Daniel Heitjan, Ph.D. Titles and Appointments Professor School School of Public Health Department Public Health Graduate Programs Biomedical Engineering Biography Download Curriculum Vitae I am Professor and Chair of Statistical Science at SMU, Professor of Biostatistics in the O'Donnell School of Public Health at UTSW, and Director of the SMU/UTSW collaborative doctoral program in Biostatistics. I earned a BSc in Mathematics (1981), an MSc in Statistics (1984), and a PhD in Statistics (1985) from the University of Chicago. I served on the faculties of UCLA, Penn State, Columbia, and Penn before moving to Texas in 2014. I have over 200 publications in the literature of medicine and statistics. My research interests include clinical trial design, causal inference, modeling with incomplete data, and statistical methods in health economics, pharmacogenomics, and smoking cessation. Research Interest Cancer Causal inference Clinical trials Health economics Incomplete data Smoking cessation Publications Featured Publications A phase I/II trial of hydroxychloroquine in conjunction with radiation therapy and concurrent and adjuvant temozolomide in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma multiforme. Rosenfeld MR, Ye X, Supko JG, Desideri S, Grossman SA, Brem S, Mikkelson T, Wang D, Chang YC, Hu J, McAfee Q, Fisher J, Troxel AB, Piao S, Heitjan DF, Tan KS, Pontiggia L, O'Dwyer PJ, Davis LE, Amaravadi RK Autophagy 2014 Aug 10 8 1359-68 Hyperuricemia and coronary heart disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Kim SY, Guevara JP, Kim KM, Choi HK, Heitjan DF, Albert DA Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken) 2010 Feb 62 2 170-80 Control of large, established tumor xenografts with genetically retargeted human T cells containing CD28 and CD137 domains. Carpenito C, Milone MC, Hassan R, Simonet JC, Lakhal M, Suhoski MM, Varela-Rohena A, Haines KM, Heitjan DF, Albelda SM, Carroll RG, Riley JL, Pastan I, June CH Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2009 Mar 106 9 3360-5 Long-term use of a left ventricular assist device for end-stage heart failure Eric A Rose, Annetine C Gelijns, Alan J Moskowitz, Daniel F Heitjan, Lynne W Stevenson, Walter Dembitsky, James W Long, Deborah D Ascheim, Anita R Tierney, Ronald G Levitan, John T Watson, Nuala S Ronan, Peter A Shapiro, Ronald M Lazar, Leslie W Miller, Lopa Gupta, O Howard Frazier, Patrice Desvigne-Nickens, Mehmet C Oz, Victor L Poirier, Paul Meier New England Journal of Medicine 2001 345 20 1435-1443 Hemodynamic and renal excretory effects of human brain natriuretic peptide infusion in patients with congestive heart failure. A double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized crossover trial. Marcus LS, Hart D, Packer M, Yushak M, Medina N, Danziger RS, Heitjan DF, Katz SD Circulation 1996 Dec 94 12 3184-9 Ignorability and coarse data Heitjan DF, Rubin DB Annals of Statistics 1991 4 19 2244?2253 Analysis of local sensitivity to nonignorability with missing outcomes and predictors. Chen H, Heitjan DF Biometrics 2022 78 1342-1352 Estimating the optimal timing of surgery from observational data. Chen X, Heitjan DF, Greil G, Jeon-Slaughter H Biometrics 2021 77 729-739 Estimating the opti- mal timing of surgery by imputing potential outcomes. Chen X, Heitjan DF, Greil G, Jeon-Slaughter H Statistics in Medicine 2021 40 6900-6917 Generalizing clinical trial results to a target population. Li S, Heitjan DF Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research 2021 Results 1-10 of 89 1 2 3 4 5 Next Last Books Featured Books Recent Advances on Sampling Methods and Educational Statistics: In Honor of S. Lynne Stokes Ng HK, Heitjan DF (Ed.) (2022). Springer Coarse data. In Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences Update Volume 2 Eds: SAMUEL KOTZ, CAMPBELL B. READ, DAVID L. BANKS Chapter Author: Heitjan DF (1998). New York, Wiley-Interscience Grouped data.. In Encyclopedia of Biostatistics Heitjan DF (1998). New York, John Wiley Sheppard's corrections. In Encyclopedia of Biostatistics Heitjan DF (1998). New York, John Wiley Missing data, types of (4080-411). In Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences Update Volume 2 Heitjan DF, Ten Have TR (1998). New York, John Wiley. Ignorability. In Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences Update Volume 3 Heitjan DF (1999). New York, John Wiley Chapter 16: Sensitivity to nonignorability in frequentist inference.. In Applied Bayesian Modeling and Causal Inference from Incomplete-Data Perspectives Eds: Gelman A and Meng X-L Authors: Ma G, Heitjan DF (2004). New York, John Wiley Honors & Awards Robert F. Woolson Lecturer, Department of Biostatistics, University of Iowa (2023) Distinguished Lecturer, Department of Statistics & Operations Research and Department of Biostatistics, Virginia Commonwealth University (2020) Don Owen Award, American Statistical Association San Antonio Chapter (2017) Elected Fellow, Society for Clinical Trials (2017) Distinguished Speaker, Department of Biostatistics, UT M. D. Anderson Cancer Center (2015) President, Eastern North American Region, International Biometric Society (2013) Elected Fellow, Institute of Mathematical Statistics (2012) Elected Fellow, American Statistical Association (1997) Professional Associations/Affiliations Southern Methodist University (2015)