Preston Wiles, M.D. Professor Endowed Title Drs. Anne and George Race Professorship of Student Psychiatry School Medical School Department Psychiatry You have reached the Academic Profile. For more information on the doctor and patient care, please visit the clinical profile. Biography Preston Wiles is the Drs. Anne and George Race Professor of Student Psychiatry at UT Southwestern Medical Center and Director of the Student Wellness and Counseling program at UT Southwestern. He completed his residency in Psychiatry at Harvard and Yale medical schools. After residency, he served as chief resident in the Department of Psychiatry at Yale. Dr. Wiles went on to train in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the internationally renowned Yale Child Study Center, where he also served as chief resident. Dr. Wiles served on the clinical faculty at Yale Medical School, teaching medical students, residents, and fellows in the areas of child development, psychopharmacology, and children and the law. He was a guest lecturer at Yale Law School and was elected Fellow at Branford College at Yale, where he served as a freshman advisor at Yale College. Dr. Wiles is board certified in Psychiatry and in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Dr. Wiles is a recognized expert in the treatment of young people with neuropsychiatric disorders, including autism spectrum disorders, ADHD, and learning disability. Dr. Wiles has extensive experience as an expert in forensic settings where children are concerned, including custody confict, juvenile justice, and trauma. In 2002, Dr. Wiles was a keynote speaker at the World Autism Conference in Melbourne, Australia, addressing medication treatment for autism spectrum disorders. Dr. Wiles has been a prominent public voice for children, writing a New York TImes Op Ed piece on the plight of Elian Gonzalez, and appearing as a psychiatric consultant for numerous radio and television programs including CNN, CBS, and ABC. Education Undergraduate University of the South (1978), Chemistry Medical School UT Southwestern Medical Center (1983), Medicine Publications Featured Publications Wellness and medical school: Aspiration-or pipe dream? Wiles, P Psychiatric Times 2015 32 8 Results 1-1 of 1 1 Honors & Awards Top Doctors in United States 2001-2012VOTED BY PEERS (2012) Top Doctors in Connecticut 2001-2011VOTED BY PEERS (2011) Keynote SpeakerWorld Autism Conference, Melbourne Australia (2002)