Shin Yamazaki, Ph.D. Titles and Appointments Professor School Medical School Department Neuroscience Graduate Programs Neuroscience Biography Download Curriculum Vitae 1992-1993 Postdoctoral Fellow (Neuroscience): Mitsubishi Kasei Institute of Life Sciences, Tokyo, Japan. (Mentor: Shin-Ichi T Inouye, Ph.D.) 1993-1994 Postdoctoral Fellow (Neuroscience): Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Neuroscience, Tokyo, Japan. (Mentor: Yoichiro Kuroda, Ph.D.) 1994-1996 Research Associate (Chronobiology): Department of Biology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. (Mentors: Michael Menaker, Ph.D. and Gene D Block, Ph.D.) 1996-2002 Research Scientist: Department of Biology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville,VA. 2000-2002 Center Investigator: NSF Center for Biological Timing 2002-2006 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN. 2006-2013 Member of the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center for Research on Human Development 2006-2013 Research Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN. Research Interest Circadian Physiology Feeding and Light Entrainment of the Circadian System Live Cell/Tissue Real-Time Imaging Mouse Models for Human Disorders Caused by Disruption/Disorganization/Misalignment of the Circadian System Neural Circuit Controlling Feeding and Locomotor Activity Rhythms Pacemaker Coupling Publications Featured Publications A time memory engram embedded in a light-entrainable circadian clock. Ehichioya DE, Taufique SKT, Farah S, Yamazaki S, Curr Biol 2023 Nov Long days restore regular estrous cyclicity in mice lacking circadian rhythms. Nakamura TJ, Takasu NN, Sakazume S, Matsumoto Y, Kawano N, Pendergast JS, Yamazaki S, Nakamura W, Heliyon 2023 Jun 9 6 e16970 Genetics and functional significance of the understudied methamphetamine sensitive circadian oscillator (MASCO). Taufique SKT, Ehichioya DE, Pendergast JS, Yamazaki S, F1000Res 2022 11 1018 Period determination in the food-entrainable and methamphetamine-sensitive circadian oscillator(s). Pendergast JS, Oda GA, Niswender KD, Yamazaki S Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2012 Aug 109 35 14218-23 Circadian-independent cell mitosis in immortalized fibroblasts. Yeom M, Pendergast JS, Ohmiya Y, Yamazaki S Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2010 May 107 21 9665-70 Entrainment of the circadian clock in the liver by feeding. Stokkan KA, Yamazaki S, Tei H, Sakaki Y, Menaker M Science 2001 Jan 291 5503 490-3 Resetting central and peripheral circadian oscillators in transgenic rats. Yamazaki S, Numano R, Abe M, Hida A, Takahashi R, Ueda M, Block GD, Sakaki Y, Menaker M, Tei H Science 2000 Apr 288 5466 682-5 Rhythmic properties of the hamster suprachiasmatic nucleus in vivo. Yamazaki S, Kerbeshian MC, Hocker CG, Block GD, Menaker M J. Neurosci. 1998 Dec 18 24 10709-23 Multiple oscillators underlie circadian food anticipation in mice. Ehichioya DE, Masud I, Taufique SKT, Shen M, Farah S, Yamazaki S, Neurobiol Sleep Circadian Rhythms 2025 May 18 100116 Poxvirus A51R Proteins Negatively Regulate Microtubule-Dependent Transport by Kinesin-1. Seo D, Yue Y, Yamazaki S, Verhey KJ, Gammon DB, Int J Mol Sci 2024 Jul 25 14 Results 1-10 of 81 1 2 3 4 5 Next Last Books Featured Books Extra-SCN Circadian Pacemakers.. In Biological Clocks with reference to suprachiasmatic nucleus Proceedings of the Sapporo Symposium on Biological Rhythm November 9-10, 2016. (Honma K and Honma S eds) Pendergast JS, Yamazaki S (2017). Sapporo, Japan, Hokkaido University Press