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Michael Landay, M.D.

Michael Landay, M.D.

Titles and Appointments

Faculty Associate

Medical School

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  • Biography

    I was born in December 1942 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the son of Dr. Louis H. Landay and Sylvia and the twin of my brother, recently retired pediatrician, Stephen. I was tremendously fortunate to be a member of that family and to develop friendships with a group of marvelous people. I went to Wightman School, where I was a member of Sikov's Slammers and was taught by a series of superb teachers including Mrs. Deloris Davis. At Taylor Allderdice High School, another cadre  of great mentors, of which Dr. Daniel Spillane was the most memorable, prepared me for the future. I furthered my education at Dartmouth College, where I was in the glee club and did reasonably well for my level of talent, except for singing during a rest during a performance in Baltimore. I returned to the University of Pittsburgh for medical school (the Pitt football team had been superb in 1963, losing only to Roger Staubach's Navy team). After medical school, I came to Parkland Memorial Hospital for a year of medical internship. That year, I met my future wife, Melanie, a respiratory therapist at Parkland. I returned to Pittsburgh for a year of medical residency at Montefiore Hospital. Then I was drafted. The Vietnam war was a tragic waste for our country and should serve as a lesson concerning the efficacy of going into combat over problems which do not have a major impact on our national interest. For me personally, however, going to Vietnam was a life changing (for the better) experience. I met some wonderful people, one of whom was Dr. Harvey Goldstein, at that time an outstanding radiologist at the 95th Evacuation Hospital in Danang. I returned to the states for a year at Fort Devins, and while there applied for radiology residency at the University of Michigan. Following 3 very interesting years in Ann Arbor, through a series of unexpected events, I returned to Dallas as an assistant instructor of Radiology at Parkland and the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. At the time, I was unaware that one of my fellow residents, Dr. Herb  Smith, would be coming to Big D at the same time. What good luck to have returned to this institution! I  My skills were honed by the likes of Dr. Robert Parkey, Dr. Ed Christensen, and Dr. Jack Reynolds. I have worked with too many fantastic people to mention them all. And 15 years after I met her, I married Melanie, the love of my life. (Most everything I do - reading studies, driving, running {shuffling is a better description}, courting - I do slowly.) I continue to find radiology a challenging, interesting, fulfilling career.

  • Education
    Medical School
    University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine (1968)
    Parkland Health & Hospital System (1969), Internal Medicine
    Montefiore Medical Center Medical Staff Services (1970), Internal Medicine
    University of Michigan Hospitals and Health Centers (1975), Diagnostic Radiology
    UT Southwestern Medical Center (1976), Ultrasound
  • Research Interest
    • Chest radiology and computed tomography
  • Publications

    Star Featured Publications

    Pericardial rupture after blunt chest trauma.
    Farhataziz N, Landay MJ J Thorac Imaging 2005 Feb 20 1 50-2
    Making the transition: the role of helical CT in the evaluation of potentially acute thoracic aortic injuries.
    Parker MS, Matheson TL, Rao AV, Sherbourne CD, Jordan KG, Landay MJ, Miller GL, Summa JA AJR Am J Roentgenol 2001 May 176 5 1267-72
    Aspiration of gastric contents.
    Landay MJ AJR Am J Roentgenol 1999 Jul 173 1 244
    Anterior clear space: how clear? How often? How come?
    Landay MJ Radiology 1994 Jul 192 1 165-9
    Chronic traumatic pseudoaneurysm of the thoracic aorta: a report of two cases following gunshot injury.
    Ratcliff RD, Landay MJ J Thorac Imaging 1994 9 2 92-7
    Cardiac valve reconstruction and replacement: a brief review.
    Landay MJ, Estrera AS, Bordlee RP Radiographics 1992 Jul 12 4 659-71
    "Hyperdense" aortic wall: potential pitfall in CT screening for aortic dissection.
    Landay MJ, Virolainen H J Comput Assist Tomogr 1991 Jul-Aug 15 4 561-4
    Apparatus seen on chest radiographs after cardiac surgery in adults.
    Landay MJ, Mootz AR, Estrera AS Radiology 1990 Feb 174 2 477-82
    Mediastinal histoplasmosis granuloma: evaluation with CT.
    Landay MJ, Rollins NK Radiology 1989 Sep 172 3 657-9
    Mediastinal carinal bronchogenic cyst: is its mere presence an indication for surgical excision?
    Estrera AS, Landay MJ, Pass LJ South. Med. J. 1987 Dec 80 12 1523-6
  • Books


  • Honors & Awards
    • Jack Reynolds, MD Chair in Radiology
  • Professional Associations/Affiliations
    • Society of Thoracic Radiology