Michael Sebert, M.D. Titles and Appointments Associate Professor School Medical School Department Pediatrics You have reached the Academic Profile. For more information on the doctor and patient care, please visit the clinical profile. Biography Michael Sebert, M.D., is a graduate of Duke University and the Stanford University School of Medicine. He completed his internship and residency in pediatrics as well as his fellowship in pediatric infectious diseases at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. He presently serves as the Medical Director for Infection Prevention and Control at Children's Health Dallas. Dr. Sebert's clinical interests include infection prevention and healthcare-associated infections. He focuses his research on microbial evolution, pathogen transmission and hospital epidemiology. Education Medical School Stanford University School of Medicine (1995) Residency Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (1998), Pediatrics Fellowship Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (2002), Pediatric Infectious Diseases Research Interest Bacterial pathogenesis Genomic epidemiology Hospital epidemiology Microbial evolution Pathogen transmission Streptococcus pneumoniae Publications Featured Publications Low Utility of the Pediatric Isolator Blood Culture System for the Detection of Fungemia in Children: A Ten Year Review. Campigotto A, Richardson SE, Sebert M, McElvania TeKippe E, Chakravarty A, Doern CD J. Clin. Microbiol. 2016 Jun Competence in Streptococcus pneumoniae is a response to an increasing mutational burden. Gagne AL, Stevens KE, Cassone M, Pujari A, Abiola OE, Chang DJ, Sebert ME PLoS ONE 2013 8 8 e72613 The HtrA protease from Streptococcus pneumoniae digests both denatured proteins and the competence-stimulating peptide. Cassone M, Gagne AL, Spruce LA, Seeholzer SH, Sebert ME J. Biol. Chem. 2012 Nov 287 46 38449-59 Frequent beneficial mutations during single-colony serial transfer of Streptococcus pneumoniae. Stevens KE, Sebert ME PLoS Genet. 2011 Aug 7 8 e1002232 Competence in Streptococcus pneumoniae is regulated by the rate of ribosomal decoding errors. Stevens KE, Chang D, Zwack EE, Sebert ME MBio 2011 2 5 Bacteriocin activity of Streptococcus pneumoniae is controlled by the serine protease HtrA via posttranscriptional regulation. Dawid S, Sebert ME, Weiser JN J. Bacteriol. 2009 Mar 191 5 1509-18 Severe influenza B myocarditis and myositis. Tabbutt S, Leonard M, Godinez RI, Sebert M, Cullen J, Spray TL, Friedman D Pediatr Crit Care Med 2004 Jul 5 4 403-6 An outbreak of Serratia marcescens bacteremia after general anesthesia. Sebert ME, Manning ML, McGowan KL, Alpern ER, Bell LM Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2002 Dec 23 12 733-9 Results 1-8 of 8 1 Books Featured Books Gastroenteritis. In Bergelson JM, Shah SS, Zaoutis TE, eds. Pediatric Infectious Diseases: The Requisites in Pediatrics. Sebert M. (2008). Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier; 157-168. Honors & Awards DFW Hospital Council Physician of the Year NomineeChildren's Medical Center (2015) Dean's Award for Research, Stanford University School of Medicine (1995) Professional Associations/Affiliations American Academy of Pediatrics (2005) American Society for Microbiology (2000-2014) Infectious Disease Society of America (2003) Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (2014) Society for Pediatric Research (2009)