Joseph Minei, M.D., M.B.A. Titles and Appointments Professor Endowed Title C. James Carrico, M.D. Distinguished Chair in Surgery for Trauma & Critical Care School Medical School Department Surgery You have reached the Academic Profile. For more information on the doctor and patient care, please visit the clinical profile. Biography Joseph P. Minei, M.D.,M.B.A. Professor, Department of Surgery UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas Dr. Minei graduated from Cornell Medical College in 1984 and did his internship and residency in surgery at the New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center. Dr. Minei joined the faculty at UT Southwestern Medical Center in July 1991 as an Assistant Professor. He is currently the medical director of trauma services and co-director of the surgical intensive care unit at Parkland Memorial Hospital. He is also the director of the surgical critical care fellowship in the Department of Surgery. He was promoted to Associate Professor of Surgery in September 1997. In August of 1999, Dr. Minei was appointed Chief of the Section of Trauma in the Burn/Trauma/Critical Care Division. Dr. Minei’s research interests include the development of trauma systems and the use of evidence-based medicine to develop clinical practice guidelines. Education Medical School Cornell University Medical College (1984) Internship The New York Hospital - Cornell Medical Center (1985), General Surgery Residency The New York Hospital - Cornell Medical Center (1986), General Surgery Fellowship The New York Hospital - Cornell Medical Center (1989), Research Residency The New York Hospital - Cornell Medical Center (1991), Surgery Other Post Graduate Training University of Texas at Dallas (2009) Graduate School University of Texas at Dallas (2009) Publications Featured Publications Augmented TNF response to LPS after thermal injury is regulated post-transcriptionally Minei JP, Williams JG, Hill SH, McIntyre K, Bankey PE Arch. Surg. 1994 129 1198-1203 Splanchnic vasoconstriction and bacterial translocation after thermal injury Jones WG, Minei JP, Barber AE, Fahey TJ, Shires GT III, Shires GT Am. J. Physiol. 1991 261 H1190-1196 In vivo myocyte sodium activity and concentration during hemorrhagic shock Chiao JJC, Minei JP, Shires GT III, Shires GT Am J Physiol 1990 258 R684-R689 23-Hour observation solely for identification of missed injuries following trauma: Is it justified? Stephan PJ, McCarley MC, O'Keefe GE, Minei JP Journal of Trauma 2002 53 895-900 The importance of fracture pattern in guiding therapeutic decision-making in patients with hemorrhagic shock and pelvic ring disruptions Eastridge BJ, Starr AJ, Minei JP Journal of Trauma 2002 53 446-451 The potential of hemoglobin based oxygen carriers in trauma patients Arnoldo BD, Minei JP Current Opinion Critical Care 2001 7 431-436 Results 1-6 of 6 1 Honors & Awards Distinguished Physician Award, Parkland Memorial Hospital (2002) Professional Associations/Affiliations American Association for the Surgery of Trauma American College of Surgeons, Fellow Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma Society of University Surgeons Surgical Infection Society