Mustafa Husain, M.D. Titles and Appointments Professor School Medical School Department Psychiatry | Neurology Graduate Programs Biomedical Engineering, Clinical Psychology Biography Dr. Husain is a Professor of Psychiatry and Neurology at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas. He is a graduate of Dow Medical College Karachi, Pakistan. He received his initial training in the United States at Stanford University, California. He completed his residency at USC and continued with research and geriatric fellowships at Duke University Medical Center in North Carolina. Dr. Husain has published numerous peer-reviewed articles in national and international scientific journals and authored several book chapters and serves as a peer reviewer for major professional journals. Education Medical School Dow Medical College - Pakistan (1981) Research Interest Deep Brain Stimulation Electroconvulsive Therapy Magnetic Seizure Therapy Mood Disorders Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Publications Featured Publications Continuation electroconvulsive therapy versus pharmacotherapy for relapse prevention in major depression: A multisite study from the Consortium for Research in Electroconvulsive Therapy (CORE) Kellner CH, Knapp RG, Petrides G, Rummans TA, Husain MM, Rasmussen K, Mueller M, Bernstein HJ, O’Connor K, Smith G, Biggs M, Bailine SH, Malur C, Yim E, McClintock SM, Sampson S, Fink M Archives of General Psychiatry 2006 63 1337-1344 Relief of expressed suicidal intent by ECT: A Consortium for Research in ECT (CORE) study Kellner CH, Fink M, Knapp R, Petrides G, Husain MM, Rummans T, Mueller M, Bernstein HJ, Rasmussen K, O’Connor K, Smith G, Rush AJ, Biggs M, McClintock S, Bailine S, Malur C American Journal of Psychiatry 2005 162 977-982 Speed of response and remission in major depressive disorder with acute electroconvulsive therapy (ECT): A Consortium for Research in ECT (CORE) report Husain MM, Rush AJ, Fink M, Knapp R, Petrides G, Rummans TA, Biggs M, O’Connor K, Rasmussen K, Litle M, Zhao W, McClintock SM, Bernstein HJ, Smith G, Kellner CH Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2004 65 485-491 The Influence of Age on the Response of Major Depression to Electroconvulsive Therapy: A CORE Report O'Connor MK, Knapp R, Husain MM, Rummans TA, Petrides G, Smith G, Mueller M, Snyder K, Bernstein H, Rush AJ, Fink M, Kellner C The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry Fall 2001 9 4 Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) for Treatment Resistant Depression: A Multicenter Study Rush AJ, George MS, Sackeim HA, Marangell LB, Husain MM, Giller C, Nahas Z, Haines S, Simpson RK, Goodman R Biological Psychiatry 2000 47 276-286 Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) for moderate-severity major depression among the elderly: Data from the pride study. Østergaard SD, Speed MS, Kellner CH, Mueller M, McClintock SM, Husain MM, Petrides G, McCall WV, Lisanby SH, J Affect Disord 2020 Sep 274 1134-1141 The efficacy of acute ECT in atypical depression Husain MM, McClintock SM, Rush AJ, Knapp RG, Fink M, Rummans TA, Rasmussen K, Claassen C, Petrides G, Biggs MM, Mueller M, Sampson S, Bailine SH, Lisanby SH, Kellner CH Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2008 69(3) 406-411 Pain in depression: STAR*D findings Husain MM, Rush AJ, Trivedi MH, McClintock SM, Wisniewski SR, Davis L, Luther JF, Zisook S, Fava M Journal of Psychosomatic Research 2007 63 113-122 DSM melancholic features are unreliable predictors of ECT response: A CORE publication Fink M, Rush AJ, Kanpp R, Rasmussen K, Mueller M, Rummans TA, O’Connor K, Husain M, Biggs M, Bailine S, Kellner CH Journal of ECT 2007 23(3) 139-146 Anesthetic considerations for magnetic seizure therapy White PF, Amos Q, Zhang Y, Stool L, Husain MM, Thornton L, Downing M, McClintock S, Lisanby SH Anesthesia and Analgesia 2006 103 76-80 Results 1-10 of 10 1 Honors & Awards American Board of Psychiatry & NeurologyMember Geriatric Psychiatric Examination Committee, Part IV Examination Committee (0) Editorial BoardJournal of Gerontology, Medical Sciences, The Journal of ECT (0) National Institute of HealthConte Center Grant Reviewer (0) National Institute of Mental HealthSpecial Emphasis Panel Grant Reviewer (0) NCDEUYoung Investigators Award (0) Professional Associations/Affiliations American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry American Psychiatric Association Association of Convulsive Therapy International College of Geriatric Psychoneuropharmacology International Psychogeriatric Association