Ruth Gordillo, Ph.D. Titles and Appointments Associate Professor School Medical School Department Internal Medicine Biography Ruth Gordillo, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the Department of Internal Medicine and the Director of the UT Southwestern Metabolic Phenotyping Core. She is a member of the faculty in the Touchstone Diabetes Center. Originally from Badajoz, Spain, Dr. Gordillo holds a bachelor's degree and master's degree in chemistry, as well as her doctorate in science and chemistry, from the Universidad de Extremadura in Spain. She completed postdoctoral fellowships in organic chemistry at Universidad de Extremadura and physical organic chemistry and computational chemistry at the University of California Los Angeles. Dr. Gordillo joined the UT Southwestern faculty in 2011. She specializes in the development of LC/MS/MS technologies for the determination and quantification of metabolites and spatial lipidomics and metabolomics using mass spectrometry imaging. Education Undergraduate Universidad De Extremadura (1997), Chemistry Graduate School Universidad De Extremadura (1998), Chemistry Graduate School Universidad De Extremadura (2002), Science Research Interest Lipidomics Mass Spectrometry Metabolomics Pharmacodynamics Pharmacokinetics Publications Featured Publications An Endothelial-to-Adipocyte Extracellular Vesicle Axis Governed by Metabolic State. Crewe C, Joffin N, Rutkowski JM, Kim M, Zhang F, Towler DA, Gordillo R, Scherer PE Cell 2018 Oct 175 3 695-708.e13 Specific Hepatic Sphingolipids Relate to Insulin Resistance, Oxidative Stress, and Inflammation in Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis. Apostolopoulou M, Gordillo R, Koliaki C, Gancheva S, Jelenik T, De Filippo E, Herder C, Markgraf D, Jankowiak F, Esposito I, Schlensak M, Scherer PE, Roden M Diabetes Care 2018 Mar Adipocyte Xbp1s overexpression drives uridine production and reduces obesity. Deng Y, Wang ZV, Gordillo R, Zhu Y, Ali A, Zhang C, Wang X, Shao M, Zhang Z, Iyengar P, Gupta RK, Horton JD, Hill JA, Scherer PE Mol Metab 2018 Mar Acute loss of adipose tissue-derived adiponectin triggers immediate metabolic deterioration in mice. Xia JY, Sun K, Hepler C, Ghaben AL, Gupta RK, An YA, Holland WL, Morley TS, Adams AC, Gordillo R, Kusminski CM, Scherer PE Diabetologia 2017 Dec An adipo-biliary-uridine axis that regulates energy homeostasis. Deng Y, Wang ZV, Gordillo R, An Y, Zhang C, Liang Q, Yoshino J, Cautivo KM, De Brabander J, Elmquist JK, Horton JD, Hill JA, Klein S, Scherer PE Science 2017 Mar 355 6330 Plasma ceramides are elevated in female children and adolescents with type 2 diabetes. Lopez X, Goldfine AB, Holland WL, Gordillo R, Scherer PE J. Pediatr. Endocrinol. Metab. 2013 Apr 1-4 Results 1-6 of 6 1 Honors & Awards Outstanding Thesis AwardUniversity of Extremadura (Spain) (2002) Postdoctoral FellowshipUniversity of Extremadura (Spain) (2002) Postdoctoral FellowshipGovernment of Spain (2002) Predoctoral ScholarshipGovernment of Spain (1998) Visitor Research ScholarshipGovernment of Spain (1998) Professional Associations/Affiliations American Chemical Society (2003) American Society for Mass Spectrometry (2005) Sociedad Española de Espectrometría de Masas (2013)