Christian LoBue, Ph.D. Titles and Appointments Associate Professor School Medical School Department Psychiatry | Neurological Surgery Graduate Programs Clinical Psychology You have reached the Academic Profile. For more information on the doctor and patient care, please visit the clinical profile. Biography Christian LoBue, Ph.D., is a Clinical Neuropsychologist and an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at UT Southwestern Medical Center. He is consulted to evaluate and assist with the management of behaviors associated with a wide variety of neurocognitive syndromes. He specializes in the assessment of cognition in concussion, more severe traumatic brain injury, Alzheimer's disease and related dementias, and cerebrovascular disorders. Dr. LoBue's research focuses on informing what role traumatic brain injuries, including concussions, may play in developing cognitive problems later in life and investigating noninvasive brain stimulation as a potential treatment for the cognitive problems associated with neurodegenerative disorders. He leads the Brain Aging, Injury, and Modulation Lab (BRAIN Lab) where multiple biomarker studies and clinical trials are being carried out through funding from the Alzheimer's Association, Department of Defense, National Institutes of Health, and other organizations. Dr. LoBue earned his Ph.D. in clinical psychology and completed a post-doctoral fellowship in neuropsychology at UT Southwestern Medical Center. He is licensed by the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists. He has authored multiple publications and been an invited speaker about his research. He serves as an editorial board member for Frontiers in Psychiatry, a committee member of the Research and Editing Consulting Program of the International Neuropsychological Society, and a grant reviewer for the Alzheimer's Association and on the research grants panel of the National Academy of Neuropsychology. Education Other Post Graduate Training University of Texas at Tyler (2010) Graduate School University of Texas at Tyler (2010), Clinical Psychology Graduate School UT Southwestern Medical School (2016), Psychology Other Post Graduate Training UT Southwestern Medical School (2016) Residency UT Southwestern Medical Center (2016), Clinical Psychology Fellowship UT Southwestern Medical Center (2018), Clinical Psychology Research Interest Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias Clinical Neuropsychology Noninvasive Brain Stimulation Therapeutics Traumatic Brain Injury Publications Featured Publications Identification of Factors in Moderate-Severe TBI Related to a Functional Decline in Cognition Decades After Injury. LoBue C, Schaffert J, Dams-O'Connor K, Taiwo Z, Sander A, Venkatesan UM, O'Neil-Pirozzi TM, Hammond FM, Wilmoth K, Ding K, Bell K, Cullum CM, Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2023 May History of traumatic brain injury does not alter course of neurocognitive decline in older adults with and without cognitive impairment. Schaffert J, Chiang HS, Fatima H, LoBue C, Hart J, Cullum CM, Neuropsychology 2023 Apr Neurocognitive outcomes of older National Football League retirees. Schaffert J, Didehbani N, LoBue C, Hart J, Motes M, Rossetti H, Wilmoth K, Goette W, Lacritz L, Cullum CM, Brain Inj 2022 Dec 36 12-14 1364-1371 No association between age beginning tackle football, or years played and neurocognitive performance later-in-life among older National Football League retirees. Schaffert J, Didehbani N, LoBue C, Hart J, Wilmoth K, Cullum CM, Arch Clin Neuropsychol 2022 Dec Using RBANS to characterize cognitive treatment response in autoimmune encephalopathy. Kelley BJ, Bratt R, Lobue C, Clin Neurol Neurosurg 2022 Nov 222 107438 Southwestern Assessment of Processing Speed (SWAPS): A new brief test with demographically-corrected norms in an ethnically and educationally diverse population. Cullum CM, Galusha JM, Wadsworth HE, Wilmoth K, Hynan LS, Lacritz LH, LoBue C, Argueta-Ortiz F, Clin Neuropsychol 2022 Nov 36 8 2260-2277 Early vs. delayed evaluation and persisting concussion symptoms during recovery in adults. Bunt SC, LoBue C, Hynan LS, Didehbani N, Stokes M, Miller SM, Bell K, Cullum CM, Clin Neuropsychol 2022 Sep 1-18 Sex differences in reporting of concussion symptoms in adults. Bunt SC, Didehbani N, LoBue C, Stokes M, Heinzelmann M, Rossetti H, Miller SM, Nakonezny PA, Bell K, Batjer H, Cullum CM, Clin Neuropsychol 2022 Aug 36 6 1290-1303 Effect of traumatic brain injury on mild behavioral impairment domains prior to all-cause dementia diagnosis and throughout disease progression. Bray MJC, Bryant BR, Esagoff AI, Richey LN, Rodriguez C, Krieg A, McCullough G, Tsai J, Tobolowsky W, Jahed S, Cullum CM, LoBue C, Ismail Z, Yan H, Lyketsos CG, Peters ME, Alzheimers Dement (N Y) 2022 8 1 e12364 Examination of the Proposed Criteria for Traumatic Encephalopathy Syndrome: Case Report of a Former Professional Football Player. LoBue C, Cullum CM, Hart J, J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 2022 34 3 268-274 Results 1-10 of 31 1 2 3 4 Next Last Books Featured Books Dementia. In Neuropsychological Conditions Across the Lifespan Lacritz, L., Rossetti, H., LoBue, C. (2018). New York, NY, Cambridge University Press Neurodegenerative dementias after traumatic brain injury. In Textbook of Traumatic Brain Injury LoBue, C., Cullum, C.M., Didhebani, N., Yeatman, K., Jones, B., Kraut, M.A., Hart, J. (2019). Arlington, VA, American Psychiatric Pub Inc Honors & Awards NIA K23 Career Development Award (2022) Alzheimer's Association Outstanding Research Partner Award Alzheimer's Association Participation in Research Travel Award National Academy of Neuropsychology Early Career Award National Institute of Mental Health Advanced Research Institute in Geriatric Mental Health Fellow New York University tDCS Fellow Texas Psychological Association President's Award UT Southwestern Leadership Emerging in Academic Departments Fellow UT Southwestern Scientific Leadership and Management Fellow Professional Associations/Affiliations American Psychological Association International Society of Neuropsychology International Society to Advance Alzheimers Research and Treatment National Academy of Neuropsychology Society for Clinical Neuropsychology Sports Neuropsychology Society Texas Psychological Association The Alzheimers Association