binding protein essential for elastic fiber development in vivo. Yanagisawa, H., Davis, E.C., Starcher, B.C., Ouchi, T., Yanagisawa, M., Richardson, J.A., Olson, E.N. Nature 2002 415 168-71 Results 1-10 of 11 1 2 Next Last Honors & Awards Piper Professor (2008) Outstanding Teacher (2006) Outstanding Teacher (2003) Outstanding Teacher (2001) Outstanding Teacher (1998) Professional Associations/Affiliations American Association for Advancement of Science American Veterinary Medical Association U T Southwestern Academy of Teachers United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology University of Texas Academy of Health Science Education