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Haekyung Jeon-Slaughter, Ph.D.

Haekyung Jeon-Slaughter, Ph.D.

Titles and Appointments

Associate Professor

Medical School
Internal Medicine
  • Biography

    Haekyung Jeon-Slaughter, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the Department of Internal Medicine and a member of the Division of Hematology and Oncology.

    Dr. Jeon-Slaughter earned her bachelor's degree and a master's degree in international economics at Seoul National University in South Korea. She then earned an additional master's degree in economics at the State University of New York in Buffalo. She completed her postdoctoral degree at Cornell University in Ithaca.

    Before joining the Department of Internal Medicine at the University of Texas Southwestern, Dr. Jeon-Slaughter held a faculty biostatistician position in Psychiatry at UT Southwestern and the University of Oklahoma Health Science Center in Oklahoma City. She is currently the Section Chief and Statistician for Research and Analytics at the VA North Texas Health Care System.

    Dr. Jeon-Slaughter’s research focuses on an interdisciplinary approach to medical research applying both statistics and econometrics. Areas of her research interests encompass the cost-effectiveness of endovascular intervention, gender-based cardiovascular outcomes, and cigarette smoking's effect on treatment outcomes.

  • Education
    Seoul National University (1990), Human Development
    Graduate School
    Seoul National University (1992), Economics
    Graduate School
    SUNY at Buffalo (1995), Economics
    Graduate School
    Cornell University (1999), Economics
  • Research Interest
    • Applied Statistics
    • Cigarette Smoking Research
    • Cost Effectiveness of Endovascular Intervention
    • Gender-based Outcomes
    • Health Services and Outcomes in Cardiovascular Treatment
  • Publications

    Star Featured Publications

    Effects of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Size on Mid- and Long-term Mortality After Endovascular Aneurysm Repair.
    Jeon-Slaughter H, Krishnamoorthi H, Timaran D, Wall A, Ramanan B, Banerjee S, Timaran CH, Modrall JG, Tsai S J. Endovasc. Ther. 2019 Feb 1526602819829901
    Atherectomy in below-the-knee endovascular interventions: One-year outcomes from the XLPAD registry.
    Khalili H, Jeon-Slaughter H, Armstrong EJ, Baskar A, Tejani I, Shammas NW, Prasad A, Abu-Fadel M, Brilakis ES, Banerjee S Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2019 Feb 93 3 488-493
    Clinical Outcomes and Cost Comparisons of Stent and Non-Stent Interventions in Infrainguinal Peripheral Artery Disease: Insights From the Excellence in Peripheral Artery Disease (XLPAD) Registry.
    Banerjee S, Jeon-Slaughter H, Armstrong EJ, Bajzer C, Abu-Fadel M, Khalili H, Prasad A, Bou Dargham B, Kamath P, Addo T, Luna M, Gigliotti O, Foteh M, Cawich I, Kinlay S, Ali M, Ramanan B, Niazi K, Tsai S, Shammas NW, Brilakis ES J Invasive Cardiol 2019 Jan 31 1 1-9
    Rate of Secondary Intervention After Open Versus Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair.
    Krishnamoorthi H, Jeon-Slaughter H, Wall A, Banerjee S, Ramanan B, Timaran C, Modrall JG, Tsai S J. Surg. Res. 2018 Dec 232 99-106
    Comparative Effectiveness Study of Drug-Eluting and Bare-Metal Peripheral Artery Stents in Endovascular Femoropopliteal Artery Revascularization.
    Jeon-Slaughter H, Khalili H, Tsai S, Armstrong EJ, Shammas NW, Jawaid O, Lu H, Addo T, Gigliotti O, Abu-Fadel M, Banerjee S J Invasive Cardiol 2018 Oct 30 10 373-379
    Adjunctive stent use during endovascular intervention to the femoropopliteal artery with drug coated balloons: Insights from the XLPAD registry.
    Kokkinidis DG, Jeon-Slaughter H, Khalili H, Brilakis ES, Shammas NW, Banerjee S, Armstrong EJ Vasc Med 2018 Jun 1358863X18775593
    Comparative assessment of patient outcomes with intraluminal or subintimal crossing of infrainguinal peripheral artery chronic total occlusions.
    Kondapalli A, Jeon-Slaughter H, Lu H, Xu H, Khalili H, Prasad A, Armstrong EJ, Brilakis ES, Banerjee S Vasc Med 2017 Nov 1358863X17735192
    Medical student reflections on geriatrics: moral distress, empathy, ethics and end of life.
    Camp ME, Jeon-Slaughter H, Johnson AE, Sadler JZ Gerontol Geriatr Educ 2017 Oct
    Major Limb Outcomes Following Lower Extremity Endovascular Revascularization in Patients With and Without Diabetes Mellitus.
    Shammas AN, Jeon-Slaughter H, Tsai S, Khalili H, Ali M, Xu H, Rodriguez G, Cawich I, Armstrong EJ, Brilakis ES, Banerjee S J. Endovasc. Ther. 2017 Apr 1526602817705135
    Comparison of Lower Extremity Endovascular Intervention Outcomes in Women Versus Men.
    Jeon-Slaughter H, Tsai S, Kamath P, Shammas NW, Brilakis ES, Banerjee S Am. J. Cardiol. 2016 Nov
  • Professional Associations/Affiliations
    • American Economic Association (1995)
    • American Statistical Association (2004)
    • Health Policy Statistics Section-ASA (2005)